GDPLOT draws contour lines through a gridded scalar field, and
	draws barbs or arrows for vector grids.  It can present
	any number of time periods.  It can also produce any
	number of contours or vectors on each frame.

    GDFILE    *Grid file
    GDATTIM   *Grid date/time
    GLEVEL    *!Grid level
    GVCORD    *!Grid vertical coordinate
    PANEL     *!Panel location/color/dash/width
    SKIP      *!Skip factor
    SCALE     *!Scaling factor
    GFUNC     *!Grid function
    CTYPE     *!Contour type:  C/F
    CONTUR    *!Contour attributes
    CINT      *!Contour interval/min/max
    LINE      *!Line color/type/width/label
    FINT      *!Fill interval/min/max
    FLINE     *!Fill colors
    HILO      *!Color/sym/rng/rad/cnt/int?
    HLSYM     *!HILO txt size/posn/font/wdth/hw
    CLRBAR    *!Bar clr/ornt/anch/x;y/ln;wd/freq
    GVECT     *!Grid vector function
    WIND      *!Wind symbol/siz/wdth/typ/hdsz
    REFVEC    *!Size;y-loc;x-loc
    TITLE     *!Title color/line/title
    TEXT      *Text size/font/width/hw flag
    CLEAR     *Clear screen flag
    GAREA     *Graphics area
    PROJ      *Map projection/angles/margins
    MAP       *Map color/dash/width
    LATLON    *Line color/dash/width/label/inc
    DEVICE    *Graphics device

    GDPLOT draws contour lines through a scalar grid computed
    using the GEMPAK grid diagnostic functions.  Then it draws
    a vector grid using wind barbs or arrows.  It can present
    any number of time periods.  It can also produce any
    number of contours or vectors on each frame.

    Contours may be displayed as lines or as a color fill.
    If CTYPE is L (or C), contour lines are drawn using input
    from CINT and LINE.  If CTYPE is F, filled contours are
    drawn using specifications from FINT and FLINE. Both contour
    lines and filled contours are drawn if CTYPE is either
    F/L or F/C.

    The attributes of the contour lines, including the color,
    line type, line width, and label frequency are specified
    in LINE.  The four attributes must be separated with slashes;
    semicolons separate the values for each attribute.  If the
    line type is set to a single negative number, negative
    contour values will have the absolute value of the line type
    and positive values will be solid.  If the label type is set
    to a single number, n, then every nth value will be labelled.

    The attributes of the color fill are specified in FLINE.
    FINT specifies the interval or levels for the color fill.
    The first color specified in FLINE fills values less than the
    first level; while the last color fills values greater than
    the last level.  Hence, n levels require n+1 colors.

    A range of colors may be specified in either FLINE or LINE by
    specifying starting, ending and increment values in that order
    separated by dashes.  If the increment is missing, a default
    of 1 is used.

    The variables CINT and FINT specify contour interval,
    minimum value, and maximum value separated with slashes. A
    scaling factor may be entered in SCALE. The data in the grid file
    will be multiplied by 10 ** SCALE. If no contour interval is
    entered, a default value which will generate 5 to 10 contour
    lines will be selected. The scaling will be done before the
    contour interval is computed.

    If M is entered in the wind symbol specification of WIND, winds
    will be displayed in m/s, unless the KNOTV operator has been
    specified in GVECT, in which case the winds will be displayed
    in knots.  If K is entered in WIND, the wind is displayed in

    For contours, SKIP specifies the number of grid points to skip
    in generating contours.  For example, if SKIP = 1, every other
    point is used to generate the contours.

    For vectors, SKIP specifies the number of points to skip in both
    coordinate directions.  For example, SKIP = /1 will display winds
    at every other grid point.  SKIP = /0 displays winds at every grid

    The HILO and HLSYM parameters control marking and labeling the
    values of relative maxima and minima.

    CLRBAR specifies a color bar to describe color fill contours.

    A map, lat/lon grid, and title may also be included.

    GDATTIM may be specified with a single time or a series of times in the
    following forms:

    GFUNC may contain exclamation points to delimit any number of sets of
    contour specifications.  GVECT may contain exclamation points to delimit
    any number of sets of vector plot specifications.

    exclamation points to delimit specifications for the plots specified in
    GFUNC and GVECT.  If any parameter contains more specifications than the
    number of plots specified in GFUNC or GVECT, they will be ignored.
    Positions between exclamation points may be left blank.  A trailing
    exclamation point will be treated as a blank.  If there is no trailing
    exclamation point, the last specification will be repeated for subsequent

      	The simple examples from GDWIND & GDCNTR can be executed by GDPLOT
	without modification.  The following examples demonstrate the more
	advanced features of GDPLOT.

    1.  All of the plots specified in GDCNTR and GDWIND can be combined.
        The spaces are added between exclamation points for readability.

	GDATTIM  =  910819/00f00;910819/00f24
	GLEVEL   =  850
	GVCORD   =  pres
	GFUNC    =  temp    !dwpt                  !div(obs)!
	GVECT    =  wnd     !grad ( tmpc )         !        !kntv (wnd)
	GDFILE   =  GEMDATA:hrcbob.grd
	PROJ     =  mer
	GAREA    =  co
	LINE     =  1/-3/1/2!2/-3/1/4              !2/1/7/1
	CINT     =  4       !5                     !0
	SCALE    =          !                      !5       !/999
	MAP      =  1/10
	LATLON   =  1/10/1/1/5;5
	TITLE    =  0
	DEVICE   =  xw
	PANEL    =  ul      !ul                    !ur      !ul
	CLEAR    =  yes
	TEXT     =
	CTYPE    =  C       !C                     !F/L
	FINT     =
	FLINE	 =          !                      !3;7
	WIND     =  bm1     !an7                   !        !bk1
	SKIP     =  /0      !/1
	HILO     =  1!4!2;27
	HLSYM    =  1
	CLRBAR   =          !                      !1       !

    2.  All of the plots from GDCNTR and GDWIND can be combined onto
        separate panels, and may be displayed for all of the intervening
        time periods.

	GDATTIM  =  910819/00f00-910819/00f24
	GLEVEL   =  850
	GVCORD   =  pres
	GFUNC    =  temp  !dwpt   !div(obs)!
	GVECT    =        !       !        !wnd!grad (tmpc)!kntv (wnd)
	GDFILE   =  GEMDATA:hrcbob.grd
	PROJ     =  mer
	GAREA    =  co
	LINE     =  1/-3/1/2!2/-3/1/4!2/1/7/1
	CINT     =  4     !5      !0
	SCALE    =        !       !5       !/999!/5        !/999
	MAP      =  1/10
	LATLON   =  1/10/1/1/5;5
	TITLE    =  1//Temp!4//Dwpt!2//Div  !1//Wnd!4//Grad!8//KntV
	DEVICE   =  xw
	PANEL    =  ul    !ul     !ur      !b
	CLEAR    =  yes
	TEXT     =
	CTYPE    =  C     !C      !F/L
	FINT     =
	FLINE	 =        !       !3;7
	WIND     =        !       !        !bm1!an4        !bk8
	SKIP     =        !       !        !0  !1
	HILO     =  1!4!2;27
	HLSYM    =  1
	CLRBAR   =        !       !1       !

    [GDPLOT  +1]    WARNING.  There are no contour levels.
    [GDPLOT  -1]    Fatal error initializing TAE.
    [GDPLOT  -2]    Fatal error reading TAE parameters.
    [GDPLOT  -3]    Fatal error initializing GEMPLT.
    [GDPLOT  -4]    Grid requested is not available.
    [GDPLOT  -5]    Error setting grid navigation for file ....
    [GDPLOT  -6]    There are no grids in grid file.