GDSTREAM draws streamlines through a vector grid.

    GDATTIM   *Grid date/time
    GLEVEL    *Grid level
    GVCORD    *Grid vertical coordinate
    GVECT     *Grid vector function
    GDFILE    *Grid file
    GAREA     *Graphics area
    LINE      *Line color/type/width/label
    MAP       *Map color/dash/width
    LATLON    *Line color/dash/width/label/inc
    TITLE     *Title color/line/title
    PANEL     *Panel location/color/dash/width
    TEXT      *Text size/font/width/hw flag
    DEVICE    *Graphics device
    PROJ      *Map projection/angles/margins
    CLEAR     *Clear screen flag
    WIND      *Wind symbol/siz/wdth/typ/hdsz
    GDSTREAM draws streamlines through any vector grid computed
    by the grid diagnostics package. The vector grid is specified
    in GVECT.

    The line color, dash pattern and line width are set in LINE.
    A map, title and latitude/longitude lines may also be included.
    The size of the arrow heads may be controlled by specifying
    the fifth value in WIND.

    1.  Draw streamlines through the gridded wind field at 850
        mb using color 3.  Add a Mercator map in color 1 and
        linetype 2 and a title in color 2.  Center the graphics
        area on Wisconsin.

        GDATTIM  =  last
        GLEVEL   =  850
        GVCORD   =  pres
        GVECT    =  wnd
        GDFILE   =  ngm.grd
        GAREA    =  wi
        LINE     =  3
        MAP      =  1/2
        LATLON   =
        TITLE    =  2
        PANEL    =  0
        TEXT     =
        DEVICE   =  xw
        PROJ     =  mer
        CLEAR    =  yes

    2.  Clear the screen and draw the streamlines of the gradient
        of the temperature.  Make the arrowheads half the default

        GVECT    =  grad(tmpc)
        CLEAR    =  yes
        WIND     =  ////.5

    [GDSTREAM  -1]  Fatal error initializing TAE.
    [GDSTREAM  -2]  Fatal error reading TAE parameters.
    [GDSTREAM  -3]  Fatal error initializing GEMPLT.