SNLIST lists upper air data from a sounding file for specified
vertical levels and stations.

    SNFILE    *Sounding data file
    AREA      *Data area
    DATTIM    *Date/time
    SNPARM    *Sounding parameter list
    STNDEX    *Stability indices
    LEVELS    *Vertical levels
    VCOORD    *Vertical coordinate type
    OUTPUT    *Output device/filename
    MRGDAT    *Merge data file flag/part type
    SNLIST lists parameters derived from an upper air data set for
    the requested stations and times.

    Parameters which can be computed at various levels in the
    data set should be specified in SNPARM.  Parameters which have
    a single value at the station, such as stability indices,
    should be specified in STNDEX.

    Any parameters which can be computed from the data set
    parameters may be listed.  If the vertical levels requested
    are not present in the data set, the data will be interpolated
    between existing levels.  Data will also be interpolated to a
    new vertical coordinate system, if requested.

    Data from an unmerged data set can be listed without
    being merged if MRGDAT is set to NO.  If unmerged data
    are listed, SNPARM, VCOORD and LEVELS will be ignored.

    1.  List at the terminal the parameters in the data set for the
        station IAD at the mandatory levels.  Also list the
        Showalter, lifted and K indices.

        SNFILE  =  gemdata:84dec.snd
        AREA    =  @iad
        DATTIM  =  27/12
        SNPARM  =  dset
        STNDEX  =  show;lift;kinx
        LEVELS  =  man
        VCOORD  =  pres
        OUTPUT  =  t

    2.  List the pressure, mixing ratio, u- and v-wind components
        and the Montgomery stream function on the isentropic
        surfaces from 300 to 400 degrees in 10-degree increments.
        Change the station to SLO.

        AREA    =  @slo
        SNPARM  =  pres;mixr;uwnd;vwnd;psym
        STNDEX  =
        LEVELS  =  300-400-10
        VCOORD  =  thta

    3.  List the unmerged data from IAD.

        AREA    =  @iad
        MRGDAT  =  no

    [SNLIST  -1]    Fatal error initializing TAE.
    [SNLIST  -2]    Fatal error reading TAE parameters.
    [SNLIST  -3]    There are no parameters to be listed.
    [SNLIST  -4]    Level parameter ... cannot be computed.
    [SNLIST  -5]    Parm ... is character; cannot be listed.
    [SNLIST  -6]    Vertical coordinate ... cannot be computed.
    [SNLIST  -7]    Station parameter ... cannot be computed.
    [SNLIST  -8]    Parm ... is character; cannot be listed.
    [SNLIST  -9]    No stations reported at these times.
    [SNLIST -10]    Too many parameters; ... cannot be added.
    [SNLIST -11]    The data set is merged.
    [SNLIST -12]    No inputs for levels.