AATM 100 - The Atmosphere (Spring 2010)

A sample of atmospheric images acquired through the years by Prof. Idone…



A winter sunrise; the deep pink hues are the result of the preferential scattering out of blue light from the Sun's beam due to the much longer atmospheric path length for objects viewed on the horizon.

Rapidly growing cumulus clouds photographed at the Kennedy Space Center in Cocoa, FL in 1991.



A classic double rainbow.  The dark area between the primary and secondary rainbows is known as Alexander’s dark band.

A smokestack that was struck by lightning.  The lightning strike followed the metal rungs to the ground, as is evident by the damage to the smokestack.





A “slow streak” photograph of a triggered lightning flash taken with a 35mm camera, with the film exposed as it was autorewinding.  The separate strokes in the flash are spread out from left to right.



A nighttime triggered (i.e. artificially initiated) lightning flash photographed at the Kennedy Space Center in 1991.
