f7-2_earths_heat_budgetATM 107 The Oceans

  Ch. 7 – The Atmosphere 

   Friday, 9 October 2015


Daily Announcements:

      Exam #1 grades are posted on Blackboard.



Song #1:  “Here Comes the Sun” by George Harrison

Song #2:  “I Can See Clearly Now” by Johnny Nash



Text Source Today:  7.1


·       Basic Radiation Laws                                   Notes Template

·       Planetary Energy Budget                                PDF    DOC

·       Energy Budget of an Ocean Area

·       Annual Cycles of Solar Radiation


Study Guide Material (Stacey’s Guide) :

1)    Qualitatively describe “Stefan-Boltzmann’s Law” and “Wien’s Displacement Law”.

2)    What is the primary source of energy for Earth?

3)    Why is less radiation received in the high latitudes (north and south)?

4)    What is the “solar constant?”  Is it really a “constant?”  Is it the same all over Earth?

5)    Generally describe the “Planetary Energy Budget” (see diagram at top of sheet).

6)    Is the atmosphere heated more by direct incoming solar radiation or by Earth itself?

7)    Generally describe the “Energy Budget of an Ocean Area.”

8)    How is the surplus of energy in the tropics distributed to higher latitudes?

9)    What causes both solar and terrestrial radiation to vary with the seasons?  Explain.