f7-19_earth_surface_winATM 107 The Oceans

  Ch. 7 – The Atmosphere

    Wed., 14 October 2015





Daily Announcements:

1)    Exam #1 grades are posted on Blackboard.

2)     You can visit your TAs Rebecca or Jonathan or me during our posted Office Hours

 to go over your Exam #1 up until the date of Exam #2.  If you did not mark your

answers directly on your exam paper, then you must come see me.


Song #1:  “Windpower” by Thomas Dolby

Song #2:  “A Horse with No Name” by America


Text Source Today:  7.3, 7.4, 7.5


·       CO2 and Greenhouse Effect                         Notes Template

·       Ozone (O3) “Hole”      Sage III on ISS               PDF    DOC

·       Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS)

·       Phytoplankton

·       Atmospheric Motion & Coriolis Effect


Study Guide Material (Stacey’s Guide) :

1)    What is the “greenhouse effect?”  What role does CO2 play?

2)    Name two primary anthropogenic sources of CO2.  Where does it all go?

3)    What causes the “Ozone Hole” to form?  What role do CFCs play?

4)    What is “dimethyl sulfide (DMS)?”  What role does it play?

5)    What are “phytoplankton?”  What role do they play?

6)    Sketch the atmospheric flow pattern on a non-rotating water-covered Earth.

7)    Sketch the atmospheric flow pattern on a rotating water-covered Earth.

8)    Explain the “Coriolis effect.”

9)    Know the three primary circulation cells (see diagram at top of sheet).

10)Where are the “doldrums?”  The “horse latitudes?”  The “ITCZ?”

      The “trade winds?”  The “westerlies?”  The “polar easterlies?”