f11-1_three_types_of_tiATM 107 The Oceans

       Ch. 11 – The Tides

Monday, 16 November 2015


Daily Announcements:

     1)  Exam #3 Review Class is Friday, Nov. 20, 2:45-3:30 PM, LC-18.

     2)  Exam #3 is Monday, Nov. 23.  (Bring #2 pencils, pencil sharpener, eraser.)

     3)  Exam #3:  Ch. 9, 10, & 11 and lecture material (videos too!)

4)  Students with disabilities:  please verify your appointment at the DRC.


Song #1:  “The Tide is High” by Blondie

Song #2:  “That’s Amore” by Dean Martin


Text Source Today:  11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7


·       Diurnal, Semi-Diurnal & Mixed Tides

·       Flood Tide, Ebb Tide & Slack Water                 Notes Template

·       Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation              PDF    DOC

·       Equilibrium Tidal Theory

·       Phases of the Moon:  Spring & Neap Tides

·       Tidal Bore


Study Guide Material (Stacey’s Guide) :

1) Know the difference between diurnal, semi-diurnal and mixed tides?

2) What is a “flood tide?”  What is an “ebb tide?”  What is “slack water?”

3) What two forces keep the Earth-Moon system in balance?

4) What is “Equilibrium Tidal Theory?”

5) What is meant by the “Moon tide” and the “Sun Tide?”

6) Why does the Moon rise about 50 minutes later each day?  (Hint:  lunar tidal day)

7) What is a “tidal wave?”  Is it a deep water wave or a shallow water wave?

8) What are the names of the tides associated with each phase of the moon?

9) Which has more effect on the tides, the sun or the moon?  Explain.

10)What is a “tidal bore?”  Give some examples of where they occur.