Overfishing_China   ATM 107 The Oceans

 Ch. 15 – Environmental Issues


  Wed., 2 December 2015



Daily Announcements:

     1)  Exam #3 grades are posted on Blackboard.

     2)  Final Exam Review Class is Thursday, Dec. 10, at 1:00 PM in LC-18.

     3)  Final Exam is Tue., Dec. 15 at 10:30 AM (Bring #2 pencils, pencil sharpener, eraser.)

     4)  Final Exam:  Ch. 12, 15 & 16, lecture material (videos too!), and the most

      missed questions from Exams #1, #2 & #3.  (Refer to most missed topics list.)

     6)  Students with disabilities:  please verify your appointment at the DRC.

7)  Please complete the on-line MyUAlbany SIRF class evaluation (5964).


Song #1:  “Mercy Mercy Me” by Marvin Gaye

Song #2:  “The Downeaster Alexa” by Billy Joel

                                                                                   “Racing Extinction”

Text Source Today:  15.5-15.9                      Discovery Channel, 9 PM Tonight



·       Oil Spills: 1989, 2010                 Notes Template

·       Wetlands                                         PDF    DOC

·       Biological Invaders

·       Overfishing                         Sustainable Seafood Guide

·       Incidental Bycatch



Study Guide Material (Stacey’s Guide) :

1)    What is the average percentage of oil recovered from a large oil spill?

2)    Where and when was the worst oil spill in history?

3)    Why are “wetlands” disappearing in the U.S.?

4)    Why are “mangroves” beneficial and what is their status worldwide?

5)    What are the sources for “biological invaders?”

6)    What is the significance of “overfishing” and “incidental bycatch?”

7)    What percent of worldwide fish stocks are in trouble?  

8)    What percent of worldwide predatory fish are in trouble?

9)    Is “fish farming” the solution to “overfishing?”  Why or why not?

10)How can each of us “make a difference” in purchasing seafood?