abb76698_01_10 ATM  200   

 Ch 1 - Natural Disasters

 and the Human Population


   Friday, 28 August 2015


Daily Announcements:

     1) There are still seats available for this class.

     2)  Students with disabilities:  please make your appointment for each exam

           at the Disability Resource Center (DRC) and hand in your form to me.

     3) Athletes are to provide proper documentation as soon as possible.

     4) Last day to drop any course (without receiving a “W”) is Wednesday, Sep. 9.

     5) Have your “Disaster Mitigation Essay” written and with you on Wed., Sep. 2.


Song #1:  “Viva la Vida” by Coldplay


Text Source Today:    Chapter 1


·       Great Natural Disasters                                        Notes Template

·       Human Response & Economic Losses                   PDF    DOC

·       Magnitude, Frequency and Return Period

·       World Population Growth

·       Carrying Capacity:  Easter Island (Rapa Nui)


Study Guide Material (Stacey’s Guide) :

1)    What is a “great natural disaster?” 

2)    What is the general trend in the number of great natural disasters since 1950?  Why?

3)    What are the two leading great natural disaster “mega-killers?”

4)    What area of the planet is the hardest hit with great natural disasters and why?

5)    What is meant by the magnitude, frequency and return period of an event?

6)    Why did the world population soar after 1800? 

7)    What is the “Rule of 70?”

8)    What is a “population pyramid?”  Identify rapid, low and negative growth.

9)    What is meant by “carrying capacity?”

10)What implications do childbirth rates have on expected future population?