abb76698_13_16 ATM  200 - Natural Disasters


        Ch 11 – Hurricanes


  Monday, 21 September 2015


   Hurricane Mitch – October 28, 1998


Daily Announcements:

1)    Exam #1 Review Class is this Friday, 3:40-4:50 PM in LC-18.

2)    “Hurricane Strike!” Assignment Due:  Monday, September 28.

3)    Exam #1 is Wednesday, Sep. 30.  (Bring #2 pencils, pencil sharpener, eraser.)

4)    Exam #1:  Ch. 1, 9, 10 & 11, homework and lecture material (videos too!)

5)    Reminder:  there are no make-up exams; do not miss this exam!

6)    Students with disabilities:  please make your appointment for all exams

           at the Disability Resource Center (and hand in your form to me).

     7)  No class on Wednesday, Sep. 23, Yom Kippur.


Song #1:  “Tropical Depression” by Alan Jackson

Song #2:  “Rock You Like A Hurricane” by Scorpions


Text Source Today:   Chapter 11


·       Hurricane Climatology  (Part 2)                Notes Template

·       Hurricane Formation                                 PDF    DOC

·       Saffir-Simpson Scale

·       Hurricane Storm Surge and Other Hazards

·       Hurricane Dissipation


Study Guide Material (Stacey’s Guide) :

1)    Know the four basic conditions that are favorable for hurricane development.

2)    What is the peak date for hurricane activity in the Atlantic basin?

3)    Understand the process through which a hurricane forms.

4)    What three factors go into the Saffir-Simpson Scale?

5)    What categories on the Saffir-Simpson scale designate a major hurricane?

6)    What is the most destructive aspect of a hurricane and where does it occur?

7)    What is responsible for the most U.S. hurricane deaths?

8)    Why have U.S. hurricane deaths decreased significantly in the past 100+ years?

9)    What conditions are lethal to hurricanes?