abb76698_16_11  ATM  200 - Natural Disasters


  Ch M17 – The Great Dyings

                  (Mass Extinctions)             

   Monday, 9 November 2015


Daily Announcements:

1)    Exam #3 is Monday, Nov. 23.

2)    Today is the last day to drop any course with a “W”.

3)    Complete the Geologic Timeline by Friday, Nov. 20.


Song #1:  “Keep Yourself Alive” by Queen

Song #2:  “It’s the End of the World As We Know It” by R.E.M.


Text Source Today:  Ch 12 (p. 313-314), Ch M17 (p. 2-9)


  Archaea          Stromatolites      Snowball Earth (Cryogenian Periods)

  Eukaryotes     Cambrian Explosion      Carboniferous Period

  Dinosaurs      Torrid Age         Ice Ages         Last Extinction


Study Guide Material (Stacey’s Guide) :

1)    What is the difference between reducing and oxidizing atmospheres?

2)    What are fossils and why are there none older than ~543 million years ago?

3)    What percentage of all plant and animal species that have ever lived are extinct?

4)    What is the definition of “species” and “mass extinction”?

5)    What are the archaea and when did they live?

6)    What are stromatolites and what life form made them?

7)    When did our distant ancestor (eukaryotes) arrive on the scene?

8)    What did the arrival of sexual reproduction have on evolution ~1 billion years ago?

9)    What caused the “Cryogenian Period” 750 to 620 million years ago?

10)When was the “Cambrian Explosion” and what happened prior?

11) What allowed the fishes to leave and oceans, to become land dwellers?

12) What was significant about the “Carboniferous Period”?

13) What role did the “Siberian Traps” and “Deccan Traps” flood basalts play?

14) How long did the dinosaurs rule the planet?

15) What life took over from the extinct dinosaurs?  What was the “Torrid Age?”

16) Has Earth been warming or cooling over the past 55 million years?

17) What likely began the more recent series of “Ice Ages”?