README by Philippe Papin 9-20-16 Instructions to use temp_diff.ncl code Start by figuring out what version of ncl you are running in your terminal/computer Type this into the command prompt: ncl -V If you are running ncl version 6.2.1 or higher, great, you can run this script. If not, don't worry, just visit me in my office and we will come up with a solution. First you will need to edit these basic fields that are early in the script (after the "begin" command) lev = (/xx,xx/) mon = (/xx/) hr = (/xx/) These variables describe the vertical levels, months, and hourly time (in UTC) to conduct the temperature difference and averaging. Currently they are blocked out with xx's, but you will fill in values. For example if we want to calculate 850-500 hPa temperature difference for January at 1200 UTC, we would plug these values in: lev = (/850,500/) mon = (/1/) hr = (/12/) Finally, you need to point to the directory that you want to store the images in: img_url = img pathway goes here. Fro example my directory would be "/nfs/home11/grad/2011/pp179353/" (you do need the quotes) To finally run the code with these values, simpily put ncl before the code name: ncl temp_diff.ncl And that is all there is to it. Again if you run into problems, I'll be in my office ES330 Office Hours: We/Th 1:00-2:00pm Good luck and happy coding/plotting!