Posts tagged funding

Two new PhD positions available!

I’m happy to announce that I will be recruiting two new graduate students for fully funded PhD positions in my group starting Fall 2021. Both projects are funded on new grants from the National Science Foundation, involve exciting opportunities for cutting edge science and interdisciplinary training, and will result in significant contributions back to the open-source scientific software community.

Details about both opportunities follow.

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Cameron Rencurrel and Lance Rayborn awarded summer research fellowships

Two of our graduate students have been awarded funded fellowships to attend computational research workshops in Summer 2016.

Cameron Rencurrel will travel to NCAR in Boulder Colorado to attend the Dynamical Core Model Intercomparion Project (DCMIP) Summer School on Future-Generation Non-Hydrostatic Weather and Climate Models. This will include two weeks of lectures and workshops on the theory, design and development of next-generation numerical models for atmospheric simulation. Sponsors include NCAR, NOAA, NASA, NSF, DOE, and the WMO.

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Brian Rose receives NSF Career grant

I am very pleased to announce that I have received a 5-year grant from the National Science Foundation under their Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER).

The grant is entitled CAREER: Understanding the role of oceans in the planetary energy budget. It will provide critical support for our group’s work studying the connections ocean heat uptake and transport and atmospheric processes (dynamical, radiative, hydrological) controlling the top-of-atmosphere radiation balance.

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