# Schedule Here you can find the subject matter and assigned reading for every class day as well as expected homework and exam dates. **Please check back here frequently** as the schedule is subject to change. *Note, the readings refer to sections in the [**Essentials** text by Vallis](http://empslocal.ex.ac.uk/people/staff/gv219/essence/index.html) unless otherwise stated.* | Date (2021) | Class No. | Topic | Reading | Homework | | :--- | :---: | --- | --- | ---: | | 8/23 | 0 | Course introduction; Mathematical tools for fluids (part 1) | Martin ch. 1, Petty appendix B | Self-assessment of mathematical skills | | 8/25 | 1 | Mathematical tools for fluids (part 2); dye swirling experiment **In ETEC 175 for today only** | 1.1 | HW1 out | | 8/30 | 2 | Mass conservation | 1.2 | | | 9/01 | 3 | Forces, momentum and equations of state | 1.3, 1.4 | HW1 due; HW2 out | | 9/06 | | **NO CLASS** (Labor Day) | | | | 9/08 | 4 | Thermodynamics: 1st law, potential temperature, total energy budget | 1.5, 1.6 | HW2 due; HW3 out | | 9/13 | 5 | Total energy budget | 1.7 | | | 9/15 | 6 | Rotating frame of reference **In ETEC 175 for today only** | | HW3 due; HW4 out | | 9/20 | 7 | Equations of motion in the rotating frame | 2.1 | | | 9/22 | 8 | Equations on the sphere, primitive equations & approximations | 2.2, 2.3 | | | 9/27 | 9 | Scale height, Boussinesq approximation | 2.4, 2.5 | HW4 due; HW5 out | | 9/29 | 10 | Pressure coordinates, scale analysis, hydrostatic balance | 2.6, 3.1, 3.2 | | | 10/04 | 11 | Geostrophic balance, Taylor columns, thermal wind | 3.3 | HW5 due | | 10/06 | 12 | Thermal wind in the tank, static stability, buoyancy frequency | 3.4 | | | 10/11 | | **NO CLASS** (Fall break) | | | | 10/13 | | **MIDTERM EXAM** | | HW6 out | | 10/18 | 13 | Shallow water equations | 4.1 | | | 10/20 | 14 | Conservation of potential vorticity in shallow water; intro to waves | 4.2 | | | 10/25 | 15 | Shallow water waves | 4.3 | HW6 due; HW7 out | | 10/27 | 16 | Geostrophic adjustment | 4.4 | | | 11/01 | 17 | Scaling for geostrophic motions | 5.1 | | | 11/03 | 18 | Quasi-geostrophic equations in shallow water | 5.2 | HW7 due; HW8 out | | 11/08 | 19 | Stratified quasi-geostrophic equations | 5.3, 5.5 | | | 11/10 | 20 | Ekman layers (geostrophic friction) | 5.7 | HW8 due; HW9 out | | 11/15 | 21 | Invertibility of QGPV and the beta effect  | | | | 11/17 | 22 | Phase speed, group velocity, and Rossby waves | 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 | HW9 due; HW10 out | | 11/22 | 23 | Rossby waves in the tank and in the atmosphere | | | | 11/24 | | **NO CLASS** (Thanksgiving break) | | | | 11/29 | 24 | Internal waves: derivation | 7.1 | | | 12/01 | 25 | Internal waves: properties and phase relationships | 7.2 | HW10 due | | 12/06 | 26 | Review for final exam | | | The **FINAL EXAM** will be held on Tuesday 12/14/2021, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM.