* example GrADS plot script for model task 3 * ATM562 * http://www.atmos.albany.edu/facstaff/rfovell/ATM562/plot_init_cond.gs * version of 10/9/2018 * define some nice colors via the rgbset script 'run rgbset.gs' * set background color white and clear screen 'set display color white' 'clear' * set map projection off 'set mproj off' c * smooth contours. enabled until switched off. 'set csmooth on' * ----------- make temperature perturbation plot ----------------- * set contour label, make thp plot, draw title and axes * declare a color-shaded plot 'set gxout shaded' * define colors and contour levels * colors are as defined in rgbset.gs 'set clevs -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3' 'set ccols 49 47 45 44 43 42 0 0 62 63 64 65 67 69' * this next line turns off the grads logo 'set grads off' * override default GrADS axis labels 'set xaxis -16 16 4' 'd thpr' * draw the colorbar. requires script cbarn.gs 'run cbarn 1 0 5 0.18' * reset graphics output to contour 'set gxout contour' * ----------- make pressure perturbation plot ----------------- * set contour color and contour interval 'set ccolor 1' 'set cint 50' * suppress contour labels 'set clab off' * this next line tries to suppress the zero contour 'set black 0 0' * plot pprmb but convert to Pascals 'd pprmb*100' * draw titles and labels 'draw title initial temp & pres perturbations (K, Pa)' 'draw xlab x (km)' 'draw ylab z (km)' * ----------- make a PNG plot --------------------------------- 'gxprint init_tp_pp.png' * finish up 'set clab on'