Ed Landing (Ph.D., 1979, University of Michigan)



Adjunct Professor*
[*Please note that this is not a current appointment at the University at Albany, since the closure of the Geological Sciences Program]
State Paleontologist Emeritus, New York State Museum
formerly State Paleontologist and Paleontology Curator

Center for Stratigraphy and Paleontology
New York State Museum
Albany, NY 12230

photo of Ed Landing
Research Interests
Evolutionary origin and habitats of earliest animals during the Cambrian radiation; latest Precambrian - Early Paleozoic sequence stratigraphy, sea-level history, paleogeography, geochronology, and small shelly fossil and conodont biostratigraphy.

Graduate students supervised by Dr. Landing at the University at Albany

Selected Publications:  see his NYS Museum pages

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