Chris Thorncroft



Thorncroft, C.D. and Hoskins, B.J. 1990: Frontal Cyclogenesis. J. Atmos. Sci., 47, 2317-2336.

Thorncroft, C.D., Hoskins, B.J. and McIntyre, M.E. 1993: Two paradigms of baroclinic wave  life-cycle behaviour. Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 119, 17-55.

Thorncroft, C.D. and Hoskins, B.J. 1994: An idealized study of African easterly waves. I: A  linear view. Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 120, 953-982.

Thorncroft, C.D. and Hoskins, B.J. 1994: An idealized study of African easterly waves. II: A  non-linear view. Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 120, 983-1015.

Thorncroft, C.D. 1995: An idealized study of African easterly waves. III: More realistic basic  states Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 121, 1589-1614.

Thorncroft, C.D. and Haile, M. 1995: The mean dynamic and thermodynamic fields for July  1989 over tropical north Africa and their relationship to convective activity. Mon. Wea. Rev., 123, 3016-3031.

Thorncroft, C.D. and Flokas, H. 1997: A case study of Saharan cyclogenesis. Mon. Wea. Rev.,  125, 1147-1165.

Hodges, K.I. and Thorncroft, C.D. 1997: Distribution and statistics of African mesoscale  convective weather systems based on the ISCCP METEOSAT imagery. Mon. Wea. Rev.,   125, 2821-2837.

Jones, C.G. and Thorncroft, C.D. 1998: The role of El Nino on Atlantic tropical cyclone activity.  Weather, 53, 324-336.

Thorncroft, C.D. and Rowell, D. 1998: Interannual variability of African easterly waves in a  GCM. Int. Jour. Clim., 18, 1305-1323.

Thorncroft, C.D. and Blackburn, M.1999: Maintenance of the African easterly jet. Q.J.R.  Meteorol. Soc., 125, 763-786.

Pytharoulis, I. and Thorncroft, C.D. 1999: The low-level structure of African easterly waves in  1995. Mon. Wea. Rev., 127, 2266-2280.

Thorncroft, C.D. and Jones, S.C. 2000: The extratropical transitions of hurricane Felix and Iris  in 1995. Mon. Wea. Rev., 128, 947-972.

Thorncroft, C.D. and Hodges, K.I. 2001: Interannual variability of African easterly wave  activity and its relationship to tropical cyclone activity. J. Climate, 14, 1166-1179.

Thorncroft, C.D. and Pytharoulis, I. 2001: A dynamical approach to seasonal prediction of  Atlantic tropical cyclone activity. Weather and Forecasting, 16, 725-734.

Thorncroft, C.D., Parker, D.J., Burton, R.R., Diop, M., Ayers, J.H., Barjat, H., Dumelow, R.,  Kindred, D.R., Price, N.M., Saloum, M., Taylor, C.M. and Tompkins, A.M. 2003: The JET2000 experiment: Aircraft observations of the African easterly jet and African easterly waves. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 84, 337-351.

Hodges, K.I., Hoskins, B.J., Boyle, J. and Thorncroft, C. 2003: A comparison of recent  reanalysis datasets using objective feature tracking: storm tracks and tropical easterly waves. Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 2012-2037.

Jones, S.C., Harr, Abraham, Bosart, Bowyer, Evans, Hanley, Hanstrum, Hart, Lalaurette, Sinclair,  Smith and Thorncroft, C.D. 2003: The extratropical transition of tropical cyclones: forecast challenges, current understanding and future directions Weather and Forecasting 18, 1052-1092.

Taylor, C.M., Ellis, R.J., Parker, D.J., Burton, R.R. and Thorncroft, C.D. 2003: Linking  boundary layer variability with convection – a case study from JET2000, Q.J.R. Meterol. Soc, 129, 2233-2254.

Agusti-Panareda, A., Thorncroft, C.D., Craig, G.C. and Gray, S.L. 2004: The extratropical  transition of hurricane Irene (1999): A potential vorticity perspective. Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 130, 1047-1074.

Agusti-Panareda, A., Gray, S.L., Craig, G.C. and Thorncroft, C. D. 2005: Extratropical  transition of tropical cyclone Lili (1996), Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 1562-1573.

Berry, G., and Thorncroft, C. 2005: Case study of an intense African easterly wave. Mon. Wea.  Rev., 133, 752-766.

Parker, D., Thorncroft, C., Burton, R. and Diongue, A. 2005: Analysis of the African easterly jet  using aircraft observations from the JET2000 experiment. Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc, 1461-1482.

Taylor, C. M., Parker, D. J., Lloyd, C .R. and Thorncroft, C. D. 2005: Observations of synoptic  scale land surface variability and its coupling with the atmosphere, Q.J.R. Meteorol.  Soc., 131, 913-938.

Tompkins, A.M., Diongue, A., Parker, D. J., and Thorncroft, C. D. 2005: The African easterly  jet in the ECMWF Integrated forecast system: 4DVar analysis, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 131, 2861-2886

Parker, D.J., Burton, R., Diongue, A., Ellis, R.J., Felton, M., Taylor, C. M., Thorncroft, and  Bessemoulin, P. 2005: The diurnal cycle of the west African monsoon circulation, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 131, 2839-2860.

Aiyyer, A. and Thorncroft, C. 2006: Climatology of vertical shear over the tropical Atlantic J.  Climate, 19, 2969-2983

Mohr, K. and Thorncroft, C. 2006: Intense convective systems in West Africa and their  relationship with the African easterly jet , Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc. 132, 163-176

Mekonnen, A., Thorncroft, C. and Aiyyer, A. 2006: On the significance of African easterly  waves on convection, J. Climate, 19, 5405-5421

Hall, N., Kiladis, G. and Thorncroft, C. 2006: Three-dimensional structure and dynamics of  African easterly waves: part II: Dynamical modes and growth mechanisms, J. Atmos. Sci., 63, 2231-2245.

Kiladis, G., Thorncroft, C. and Hall, N. 2006: Three-dimensional structure and dynamics of  African easterly waves: part I: Observed structures, J. Atmos. Sci., 63, 2210-2230.

Berry, G., Thorncroft, C. and Hewson, T. 2006: African easterly waves in 2004 – Analysis using  objective techniques Mon. Wea. Rev., 133, 752-766

Redelsperger, J.L., Thorncroft, C.D., Diedhiou, A., Lebel, T., Parker, D.J. and Polcher, J. 2006:  African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis: An International Research Project and Field Campaign, BAMS, 1739-1746.

Hopsch, S.B., Thorncroft, C., Hodges, K. I. and Aiyyer, A. 2007: West African storm tracks and  their relationship with tropical cyclones, J. Climate, 20, 2468-2483.

Parker, D.J., Fink, A., Janicot, S., Ngamini, J.-B., Douglas, M., Afiesimama, E., Agusti-Panareda,  A., Beljaars, A., Dide, F., Diedhiou, A., Lebel, T., Polcher, J., Redelsperger, J.-L., Thorncroft, C.D, Wilson, G.A. 2008: The AMMA radiosonde program and its implications for the future of atmospheric monitoring over Africa, BAMS. 89, 1015-1027.

Zhang, C., Nolan, D., Thorncroft, C.D. and Nguyen, H. 2008: Shallow Meridional  Circulations in the Tropical Atmosphere, J. Climate, 21,3453-3470.

Janicot, S., Thorncroft, C. D., and many co-authors 2008: Large-scale overview of the  summer monsoon over West Africa during the AMMA field experiment in 2006. Ann. Geophys, 26, 2569-2595.

Thorncroft, C.D., Hall, N. and Kiladis, G., 2008: Three-dimensional structure and dynamics  of African easterly waves: part III: Genesis, J. Atmos. Sci., 65, 3596-3607.

Mekonnen, A., Thorncroft, C.D., Aiyyer, A. and Kiladis, G., 2008: Convectively coupled  Kelvin waves over tropical Africa during boreal summer: Structure and Variability, J. Climate, 21,.6649-6667.

Cornforth,R.J., Hoskins, B.J. and Thorncroft, C.D. 2009: The impact of moist processes on  the African Easterly Jet-African Easterly Wave system, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 135, 894-913.

Mohr, K. I., Molinari, J. and Thorncroft, C.D. 2009: The interannual variability of cumulative  frequency distributions for convective system size and intensity, J. Climate, 22, 5218-5231.

Hopsch, S.B., Thorncroft, C.D. and Tyle, K.R. 2010: Analysis of African Easterly Wave  Structures and their Role in Influencing Tropical Cyclogenesis, Mon. Wea. Rev., 138, 1399-1419.

Lebel, T., Parker, D.J., Flamant, C., Bourles, B., Marticorena, B., Mougin, E., Peugeot, C.,  Diedhiou, A., Haywood, J.M., Ngamini, J.B., Polcher, J., Redelsperger, J.-L., Thorncroft, C.D. 2010: The AMMA field campaigns: multiscale and multidisciplinary observations in the West African region, Quart. Jour. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 136, 8-33.

Agusti-Panareda, A., Beljaars, A., Cardinali, C., Genkova, I. and Thorncroft, C.D. 2010: Impact  of assimilating AMMA soundings on ECMWF analyse and forecasts, Weather and Forecasting, 25, 1142-1160.

Thorncroft, C.D., Nguyen, H., Zhang, C. and Peyrille, P. 2011: Annual Cycle of the West  African Monsoon: Regional Circulations and associated Water Vapor Transport, Quart. Jour. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 137, 129-147.

Aiyyer, A. and Thorncroft, C.D. 2011: Interannual to Multidecadal Variability of Vertical  shear and Tropical Cyclone Activity, J. Climate,24, 2949-2962

Nguyen, H., Thorncroft, C. D. and Zhang, C. 2011: Guinean coastal rainfall of the West  African Monsoon. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 137, 1828–1840.

Ventrice, M. J., Thorncroft, C. D., Roundy, P. E. 2011: The Madden–Julian Oscillation's  Influence on African Easterly Waves and Downstream Tropical Cyclogenesis. Mon. Wea. Rev., 139, 2704–2722.

Polcher, J., Parker, D. J., Gaye, A., Diedhiou, A., Eymard, L., Fierli, F., Genesio, L., Hšller, H.,  Janicot, S., Lafore, J.-P., Karambiri, H., Lebel, T., Redelsperger, J.-L., Reeves, C. E., Ruti, P., Sandholt, I. and Thorncroft, C., 2011: AMMA's contribution to the evolution of prediction and decision-making systems for West Africa. Atmospheric Science Letters, 12: 2–6.

Lafore, J.-P., Flamant, C., Guichard, F., Parker, D. J., Bouniol, D., Fink, A. H., Giraud, V., Gosset,  M., Hall, N., Hšller, H., Jones, S. C., Protat, A., Roca, R., Roux, F., Sa•d, F. and Thorncroft, C., 2011: Progress in understanding of weather systems in West Africa. Atmospheric Science Letters, 12: 7–12.

Lebel, T., Parker, D. J., Flamant, C., Hšller, H., Polcher, J., Redelsperger, J.-L., Thorncroft, C.,  Bock, O., Bourles, B., Galle, S., Marticorena, B., Mougin, E., Peugeot, C., Cappelaere, B., Descroix, L., Diedhiou, A., Gaye, A. and Lafore, J.-P. , 2011: The AMMA field campaigns: accomplishments and lessons learned. Atmospheric Science Letters, 12: 123–128.

Janicot, S.J., Lafore, J.-P. and Thorncroft, C. 2012: The West African Monsoon, Chapter in  "Global Monsoon System: Research and Forecast", Eds. Vhang, C.-P., Ding. Y, and Lau,  N.-C., Johnson, R. H., Wang, B. and Yasunari, T., Pubs. World Scientif c Publishing  Company, 608pp.

Wu, Man-Li C., Reale, O., Schhubert, S. D., Suarez, M. J. and Thorncroft, C. D., 2012: African  Easterly Jet: barotropic instability, waves and cyclogenesis, J. Clim., 25, 1489-1510.

Ventrice, M.J., Thorncroft, C.D. and Janiga, M. A. 2012: Atlantic tropical cyclogenesis: A  three-way interaction between an African easterly wave, diurnally varying convection, and a convectvely coupled atmospheric Kelvin wave, Mon. Wea. Rev. 140(4), 1108-1124.

Berry, G. and Thorncroft, C. D., 2012: African Easterly Wave Dynamics in a Mesoscale  Numerical Model: J. Atmos. Sci., 69, 1267-1283. Waliser, D. E., Moncrieff, M. W. and  21 co-authors, 2012: The "YEAR" of tropical convection  (May 2008-April 2010), Bull. Amer. Meterol. Soc., 93(8), 1189-1218.

Ventrice, M.J., Thorncroft, C.D. and Schreck, C. J.  2012: Impacts of convectively coupled   Kelvin waves on environmental conditions for Atlantic tropical cyclogenesis, Mon.  Wea. Rev. , 140(7), 2198-2214.

Zhou, L., Tian, Y., Baidya, R., Thorncroft, C., Bosart, L. F. and Hu, Yuanlong, 2012: Impacts of  wind farms on land surface temperature, Nature Climate change, 2, 539-543.

Ventrice, M.J. and Thorncroft, C.D. 2013,  The role of convectively coupled atmospheric  Kelvin waves on African easterly wave activity, Mon. Wea. Rev., 141(6), 1910-1924.

Martin, E. R. and Thorncroft, C. D. 2013: The impact of the AMO on the West African  monsoon annual cycle. Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.. doi: 10.1002/qj.2107

Vera, C., Gutowski, W., Mechoso, R., Goswami, B., Reason, C., Thorncroft, C.D., Marengo, J.,  Hewitson, B., Hendon, H., Jones, C., and Lionello, P. 2013: Understanding and  Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Regional Scales, Chapter in "Climate  Science for Serving Society", Asrar, G. M and Hurrel, J. W. (Eds), 480pp, Springer.

Janiga, M. A. and Thorncroft, C. D. 2013: Regional Differences in the Kinematic and  Thermodynamic Structure of African Easterly Waves, Quart. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., (in  press).

Ventrice, M.J., Wheeler, M.C., Hendon, H.H., Schreck, C.J. , Thorncroft, C.D. and Kiladis, G. N.  2013: A modified multivariate Madden Julian Oscillation index using velocity  potential, Mon. Wea. Rev., (submitted)

Martin, E.R. ,Thorncroft, C.D., and Booth, B.B.B. 2013: The multidecadal Atlantic SST-Sahel  rainfall teleconnection in CMIP5 simulations, J. Climate, (submitted)

Dunion, J.P., Thorncroft, C.D. and Velden, C.S. 2013: The tropical cyclone diurnal cycle,  Mon. Wea. Rev., (submitted)

Martin, E. R. and Thorncroft, C.D. 2013: Sahel Rainfall in Multidecadal CMIP5 Decadal  Hindcasts, Geophys. Res. Letts., (submitted).

Janiga, M. A. and Thorncroft, C.D. 2013: Convection over Tropical Africa and the East  Atlantic during the West African Monsoon: Regional and Diurnal Variability, J.  Climate (submitted).