import numpy as np import netCDF4 from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cPickle as pickle; pickleProtocol = 2 import basinMetrics def advect_LatLon(u, v, latIn, lonIn, dt, r ): #return new lat/lon coordinates based on: #u,v in m/s, lat/lon in radians, dt in s, rSphere in m #u = r cos(lat) dLon/dt, v = r dLat/dt #constrain latitudes to be in [-pi/2, pi/2] and longitudes in [0, 2pi) dLon_dt = u/(r*np.cos(latIn)) #if lat=+- pi/2, this will be big dLat_dt = v/r lat = latIn+ dLat_dt*dt; lon = lonIn+ dLon_dt*dt #want to bound lat/lon. Note that for silly big meridional velocities, the following #can adjust to outside of poles, but then the whole tracking idea is screwed anyway. #bound lat. #imagine crossing north pole so 89->93 is really 89->87N and 180degree switch in longitude crossedN = lat>np.pi/2 lat[crossedN] = np.pi-lat[crossedN]; #pi/2 - (lat-pi/2) lon[crossedN] += np.pi #other half of hemisphere crossedS = lat<-np.pi/2 lat[crossedS] = -np.pi-lat[crossedS]; #-pi/2 - (lat-(-pi/2)) lon[crossedS] += np.pi #other half of hemisphere #bound lon lon = lon%(2.*np.pi) #[0,2pi) return (lat, lon) def advect_feature(siteInd, cell2Site, mesh, u, v, dt): #return advected lat, lon points of feature cells nCells = len(cell2Site) inFeature = cell2Site==siteInd cellInds = np.arange(nCells)[inFeature] latFeature, lonFeature = mesh.get_latLon_inds(cellInds) uFeature = u[cellInds]; vFeature = v[cellInds] newLat, newLon = advect_LatLon(uFeature, vFeature, latFeature, lonFeature, dt, mesh.r ) if (False): #plot the original points and the advected print latFeature; print lonFeature; print newLat; print newLon m = Basemap(projection='ortho',lon_0=0,lat_0=89.5, resolution='l') r2d = 180./np.pi plt.figure() m.drawcoastlines() x0,y0 = m(lonFeature*r2d, latFeature*r2d) x1,y1 = m(newLon*r2d, newLat*r2d) m.scatter(x0,y0,color='b') m.scatter(x1,y1,color='r') return (newLat, newLon) def advect_basin(siteInd, cell2Site, mesh, u, v, dt): #return cells inds of cells that basin advects to next time (+ or - dt) #coordinates of advected cell centers. #so, we're assuming that mesh is dense enough wrt feature size that cell centers are sufficient? #or, overlap is sufficient that this will id it latPts, lonPts = advect_feature(siteInd, cell2Site, mesh, u, v, dt) #cells corresponding to those coordinates nPts = len(latPts); advCells = np.empty(nPts, dtype=int) guessCell = siteInd #used for mpas and wrf meshes inDomain = [] #used for LAM meshes if ('wrf' in inDomain = np.ones(nPts,dtype=int) for iPt in xrange(nPts): if ( == 'mpas'): advCells[iPt] = mesh.get_closestCell2Pt(latPts[iPt], lonPts[iPt], guessCell=guessCell) guessCell = advCells[iPt] elif ('wrf' in advCells[iPt] = mesh.get_closestCell2Pt(latPts[iPt], lonPts[iPt], guessCell=guessCell) guessCell = advCells[iPt] inDomain[iPt] = mesh.isPointInDomain(latPts[iPt], lonPts[iPt], advCells[iPt]) else: advCells[iPt] = mesh.get_closestCell2Pt(latPts[iPt], lonPts[iPt]) if ('wrf' in #we'll just ignore points that advect outside the domain #print "Number of points advected outside of domain: ", np.sum(inDomain==0) advCells = advCells[inDomain>0] if (False): latCell, lonCell = mesh.get_latLon_inds(advCells) print latPts; print lonPts print latCell; print lonCell print advCells m = Basemap(projection='ortho',lon_0=0,lat_0=89.5, resolution='l') r2d = 180./np.pi plt.figure() m.drawcoastlines() x0,y0 = m(lonPts*r2d, latPts*r2d) x1,y1 = m(lonCell*r2d, latCell*r2d) m.scatter(x0,y0,color='b') m.scatter(x1,y1,color='r') #multiple cells can advect into the same cell basinCells = np.unique(advCells) #apparently there's a sorting bug fixed in numpy 1.6.2... #basinCells = np.array( list(set(advCells)), dtype=int ) return basinCells def getCommon_1dInd(inds0, inds1): #return common values between lists with unique values return np.intersect1d(inds0, inds1, assume_unique=True) def calc_fracOverlap_advection(sites0, cell2Site0, u0, v0, dt, sites1, cell2Site1, u1, v1, mesh, doMaxArea=False): #Given fields+basins at t0 and t0+dt, #-create candidate matches by overlapping advection #in principle, overlap could mean: #-# of common cells, min threshold for common area, min threshold for convex hulls overlapping area,... #return matrix with fraction of overlap by area(nCellsMatch)/area(nCellsPossible) nSites0 = len(sites0); nSites1 = len(sites1) fracOverlap = np.zeros((nSites0, nSites1), dtype=float) if (doMaxArea): fracOverlapMax = np.zeros((nSites0, nSites1), dtype=float) #store advection of t1 sites -dt/2 sites2Cells_t1 = [None]*nSites1 areaBasin1 = np.empty(nSites1,dtype=float) for iSite1 in xrange(nSites1): siteInd = sites1[iSite1] #advect basin -dt/2 sites2Cells_t1[iSite1] = advect_basin(siteInd, cell2Site1, mesh, u1, v1, -.5*dt) areaBasin1[iSite1] = np.sum( mesh.get_area_inds(sites2Cells_t1[iSite1]) ) #print areaBasin1 #see which t0 sites advected dt/2 overlap with future sites advected back for iSite0 in xrange(nSites0): siteInd = sites0[iSite0] #advect basin +dt/2 site2Cells_t0 = advect_basin(siteInd, cell2Site0, mesh, u0, v0, .5*dt) areaBasin0 = np.sum( mesh.get_area_inds(site2Cells_t0) ) #print areaBasin0 for iSite1 in xrange(nSites1): #for frac overlap, there's a choice for what cells to use. #consider candidate big t0 and small t1. #-for min(cellsInBasin), fraction will be high w/ few cells from big needed #-for max(cellsInBasin), fraction will be low even if lots of small covered commonCells = getCommon_1dInd(site2Cells_t0, sites2Cells_t1[iSite1]) areaCommon = np.sum( mesh.get_area_inds(commonCells) ) #Note that areas can be zero for LAM where point advects out of domain. potentialArea = min(areaBasin0, areaBasin1[iSite1]) #Avoid divide by 0 frac = 0 if (potentialArea>0): frac = areaCommon/potentialArea fracOverlap[iSite0, iSite1] = frac if (doMaxArea): potentialArea = max(areaBasin0, areaBasin1[iSite1]) #Avoid divide by 0 frac = 0 if (potentialArea>0): frac = areaCommon/potentialArea fracOverlapMax[iSite0, iSite1] = frac #if (True): #print out some quick diagnostics #print "Fractional area of overlapping advection\n", fracOverlap if (doMaxArea): return fracOverlap, fracOverlapMax else: return fracOverlap def calc_fracOverlap_PT(sites0, sites1, cell2Site0, cell2Site1, theta0, theta1, siteIsMin): #If the "air mass" persists, the PT range should overlap between corresponding TPVs. #calculate bounds for each tpv that potentially matches another nSites0 = len(sites0); nSites1 = len(sites1) fracOverlap = np.zeros((nSites0, nSites1), dtype=float) min0 = np.empty(nSites0, dtype=float); max0 = np.empty(nSites0, dtype=float); len0 = np.empty(nSites0, dtype=float); min1 = np.empty(nSites1, dtype=float); max1 = np.empty(nSites1, dtype=float); len1 = np.empty(nSites1, dtype=float); for ind in xrange(nSites0): site = sites0[ind] minVal, maxVal = basinMetrics.get_minMax_cell2Site(site, cell2Site0, theta0) min0[ind] = minVal; max0[ind] = maxVal; len0[ind] = maxVal-minVal for ind in xrange(nSites1): site = sites1[ind] minVal, maxVal = basinMetrics.get_minMax_cell2Site(site, cell2Site1, theta1) min1[ind] = minVal; max1[ind] = maxVal; len1[ind] = maxVal-minVal for iSite0 in xrange(nSites0): for iSite1 in xrange(nSites1): #intersection of 2 ordered line segments rangeTop = min(max0[iSite0],max1[iSite1]) #upper bound of overlap is smaller of the maxima rangeBottom = max(min0[iSite0],min1[iSite1]) lenRange = rangeTop-rangeBottom #lenPossible = max(len0[iSite0], len1[iSite1]) lenPossible = 0.0 #especially considering foothills sensitivity, really care about whether extreme depth overlaps if (siteIsMin): lenPossible = rangeTop- min(min0[iSite0],min1[iSite1]) else: lenPossible = max(max0[iSite0],max1[iSite1])-rangeBottom #treat boundary case issues of no overlap frac = 0.0 if (lenRange>0 and lenPossible>0): frac = lenRange/lenPossible fracOverlap[iSite0, iSite1] = frac return fracOverlap def get_correspondMetrics(dataMetrics, sitesOut, iTime): #It's slow to load 1 value at a time from file. #So, we can get (load,calculate?) values for all sites at a given time. #"extremum" metrics may not be too robust: #-thetaExtr: value jumps if, say, TPV goes to surface #-latExtr: seems okay, right? #area of non-overlap of advected tpvs would be useful if the "outer" filaments/chunks didn't break off and join willy-nilly #(see diffKeys = ['thetaExtr', 'latExtr', 'rEquiv', 'vortMean']; nKeys = len(diffKeys) refDiffs = [1.0, 1.0, 100.e3, 2.e-5] nSites = dataMetrics.variables['nSites'][iTime] allSites = dataMetrics.variables['sites'][iTime,:]; allSites = allSites[0:nSites] #isSiteReq = np.array([i in sitesOut for i in allSites], dtype=bool) isSiteReq = np.in1d(allSites, sitesOut, assume_unique=True) nSitesOut = len(sitesOut) valsOut = np.empty((nKeys,nSitesOut),dtype=float) for iKey in xrange(nKeys): key = diffKeys[iKey] vals = dataMetrics.variables[key][iTime,:] vals = vals[0:nSites] valsOut[iKey,:] = vals[isSiteReq] return (valsOut, refDiffs) def calc_basinSimilarity(vals0, vals1, refDiffs): #Input vals[variable,sites] nKeys, nSites1 = vals1.shape d = np.zeros(nSites1,dtype=float) for iKey in xrange(nKeys): diffs = np.absolute( vals1[iKey,:]-vals0[iKey] ) d += diffs/refDiffs[iKey] return d def correspond(sites0, cell2Site0, u0, v0, dt, sites1, cell2Site1, u1, v1, mesh, trackMinMaxBoth, fracOverlapThresh, iTime0, dataMetrics, theta0, theta1): #additional filters --------------------- #(1) feature properties a la cost function: #reasonable changes over "short" time in #-thetaMin, circulation, feature velocity, location,... #(2) event consistency: #propagate, split, merge, genesis, lysis should have characteristics #-propagate: similar intensity and area #-split: similar sumArea #-merge: #these really end up needing to include matches not found in fracOverlap #when consider cases like small TPVs breaking off of a large one #decide whether sites correspond -------------------------- #area overlap fracOverlap = calc_fracOverlap_advection(sites0, cell2Site0, u0, v0, dt, sites1, cell2Site1, u1, v1, mesh) isMatch = fracOverlap>fracOverlapThresh print "Number of matches after horizontal overlap: {0}".format(np.sum(isMatch)) #potential temperature overlap if (False): isMatch = check_overlap_PT(isMatch, sites0, sites1, cell2Site0, cell2Site1, theta0, theta1) print "Number of matches after vertical overlap: {0}".format(np.sum(isMatch)) #decide type of site correspondence (major vs. minor) ------------------ #0-noMatch, 1-minor, 2-major nSites0 = len(sites0); nSites1 = len(sites1); metrics0, refDiffs = get_correspondMetrics(dataMetrics, sites0, iTime0); #print metrics0 metrics1, refDiffs = get_correspondMetrics(dataMetrics, sites1, iTime0+1); #print metrics1 #major time0->time1 typeMatch01 = isMatch.copy().astype(int) for iSite0 in xrange(nSites0): site0 = sites0[iSite0] corrSites = sites1[isMatch[iSite0,:]>0] if (len(corrSites)<1): continue if (len(corrSites)==1): site1 = corrSites[0] typeMatch01[iSite0,sites1==site1] = 2 else: vals0 = metrics0[:,iSite0] vals1 = metrics1[:,isMatch[iSite0,:]>0] d = calc_basinSimilarity(vals0, vals1, refDiffs); #print d minInd = np.argmin(d) similarSite = corrSites[minInd] typeMatch01[iSite0,sites1==similarSite] = 2 #major time1<-time0 typeMatch10 = isMatch.copy().astype(int) for iSite1 in xrange(nSites1): site1 = sites1[iSite1] corrSites = sites0[isMatch[:,iSite1]>0] if (len(corrSites)<1): continue if (len(corrSites)==1): site0 = corrSites[0] typeMatch10[sites0==site0,iSite1] = 2 else: vals0 = metrics1[:,iSite1] vals1 = metrics0[:,isMatch[:,iSite1]>0] d = calc_basinSimilarity(vals0, vals1, refDiffs); minInd = np.argmin(d) similarSite = corrSites[minInd] typeMatch10[sites0==similarSite,iSite1] = 2 typeMatch = np.minimum(typeMatch01, typeMatch10) #e.g., site0.a-site1 not major if site0.a splits from site0 into site1 but site0.b more similar to site1 print "Number of {0}s in 0->1 and 1<-0: {1}, {2}".format(2, np.sum(typeMatch01==2), np.sum(typeMatch10==2)) print "Number of -major- correspondences: {0}".format(np.sum(typeMatch==2)) return typeMatch def correspond_overlap(sites0, cell2Site0, u0, v0, dt, sites1, cell2Site1, u1, v1, mesh, trackMinMaxBoth, fracOverlapThresh, theta0, theta1): #horizontal overlap under advection, and #overlap fraction defines similarity #maybe the PT range is more "accurate" than our estimated advection+horizOverlap, so we can weight it more...? #doing d = 1.0*fracOverlapHoriz+1.5*fracOverlapPT doesn't continue 2006/9/9 track. #Maybe use similarity that penalizes not having both...overlapHoriz*PT? #Note that calc_fracOverlap_advection() uses potentialArea = min(areaBasin0, areaBasin1[iSite1]). For similarity, we want big to correspond to big #so edited advectionOverlap code to return this option as well. #decide whether sites correspond -------------------------- #area overlap fracOverlap, fracOverlapMax = calc_fracOverlap_advection(sites0, cell2Site0, u0, v0, dt, sites1, cell2Site1, u1, v1, mesh, doMaxArea=True) isMatch = fracOverlap>fracOverlapThresh print "Number of matches after horizontal overlap: {0}".format(np.sum(isMatch)) fracOverlapPT = calc_fracOverlap_PT(sites0, sites1, cell2Site0, cell2Site1, theta0, theta1, trackMinMaxBoth==0) #tanh(2)~.96 so can construct profile s.t. areaOverlapThresh->1 #tanhGoal = .66; tanhFac = 2./tanhGoal #decide type of site correspondence (major vs. minor) ------------------ #0-noMatch, 1-minor, 2-major nSites0 = len(sites0); nSites1 = len(sites1); #major time0->time1 typeMatch01 = isMatch.copy().astype(int) for iSite0 in xrange(nSites0): site0 = sites0[iSite0] corrSites = sites1[isMatch[iSite0,:]>0] if (len(corrSites)<1): continue if (len(corrSites)==1): site1 = corrSites[0] typeMatch01[iSite0,sites1==site1] = 2 else: #d = wtHoriz*fracOverlap[iSite0, isMatch[iSite0,:]>0]+wtVert*fracOverlapPT[iSite0, isMatch[iSite0,:]>0] #d = np.tanh(tanhFac*fracOverlapMax[iSite0, isMatch[iSite0,:]>0])*fracOverlapPT[iSite0, isMatch[iSite0,:]>0] d = fracOverlapMax[iSite0, isMatch[iSite0,:]>0] + fracOverlapPT[iSite0, isMatch[iSite0,:]>0] #d = fracOverlapMax[iSite0, isMatch[iSite0,:]>0]*fracOverlapPT[iSite0, isMatch[iSite0,:]>0] minInd = np.argmax(d); #print d,'\n',d[minInd] similarSite = corrSites[minInd] typeMatch01[iSite0,sites1==similarSite] = 2 #major time1<-time0 typeMatch10 = isMatch.copy().astype(int) for iSite1 in xrange(nSites1): site1 = sites1[iSite1] corrSites = sites0[isMatch[:,iSite1]>0] if (len(corrSites)<1): continue if (len(corrSites)==1): site0 = corrSites[0] typeMatch10[sites0==site0,iSite1] = 2 else: #d = wtHoriz*fracOverlap[isMatch[:,iSite1]>0, iSite1]+wtVert*fracOverlapPT[isMatch[:,iSite1]>0, iSite1] #d = np.tanh(tanhFac*fracOverlapMax[isMatch[:,iSite1]>0, iSite1])*fracOverlapPT[isMatch[:,iSite1]>0, iSite1] d = fracOverlapMax[isMatch[:,iSite1]>0, iSite1] + fracOverlapPT[isMatch[:,iSite1]>0, iSite1] #d = fracOverlapMax[isMatch[:,iSite1]>0, iSite1]*fracOverlapPT[isMatch[:,iSite1]>0, iSite1] minInd = np.argmax(d); #print d,'\n',d[minInd] similarSite = corrSites[minInd] typeMatch10[sites0==similarSite,iSite1] = 2 typeMatch = np.minimum(typeMatch01, typeMatch10) #e.g., site0.a-site1 not major if site0.a splits from site0 into site1 but site0.b more similar to site1 print "Number of {0}s in 0->1 and 1<-0: {1}, {2}".format(2, np.sum(typeMatch01==2), np.sum(typeMatch10==2)) print "Number of -major- correspondences: {0}".format(np.sum(typeMatch==2)) return typeMatch def run_correspond(fNameOut, dataMetr, dataSeg, mesh, dt, trackMinMaxBoth, fracOverlapThresh, iTimeStart, iTimeEnd, dataMetrics): #file for correspondences maxNSites = max(np.max(dataSeg.variables['nSitesMin'][:]), np.max(dataSeg.variables['nSitesMax'][:])); print "Maximum of {0} sites at any time".format(maxNSites) nTimes = iTimeEnd+1 dataCorr = write_corr_netcdf_header(fNameOut, 'test', maxNSites, nTimes) for iTime in xrange(iTimeStart,iTimeEnd): #iTimeEnd will be the end of the correspondences #segmentation data cell2Site0 = dataSeg.variables['cell2Site'][iTime,:] sitesMin0 = dataSeg.variables['sitesMin'][iTime,:]; nMin0 = dataSeg.variables['nSitesMin'][iTime]; sitesMin0 = sitesMin0[0:nMin0] sitesMax0 = dataSeg.variables['sitesMax'][iTime,:]; nMax0 = dataSeg.variables['nSitesMax'][iTime]; sitesMax0 = sitesMax0[0:nMax0] cell2Site1 = dataSeg.variables['cell2Site'][iTime+1,:] sitesMin1 = dataSeg.variables['sitesMin'][iTime+1,:]; nMin1 = dataSeg.variables['nSitesMin'][iTime+1]; sitesMin1 = sitesMin1[0:nMin1] sitesMax1 = dataSeg.variables['sitesMax'][iTime+1,:]; nMax1 = dataSeg.variables['nSitesMax'][iTime+1]; sitesMax1 = sitesMax1[0:nMax1] #metr data u0 = dataMetr.variables['u'][iTime,:]; v0 = dataMetr.variables['v'][iTime,:] theta0 = dataMetr.variables['theta'][iTime,:] u1 = dataMetr.variables['u'][iTime+1,:]; v1 = dataMetr.variables['v'][iTime+1,:] theta1 = dataMetr.variables['theta'][iTime+1,:] #which basins we want to track ---------------------------- sites0 = []; sites1 = [] if (trackMinMaxBoth == 0): #just minima sites0 = sitesMin0 sites1 = sitesMin1 elif (trackMinMaxBoth == 1): #just maxima sites0 = sitesMax0 sites1 = sitesMax1 else: #track min+max print "Do you really want minima to be able to correspond to maxima?" sites0 = np.concatenate((sitesMin0,sitesMax0)) sites1 = np.concatenate((sitesMin1,sitesMax1)) #time correspondence ------------------ if (False): typeMatch = correspond(sites0, cell2Site0, u0, v0, dt, sites1, cell2Site1, u1, v1, mesh, trackMinMaxBoth, fracOverlapThresh, iTime, dataMetrics, theta0, theta1) else: typeMatch = correspond_overlap(sites0, cell2Site0, u0, v0, dt, sites1, cell2Site1, u1, v1, mesh, trackMinMaxBoth, fracOverlapThresh, theta0, theta1) write_corr_iTime_netcdf(dataCorr, iTime, sites0, sites1, typeMatch) dataCorr.close() def write_corr_netcdf_header(fName, info, maxNSites, nTimes): ''' unpickling objects gets expensive for long track times since we have to go sequentially load the relevant times. netcdf allows more direct/quicker access ''' data = netCDF4.Dataset(fName, 'w', format='NETCDF4') data.description = info # dimensions data.createDimension('maxNSites', maxNSites) data.createDimension('nTimes', nTimes) # variables data.createVariable('nSites0', 'i4', ('nTimes',)) data.createVariable('sites0', 'i4', ('nTimes','maxNSites',)) data.createVariable('nCorrSites', 'i4', ('nTimes','maxNSites',)) data.createVariable('corrSites', 'i4', ('nTimes','maxNSites','maxNSites',)) data.createVariable('corrTypes', 'i4', ('nTimes','maxNSites','maxNSites',)) return data def write_corr_iTime_netcdf(data, iTime, sites0, sites1, typeMatch): ''' variables to store are: {iTime, sites0, correspondingSites1[iSite0][iCorrespondingSites1], correspondenceType[iSite0][iCorrespondingSites1]} ''' nSites0 = len(sites0); nSites1 = len(sites1) data.variables['nSites0'][iTime] = nSites0 for iSite0 in xrange(nSites0): corr1 = typeMatch[iSite0,:] corrSites = sites1[corr1>0]; nCorr = len(corrSites) typeCorr = corr1[corr1>0] data.variables['sites0'][iTime,iSite0] = sites0[iSite0] data.variables['nCorrSites'][iTime,iSite0] = nCorr data.variables['corrSites'][iTime,iSite0,0:nCorr] = corrSites data.variables['corrTypes'][iTime,iSite0,0:nCorr] = typeCorr def plot_correspondences(fDirSave, fCorr, nTimes, mesh, iTimeStart=0): dataCorr = netCDF4.Dataset(fCorr,'r') m = Basemap(projection='ortho',lon_0=0,lat_0=89.5, resolution='l') r2d = 180./np.pi for iTime in xrange(iTimeStart,nTimes): plt.figure() m.drawcoastlines() allSites0, corrSites, typesCorr = read_corr_iTime(dataCorr, iTime) nSites0 = len(allSites0) for iSite in xrange(nSites0): site0 = allSites0[iSite] sites1 = corrSites[iSite]; nSites1 = len(sites1) minorMajor = typesCorr[iSite] if (nSites1<1): continue lat0, lon0 = mesh.get_latLon_inds(site0) lat1, lon1 = mesh.get_latLon_inds(np.array(sites1,dtype=int)) lat0 = lat0*r2d; lon0 = lon0*r2d; lat1 = lat1*r2d; lon1 = lon1*r2d x0,y0 = m(lon0,lat0) m.scatter(x0,y0, marker='+', color='g', s=55) for iSite1 in xrange(nSites1): c = 'r'; lw=.5 if (minorMajor[iSite1]>1): c='b'; lw=2 m.drawgreatcircle(lon0, lat0, lon1[iSite1], lat1[iSite1], del_s=50.0, color=c, lw=lw) x1,y1 = m(lon1[iSite1], lat1[iSite1]) #maybe change fillstyle of one's non-major markers markerStyle = 'x' if (minorMajor[iSite1]>1): markerStyle = 'o' m.scatter(x1,y1, marker=markerStyle, color='r', s=20) if (False): else: fName = 'corr_debug_{0}.png'.format(iTime) fSave = fDirSave+fName print "Saving file to: "+fSave plt.savefig(fSave); plt.close() def read_corr_iTime(data, iTime): #read/return correspondences for the specified time index #later accessed as correspondingSites1[iSite0][iCorrespondingSites1], correspondenceType[iSite0][iCorrespondingSites1] nSites0 = data.variables['nSites0'][iTime] sites0 = data.variables['sites0'][iTime,0:nSites0] nCorr = data.variables['nCorrSites'][iTime,0:nSites0] paddedCorrSites = data.variables['corrSites'][iTime,:,:] paddedTypeCorr = data.variables['corrTypes'][iTime,:,:] corrSites = [] corrTypes = [] for iSite0 in xrange(nSites0): corrSites.append(paddedCorrSites[iSite0, 0:nCorr[iSite0]]) corrTypes.append(paddedTypeCorr[iSite0, 0:nCorr[iSite0]]) return (sites0, corrSites, corrTypes) def get_correspondingSites(dataCorr, iTime, site): allSites0, corrSites, typeCorr = read_corr_iTime(dataCorr, iTime) if (site not in allSites0): print "Uhoh, site doesn't correspond to another..." print site, allSites0 iSite = np.where(allSites0==site)[0][0] return (corrSites[iSite], typeCorr[iSite]) def get_majorCorrespondences_iTime(dataCorr, iTime): #return the 1-1 correspondences between basins at iTime and iTime+1 allSites0, corrSites, typeCorr = read_corr_iTime(dataCorr, iTime) nSites0 = len(allSites0) sites0 = []; sites1 = [] for iSite0 in xrange(nSites0): if (2 in typeCorr[iSite0]): sites0.append(allSites0[iSite0]) sites1.append( corrSites[iSite0][typeCorr[iSite0].tolist().index(2)] ) return (sites0,sites1)