import numpy as np import netCDF4 import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import os import helpers #watershed has a few options for implementation: #-for every cell, walk down steepest gradient to the basin def find_basinBoundaries(cell2Site, cell0, mesh): #a basin boundary is a cell with a cell2Site pointing to another basin isBoundary = np.zeros(mesh.nCells, dtype=int) for cell in iter(cell0.copy()): #not that cell referring to cell0 changes cell0 if (not cell.isInRegion()): continue iCell = cell.ind nbrs = cell.get_nbrInds() val0 = cell2Site[iCell]; valNbrs = cell2Site[nbrs] if ( np.any(val0 != valNbrs) ): #have nbr with different basin isBoundary[iCell] = 1 return isBoundary def find_minCells_region_flat(vals, cell0, mesh): #return array[nCells] with 1 if cell is min and cell in region isMin = np.zeros(mesh.nCells,dtype=int) for cell in iter(cell0.copy()): #not that cell referring to cell0 changes cell0 if (not cell.isInRegion()): continue iCell = cell.ind nbrs = cell.get_nbrInds() #assume that every cell inRegion has >1 neighbor inRegion nbrsInRegion = nbrs[mesh.isIndsInRegion(nbrs)] val0 = vals[iCell]; valNbrs = vals[nbrsInRegion] #print val0, valNbrs if (np.all(val0<=valNbrs)): #is site if can't descend from it isMin[iCell] = 1 nMin = np.sum(isMin) print "Number of local min: ", nMin return isMin def watershed_region(vals, cellIsMin, cell0, mesh): #to make adding/deleting basins simple, follow gradient until reach a site. #map every cell to follow local steepest gradient. basins go to self. #filter basins so have to be a min within specified region (disk of radius dRegion) #return map of cell to basin. ''' #to adapt global watershed to region, make values outside of region huge so don't steepest descend that way. since we pass in minCells, do this before call: bigVal = 1.e10 vals = np.copy(valsIn) vals[inRegion<1] = bigVal ''' cell2Site = -np.ones(mesh.nCells,dtype=int) #so no cell2Site[iCell]=iCell #get local steepest path dMin = min(1.e-6,mesh.r/mesh.nCells); for cell in iter(cell0.copy()): if (not cell.isInRegion()): continue iCell = cell.ind if (cellIsMin[iCell]>0): #steepest path is to self cell2Site[iCell]= iCell else: nbrs = cell.get_nbrInds() nbrs = nbrs[mesh.isIndsInRegion(nbrs)] val0 = vals[iCell] valNbrs = vals[nbrs] #correspondence is towards minimum gradient. lat0, lon0 = mesh.get_latLon_inds(iCell) latNbrs, lonNbrs = mesh.get_latLon_inds(nbrs) dNbrs = helpers.calc_distSphere_multiple(mesh.r, lat0, lon0, latNbrs, lonNbrs) dNbrs[dNbrs=0): print "Uhoh. Steepest descent for cell {0}->{2} is {1}, which isn't negative!".format(iCell, valNbrs[iNbr], nbrs[iNbr]) cell2Site[iCell] = nbrs[iNbr] #Filter local extrema by area to limit high (spatial) frequency "noise". #An extremum must be an extremum within the filter region nRedirect = 0 for cell in iter(cell0.copy()): if (not cell.isInRegion()): continue iCell = cell.ind if (cellIsMin[iCell]>0): #see if cell is min in region, not just neighbors. #if not regional min, update cell2Site so local min goes to another basin cellsRegion = cell.get_regionInds() valsRegion = vals[cellsRegion] minInd = np.argmin(valsRegion) minVal = valsRegion[minInd]; minCell = cellsRegion[minInd]; val0 = vals[iCell]; #print val0, minVal if (minVal < val0): #print "Redirecting cell {0} to {1}".format(iCell, minCell) cellIsMin[iCell] = 0 cell2Site[iCell] = minCell nRedirect = nRedirect+1 else: #cell is min, but not necessarily distinct min (ie strictly less than all other values w/in disk). #here, we deal with the case where multiple cells in region all have the exact same value. #3 (or nLon) neigboring mins should be 1 tpv, not 3 (physically). #we'll redirect to the maximum index within disk (so all cells redirect to accepted min). #While unlikely for 2 general floats to be equal, this can arise from: #-idealized initialization #-compressed storage of variables (eg, ERA-I stores as shorts where val=short*scale+offset) isDiskMin = valsRegion==minVal if (np.sum(isDiskMin)>1): indsOfMins = cellsRegion[isDiskMin>0] minCell = np.max(indsOfMins) if (iCell != minCell): cellIsMin[iCell] = 0 cell2Site[iCell] = minCell nRedirect = nRedirect+1 print "Number of min after redirect: ", np.sum(cellIsMin>0) #follow local steepest path (and any redirections from, say, regional thresholds) to site for cell in iter(cell0.copy()): if (not cell.isInRegion()): continue iCell = cell.ind nextCell = cell2Site[iCell] nCount = 0 while (not cellIsMin[nextCell]>0): nextCell = cell2Site[nextCell] #print "Cell {0} going to {1}".format(iCell,nextCell); print vals[iCell], vals[nextCell] nCount=nCount+1 if (nCount>mesh.nCells): #something is probably quite wrong #seems to happen if values w/in a region have the exact same value. Storing values as shorts in files makes this more likely. print "Uhoh, stuck in while loop for cell {0} with value {1}".format(iCell, vals[iCell]) nbrs = cell.get_nbrInds(); valNbrs = vals[nbrs] print "Neighbor's values are: ", valNbrs break #end not cellIsMin cell2Site[iCell] = nextCell return (cell2Site, cellIsMin) def segment_high_low_watershed_region(theta, vort, cell0, mesh): #get high and low basin seeds, associate cells to both high and low basins if not extrema. #to decide whether "really" part of high or low basin, we have options: #-(anti-)cyclonic for (high) local vorticity noisy? #-closer theta value to maxima a la color scale grouping...huge min or max value now matters #-whether steeper gradient is to high or low #-physical distance #-concavity of surface a la last closed contour #mins #print "Finding minima" #to adapt global watershed to region, make values outside of region huge so don't steepest descend that way bigVal = 1.e10 vals = np.copy(theta) #so don't affect variable passed in vals[np.logical_not( mesh.get_inRegion1d() )] = bigVal cellIsMin = find_minCells_region_flat(vals, cell0.copy(), mesh) cell2SiteMin, cellIsMin = watershed_region(vals, cellIsMin, cell0.copy(), mesh) #maxs: perform min on an inverted surface #print "Finding maxima" #adapt global watershed to region vals = -np.copy(theta) vals[np.logical_not( mesh.get_inRegion1d() )] = bigVal cellIsMax = find_minCells_region_flat(vals, cell0.copy(), mesh) cell2SiteMax, cellIsMax = watershed_region(vals, cellIsMax, cell0.copy(), mesh) #"voting" procedure for low/high classification ------ #print "Associating to max or min by local vorticity" cell2Site = -np.ones(mesh.nCells, dtype=int) for cell in iter(cell0.copy()): if (not cell.isInRegion()): continue iCell = cell.ind if (cellIsMin[iCell]>0 or cellIsMax[iCell]>0): #allows for cyclonic max. is that right? cell2Site[iCell] = iCell else: #cyclonic ~ sign(vorticity) depends on hemisphere signHem = 1 #sign function is problematic since sign(0)=0 lat0, lon0 = mesh.get_latLon_inds(iCell) if (lat0<0): #lat=0 gets put in NH signHem = -signHem if (signHem*vort[iCell]<0): #anticyclonic cell2Site[iCell] = cell2SiteMax[iCell] else: #0 or cyclonic cell2Site[iCell] = cell2SiteMin[iCell] #restrict basins to closed contours ------- #print "Restricting basins to last closed contour w/in watershed" isBoundary = find_basinBoundaries(cell2Site, cell0.copy(), mesh) for cell in iter(cell0.copy()): iCell = cell.ind if (cell2Site[iCell] == iCell): #loop by basin theta0 = theta[iCell] boundingBasin = (cell2Site==iCell)*(isBoundary) thetaBoundary = theta[boundingBasin>0] #defining the last closed contour as smallest amplitude on boundary covers min and max. #cells outside of contour are set to -1 == background #minAmp = np.min( np.absolute(thetaBoundary-theta0) ) minAmp = np.percentile(np.absolute(thetaBoundary-theta0), 10) #print 'theta0, thetaMinBound, thetaMaxBound, minAmp, site: ', theta0, np.min(thetaBoundary), np.max(thetaBoundary), minAmp, iCell #[cell2Site[i]=-1 for i in xrange(mesh.nCells) if (cell2Site[i]==iCell and abs(theta[i]-theta0)>minAmp)] #i don't think we can set values in list comprehension ''' for i in xrange(mesh.nCells): if (cell2Site[i]==iCell and abs(theta[i]-theta0)>minAmp): cell2Site[i]=-1 ''' toRemove = (cell2Site==iCell)*(np.absolute(theta-theta0)>minAmp); #print 'Removed cells {0}/{1}'.format(np.sum(toRemove), np.sum(cell2Site==iCell)) cell2Site[toRemove>0] = -1 return (cell2Site, cellIsMin, cellIsMax) def segment(theta, vort, cell0, mesh): cell2Site, cellIsMin, cellIsMax = segment_high_low_watershed_region(theta, vort, cell0, mesh) sitesMin = cell2Site[cellIsMin>0] sitesMax = cell2Site[cellIsMax>0] return (cell2Site, sitesMin, sitesMax) def write_netcdf_header_seg(fName, info, nCells, nSitesMax): #I don't know how to make ragged arrays, so we'll use #array[nTimes,nMax] and nElts[nTimes] data = netCDF4.Dataset(fName, 'w', format='NETCDF4') data.description = info # dimensions data.createDimension('time', None) data.createDimension('nCells', nCells) data.createDimension('nMax', nSitesMax) # variables cell2Site_data = data.createVariable('cell2Site', 'i4', ('time','nCells',)) sitesMin_data = data.createVariable('sitesMin', 'i4', ('time','nMax',)) #could make unsigned...careful about any arithmetic later though nSitesMin_data = data.createVariable('nSitesMin', 'i4', ('time',)) sitesMax_data = data.createVariable('sitesMax', 'i4', ('time','nMax',)) nSitesMax_data = data.createVariable('nSitesMax', 'i4', ('time',)) #units and descriptions cell2Site_data.description = 'Map[cell]->basin' sitesMin_data.description = 'Cell indices of minima' sitesMax_data.description = 'Cell indices of maxima' nSitesMin_data.description = '# minima = # cyclonic tpvs' return data def write_netcdf_iTime_seg(data, iTime, cell2Site, sitesMin, sitesMax, nSitesMax): # fill file. with time as unlimited, dimension will just keep growing data.variables['cell2Site'][iTime,:] = cell2Site[:] nSites = len(sitesMin) if (nSites>nSitesMax): print "Uhoh. Only storing {0}/{1} sites".format(nSitesMax,nSites) nSites = nSitesMax data.variables['sitesMin'][iTime,0:nSites] = sitesMin[0:nSites] data.variables['nSitesMin'][iTime] = nSites nSites = len(sitesMax) if (nSites>nSitesMax): print "Uhoh. Only storing {0}/{1} sites".format(nSitesMax,nSites) nSites = nSitesMax data.variables['sitesMax'][iTime,0:nSites] = sitesMax[0:nSites] data.variables['nSitesMax'][iTime] = nSites # def run_segment(fSeg, info, dataMetr, cell0, mesh, iTimeStart, iTimeStop): #nSitesMax = (mesh.get_inRegion1d()).sum() #can't have more sites than cells... nSitesMax = 3000 dataSeg = write_netcdf_header_seg(fSeg, info, mesh.nCells, nSitesMax) #for iTime in xrange(nTimes): iTimeFile = 0 for iTime in xrange(iTimeStart,iTimeStop+1): print "Segmenting time index: ", iTime theta = dataMetr.variables['theta'][iTime,:] vort = dataMetr.variables['vort'][iTime,:] cell2Site, sitesMin, sitesMax = segment(theta, vort, cell0.copy(), mesh) write_netcdf_iTime_seg(dataSeg, iTimeFile, cell2Site, sitesMin, sitesMax, nSitesMax) iTimeFile = iTimeFile+1 #so you don't have 10k times in a file w/ only 100 valid times... dataSeg.close() def plot_basins_save(fNameSave, lat, lon, vals, sitesMin, sitesMax): #Input all as 1d arrays. lat/lon in radians plt.figure() #m = Basemap(projection='ortho',lon_0=100,lat_0=60, resolution='l') r2d = 180./np.pi m = Basemap(projection='ortho',lon_0=270,lat_0=89.95, resolution='l') x,y = m(lon*r2d, lat*r2d) #print x.shape, y.shape m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.7) m.drawcountries(linewidth=0.7) #m.drawmapboundary() #plot nan's with different color maskedVals =, mask=np.isnan(vals)) #cmap = cmap ='RdYlBu_r',22) cmap.set_bad('w',1.) pPlot = m.pcolor(x,y,maskedVals,tri=True, shading='flat',edgecolors='none',cmap=cmap, vmin=250, vmax=360) xMin = x[sitesMin]; yMin = y[sitesMin]; m.scatter(xMin, yMin, c='w', marker="o") xMax = x[sitesMax]; yMax = y[sitesMax]; m.scatter(xMax, yMax, c='k', marker="^") plt.colorbar(pPlot) plt.savefig(fNameSave, bbox_inches='tight'); plt.close() def run_plotBasins(fDirSave, dataMetr, fSeg, mesh): lat, lon = mesh.get_latLon_inds(np.arange(mesh.nCells)) if (True): #latLon cells will have duplicate points, which mucks up the triangulation #this is a quick hack but a more robust option may be needed... sizeDelta = .05*np.pi/180. dll = sizeDelta*np.random.uniform(-1.,1,mesh.nCells) lat += dll lon += dll dataSeg = netCDF4.Dataset(fSeg,'r') info = dataSeg.description nTimes = len(dataSeg.dimensions['time']) for iTime in xrange(8): #for iTime in range(242,246+1)+range(364,368+1)+range(485,nTimes): fName = 'seg_{0}_{1}.png'.format(iTime, info) fSave = fDirSave+fName cell2Site = dataSeg.variables['cell2Site'][iTime,:] sitesMin = dataSeg.variables['sitesMin'][iTime,:]; nMin = dataSeg.variables['nSitesMin'][iTime]; sitesMin = sitesMin[0:nMin] sitesMax = dataSeg.variables['sitesMax'][iTime,:]; nMax = dataSeg.variables['nSitesMax'][iTime]; sitesMax = sitesMax[0:nMax] theta = dataMetr.variables['theta'][iTime,:] vals = theta[cell2Site]; vals[cell2Site<0] = np.nan; #print vals print "Saving file: "+fSave plot_basins_save(fSave, lat, lon, vals, sitesMin, sitesMax) dataSeg.close() def combineParallelFiles(fOut, iTimesStart, iTimesEnd, filesIn, keys1d = ['nSitesMin','nSitesMax'], keys2d=['cell2Site','sitesMin','sitesMax']): #stitch the contiguous chunks of times from the separate workers together into 1 file #rather than remake the header of a netcdf file, append to a copy of one of the existing cmd = 'cp {0} {1}'.format(filesIn[0], fOut) print cmd; os.system(cmd) dataOut = netCDF4.Dataset(fOut,'a') nFilesIn = len(filesIn) #I'm not sure if it's better to do the following by reading xor writing contiguously...??? for iFile in xrange(nFilesIn): fIn = filesIn[iFile]; iStart = iTimesStart[iFile]; iEnd = iTimesEnd[iFile] dataIn = netCDF4.Dataset(fIn,'r') for key in keys1d: vals = dataIn.variables[key][:] dataOut.variables[key][iStart:iEnd+1] = vals[:] for key in keys2d: vals = dataIn.variables[key][:,:] dataOut.variables[key][iStart:iEnd+1,:] = vals[:,:] dataIn.close() dataOut.close()