;;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>;; ;; make_0.5_cfsr.ncl ;; Michael Ventrice (Michael.Ventrice@weather.com) ;; Nov 2013 ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Requires: "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Prototype: ;; ;; function make_raw_era_interim( ;; fil_in:string, ;; var_in:string, ;; var_type:integer ;; plev:integer ;; fil_out:string, ;; var_out:string, ;; long_name:string, ;; units:string, ;; nHarm:integer, ;; years:integer ;; ) ;; ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;;Return Value ;; ;;A continuous NETCDF file of the specified variable is output in the specifed ;;directory ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;;Description ;; ;;Reads in one year at a time of GRIB format era interim data and creates a ;;time continuous NETCDF file. ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>;; load "$NCARG_ROOT/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" ;;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>;; undef ("make_raw_era_interim") procedure make_raw_era_interim (dir_in:string,var_type:integer,plev:integer,fil_out:string,\ var_out:string,long_name:string, units:string) begin months = sprinti("%0.2i",ispan(1,12,1)) years = sprinti("%0.4i",ispan(1981,2010,1)) nyears = dimsizes(years) nmonths = dimsizes(months) ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; print("Constructing a continuous NETCDF file for "+var_out+".") ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;;Specify input files nfiles = nmonths*nyears all_fil_u = new((/nfiles/),"string") ; Specify input file strings do yr = 0,nyears-1,1 do m = 0,nmonths-1,1 all_fil_u(nmonths*yr+m) = dir_in+"wnd10mx0.5.gdas."+years(yr)+months(m)+".grb2" end do end do print("File strings created.") ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;;Spefify metadata ;Lat/Lon lat = fspan(-90,90,361) lon = fspan(-180,179.5,720) lat@units = "degrees_north" lat@long_name = "latitude" lat@grid_resolution = "0.5_degrees" lat@mapping = "cylindrical_equidistant_projection_grid" lat@coordinate_defines = "center" lat@delta_y = 0.5 lat@actual_range = (/-90.,90./) lon@units = "degrees_east" lon@long_name = "longitude" lon@grid_resolution = "0.5_degrees" lon@mapping = "cylindrical_equidistant_projection_grid" lon@coordinate_defines = "center" lon@delta_x = 0.5 lon@actual_range = (/-180.,179.5/) ;Time timeUnits = "hours since 1800-01-01 00:00:00" firstTime = ut_inv_calendar( 1981, 01, 01, 00, 0, 0, timeUnits, 0 ) lastTime = ut_inv_calendar( 2010, 12, 31, 18, 0, 0, timeUnits, 0 ) duration = lastTime - firstTime nTimes = 1 + doubletoint( duration / 6 ) time = firstTime + fspan( 0, duration, nTimes ) time@units = timeUnits time@long_name = "initial time" time@delta_t = "0000-00-00 06:00:00" time@first_time = "1981-01-01 00:00:00" time@last_time = "2010-12-31 18:00:00" forecast_time = fspan(1,6,6) ; 30* 6 or just 6? forecast_time@long_name = " Forecast offset from initial time" forecast_time@units = "hours" ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;;Initialize the NETCDF file print("Setting up the output file..."+systemfunc("date")) ; Set file options setfileoption("nc","Format","NetCDF4Classic") setfileoption("nc","CompressionLevel",1) ; Specify file attributes fAtt = True ; assign file attributes fAtt@source_file = dir_in+"/wnd*.grb2" fAtt@creation_date = systemfunc ("date") fAtt@source = "http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds093.1/" fAtt@references = "Compo et al. 2010. " fAtt@description = "CFSR "+var_out fAtt@comments = "Michael Ventrice (Michael.Ventrice@weather.com) " ;Create file system("/bin/rm -f "+fil_out) outFile = addfile( fil_out, "c" ) fileattdef( outFile, fAtt ) ; Set file attributes ;Specify dimension coordinates dimNames = (/ "time", "forecast_time","lat", "lon" /) dimSizes = (/ dimsizes(time), dimsizes(forecast_time),dimsizes(lat), dimsizes(lon) /) dimUnlim = (/ True, False, False, False /) filedimdef( outFile, dimNames, dimSizes, dimUnlim ) filevardef( outFile, "time", typeof(time), "time" ) filevardef( outFile, "forecast_time", typeof(forecast_time), "forecast_time" ) filevardef( outFile, "lat", typeof(lat), "lat" ) filevardef( outFile, "lon", typeof(lon), "lon" ) filevardef( outFile, var_out, "float", (/ "time", "forecast_time","lat", "lon" /) ) filevarattdef( outFile, "time", time ) filevarattdef( outFile, "forecast_time", forecast_time ) filevarattdef( outFile, "lat", lat ) filevarattdef( outFile, "lon", lon ) outFile->time = (/ time /) outFile->forecast_time = (/ forecast_time /) outFile->lat = (/ lat /) outFile->lon = (/ lon /) ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;;Begin adding to the NETCDF file one month at a time do filn = 0,nfiles-1 print("Grabbing the variable from "+all_fil_u(filn)+" on "+systemfunc("date")) u_p = addfile(all_fil_u(filn),"r") v = lonFlip(u_p->VGRD_P0_L103_GLL0(:,:,::-1,:)) ; delete(v) ; Set metadata v!0 = "time" v!1 = "forecast_time" v!2 = "lat" v!3 = "lon" delete(v&lat) delete(v&lon) delete_VarAtts(v,-1) v@long_name = long_name v@units = units if (var_type.EQ.1) then ; Pressure level or 3D cfsr variables v@pressure_level = plev end if v@grid_resolution = "0.5_degrees" v@mapping = "cylindrical_equidistant_projection_grid" v@_FillValue = -999.9 v&lat = lat v&lon = lon delete_VarAtts(v&time,-1) copy_VarAtts(time,v&time) ;print(dimsizes(time)+" "+dimsizes(forecast_time)+" "+dimsizes(lat)+" "+dimsizes(lon)) ;printVarSummary(u) ;ah = dimsizes(u&time) * 30 ;print(ah) outFile->$var_out$({v&time},:,:,:) = (/v/) if(filn.eq.0 ) then filevarattdef( outFile, var_out, v ) ; Not sure why this is necessary but works end if ;delete(v_p) delete(u_p) delete(v) end do end ;;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>;; ;;Program Main Body ;;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>;; begin print("Program begun on "+systemfunc ("date")+".") dir_in = (/"/archive/data/cfsr/1deg/wind/"/) plev = 10 var_type = 0 ; 0 = surface, 1 = pressure level var_out = "v" fil_out = "/archive/data/cfsr/1deg/"+var_out+"."+plev+"m.nc" units = "m/s" long_name = "10m_Vwnd" make_raw_era_interim(dir_in,var_type,plev,fil_out,var_out,long_name,units) print("Program completed on "+systemfunc ("date")+".") end