The weather observed at BECKLEY, WV (KBKW) at 06:51 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 7F (-14C) Dewpoint: 2F (-17C) Relative Humidity: 79% Winds from the NW (320 degs) at 8 mph. Pressure: 1031.7 millibars. Altimeter:30.32 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 2.5 miles. The maximum temperature in the past 6 hours was 12F. The minimum temperature in the past 6 hours was 6F. There has been 0.00 inches of precipitation in the past hour. There has been 0.00 inches of precipitation in the past 6 hours. The weather observed at BECKLEY, WV (KBKW) at 07:23 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 7F (-14C) Dewpoint: 1F (-17C) Relative Humidity: 78% Winds from the NNW(340 degs) at 12 mph. Altimeter:30.32 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 3 miles. There has been 0.00 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLUEFIELD, WV (KBLF) at 06:52 AM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 5F (-15C) Dewpoint: -2F (-19C) Relative Humidity: 72% Winds from the W (270 degs) at 5 mph. Pressure: 1029.6 millibars. Altimeter:30.29 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The maximum temperature in the past 6 hours was 14F. The minimum temperature in the past 6 hours was 5F. The weather observed at CLARKSBURG, WV (KCKB) at 06:53 AM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 9F (-13C) Dewpoint: 3F (-16C) Relative Humidity: 76% Winds from the S (190 degs) at 5 mph. Pressure: 1031.5 millibars. Altimeter:30.41 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The maximum temperature in the past 6 hours was 16F. The minimum temperature in the past 6 hours was 7F. There has been 0.00 inches of precipitation in the past 6 hours. The weather observed at CHARLESTON, WV (KCRW) at 06:54 AM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 9F (-13C) Dewpoint: 3F (-16C) Relative Humidity: 76% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Pressure: 1033.4 millibars. Altimeter:30.48 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The maximum temperature in the past 6 hours was 16F. The minimum temperature in the past 6 hours was 9F. The weather observed at ELKINS, WV (KEKN) at 06:51 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 8F (-13C) Dewpoint: 2F (-17C) Relative Humidity: 76% Winds from the NNW(340 degs) at 3 mph. Pressure: 1031.7 millibars. Altimeter:30.35 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 7 miles. The maximum temperature in the past 6 hours was 13F. The minimum temperature in the past 6 hours was 8F. There has been 0.00 inches of precipitation in the past hour. There has been 0.00 inches of precipitation in the past 6 hours. There has been 0.01 inches of precipitation in the past 24 hours. The weather observed at WHEELING, WV (KHLG) at 06:53 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 9F (-13C) Dewpoint: 3F (-16C) Relative Humidity: 76% Winds from the SW (240 degs) at 7 mph. Pressure: 1031.5 millibars. Altimeter:30.38 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The maximum temperature in the past 6 hours was 12F. The minimum temperature in the past 6 hours was 8F. The weather observed at HUNTINGTON, WV (KHTS) at 06:51 AM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 9F (-13C) Dewpoint: 5F (-15C) Relative Humidity: 84% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Pressure: 1033.9 millibars. Altimeter:30.50 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 9 miles. The maximum temperature in the past 6 hours was 17F. The minimum temperature in the past 6 hours was 8F. The weather observed at LEWISBURG/GREENB, WV (KLWB) at 06:55 AM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 5F (-15C) Dewpoint: 0F (-18C) Relative Humidity: 80% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.31 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The maximum temperature in the past 6 hours was 14F. The weather observed at MORGANTOWN, WV (KMGW) at 06:53 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 5F (-15C) Dewpoint: 3F (-16C) Relative Humidity: 91% Winds from the SSW(200 degs) at 3 mph. Pressure: 1032.1 millibars. Altimeter:30.40 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The maximum temperature in the past 6 hours was 15F. The minimum temperature in the past 6 hours was 5F. There has been 0.04 inches of precipitation in the past 24 hours. The weather observed at MARTINSBURG, WV (KMRB) at 06:53 AM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 18F ( -8C) Dewpoint: 2F (-17C) Relative Humidity: 49% Winds from the NW (300 degs) at 16 mph. Pressure: 1027.6 millibars. Altimeter:30.32 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The maximum temperature in the past 6 hours was 21F. The minimum temperature in the past 6 hours was 18F. The weather observed at PARKERSBURG, WV (KPKB) at 06:53 AM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 4F (-16C) Dewpoint: 0F (-18C) Relative Humidity: 83% Winds from the S (170 degs) at 3 mph. Pressure: 1033.0 millibars. Altimeter:30.46 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The maximum temperature in the past 6 hours was 12F. The minimum temperature in the past 6 hours was 4F. The weather observed at ATHENS, WV (KUNI) at 06:55 AM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: -3F (-20C) Dewpoint: -8F (-22C) Relative Humidity: 81% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.50 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The maximum temperature in the past 6 hours was 10F. The minimum temperature in the past 6 hours was -3F. The weather observed at PETERSBURG, WV (KW99) at 06:55 AM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 15F ( -9C) Dewpoint: 0F (-18C) Relative Humidity: 51% Winds from the SW (240 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.37 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.