KBCB 142215Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM CLR 06/M09 A3050 RMK AO2 T00551089= KBCB 142235Z AUTO 11004KT 10SM CLR 05/M09 A3049 RMK AO2 T00511095= KBCB 142255Z AUTO 11006KT 10SM CLR 05/M10 A3049 RMK AO2 T00491097= KBCB 142315Z AUTO 12005KT 10SM CLR 04/M08 A3050 RMK AO2 T00401082= KBCB 142335Z AUTO 15005KT 10SM CLR 04/M09 A3050 RMK AO2 T00431086= KBCB 142355Z AUTO 13005KT 10SM CLR 04/M08 A3050 RMK AO2 T00401081 10062 20021= KBCB 150015Z AUTO 13006KT 10SM SCT110 04/M09 A3050 RMK AO2 T00381086= KBCB 150035Z AUTO 14006KT 10SM CLR 04/M08 A3049 RMK AO2 T00361085= KBCB 150055Z AUTO 13003KT 10SM CLR 04/M08 A3050 RMK AO2 T00351082= KBCB 150115Z AUTO 11006KT 10SM SCT120 03/M08 A3049 RMK AO2 T00321078= KBCB 150135Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM SCT120 03/M08 A3052 RMK AO2 T00321081= KBCB 150155Z AUTO 11005KT 10SM CLR 02/M06 A3050 RMK AO2 T00241062= KBCB 150215Z AUTO 10003KT 10SM SCT120 02/M07 A3051 RMK AO2 T00231068= KBCB 150235Z AUTO 11004KT 10SM BKN120 02/M07 A3050 RMK AO2 T00241068= KBCB 150255Z AUTO 11005KT 10SM BKN120 02/M07 A3050 RMK AO2 T00191069= KBCB 150315Z AUTO 11003KT 10SM SCT120 01/M06 A3049 RMK AO2 T00131064= KBCB 150335Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM SCT120 02/M07 A3050 RMK AO2 T00181070= KBCB 150355Z AUTO 10004KT 10SM SCT110 02/M06 A3048 RMK AO2 T00151064= KBCB 150415Z AUTO 12005KT 10SM SCT100 02/M07 A3046 RMK AO2 T00181072= KBCB 150435Z AUTO 11004KT 10SM BKN110 02/M07 A3046 RMK AO2 T00151066= KBCB 150455Z AUTO 11003KT 10SM BKN110 02/M07 A3045 RMK AO2 T00151069 400621051= KBCB 150515Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM OVC100 02/M07 A3046 RMK AO2 T00151067= KBCB 150535Z AUTO 10003KT 10SM BKN100 OVC120 02/M07 A3044 RMK AO2 T00171073= KBCB 150555Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM SCT090 BKN120 02/M07 A3043 RMK AO2 T00171072 10040 20011= KBCB 150615Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM BKN090 02/M07 A3043 RMK AO2 T00171069= KBCB 150635Z AUTO 12006KT 10SM OVC090 02/M07 A3041 RMK AO2 T00181072= KBCB 150655Z AUTO 10004KT 10SM BKN090 02/M07 A3040 RMK AO2 T00161073= KBCB 150715Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM SCT100 BKN120 02/M07 A3039 RMK AO2 T00161068= KBCB 150735Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM BKN090 OVC120 02/M06 A3039 RMK AO2 T00151064= KBCB 150755Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM BKN090 OVC120 02/M06 A3038 RMK AO2 T00171061= KBCB 150815Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM BKN090 OVC120 02/M06 A3037 RMK AO2 T00151057= KBCB 150835Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM SCT090 OVC120 01/M06 A3037 RMK AO2 T00121062= KBCB 150855Z AUTO 10003KT 10SM SCT080 OVC120 02/M06 A3035 RMK AO2 T00161065= KBCB 150915Z AUTO 10003KT 10SM SCT110 02/M06 A3035 RMK AO2 T00151065= KBCB 150935Z AUTO 11003KT 10SM BKN075 01/M06 A3034 RMK AO2 T00111056= KBCB 150955Z AUTO 15004KT 10SM OVC075 03/M06 A3034 RMK AO2 T00251065= KBCB 151015Z AUTO 12003KT 10SM OVC075 02/M06 A3034 RMK AO2 T00231063= KBCB 151035Z AUTO 11003KT 10SM OVC075 02/M06 A3033 RMK AO2 T00211065= KBCB 151055Z AUTO 11004KT 10SM OVC075 02/M06 A3033 RMK AO2 T00181058= KBCB 151115Z AUTO 10004KT 10SM OVC075 02/M06 A3032 RMK AO2 T00171058= KBCB 151135Z AUTO 10005KT 10SM BKN070 OVC085 02/M05 A3031 RMK AO2 T00161051= KBCB 151155Z AUTO 09004KT 10SM OVC095 02/M05 A3032 RMK AO2 T00161049 10025 20008= KBCB 151215Z AUTO 08005KT 10SM OVC095 02/M05 A3032 RMK AO2 T00161051= KBCB 151235Z AUTO 07006KT 10SM BKN030 OVC095 02/M05 A3031 RMK AO2 T00171050= KBCB 151255Z AUTO 08004KT 10SM OVC030 02/M05 A3033 RMK AO2 T00181052= KBCB 151315Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM OVC030 02/M05 A3033 RMK AO2 T00181051= KBCB 151335Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM -RA OVC030 02/M05 A3035 RMK AO2 T00181049= KBCB 151355Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM DZ OVC032 02/M04 A3035 RMK AO2 T00171045= KBCB 151415Z AUTO 11004KT 10SM SCT030 SCT060 BKN095 02/M04 A3031 RMK AO2 T00151039= KBCB 151435Z AUTO 13004KT 10SM -RA BKN031 BKN037 BKN100 01/M04 A3030 RMK AO2 T00121039= KBCB 151455Z AUTO 11004KT 3SM RA OVC027 01/M02 A3030 RMK AO2 P0001 60001 T00051025= KBCB 151515Z AUTO 11005KT 2SM -SN OVC025 00/M02 A3028 RMK AO2 P0007 T00001017= KBCB 151535Z AUTO 11004KT 2SM -SN OVC023 00/00 A3028 RMK AO2 P0014 T00011005= KBCB 151555Z AUTO 11004KT 1 1/2SM -SN BKN023 BKN027 OVC047 01/01 A3025 RMK AO2 P0025 T00050005= KBCB 151615Z AUTO 00000KT 1 1/2SM -SN BKN021 BKN033 OVC050 01/01 A3025 RMK AO2 P0009 T00060006= KBCB 151635Z AUTO 00000KT 1SM -SN BKN010 BKN018 OVC033 01/01 A3024 RMK AO2 P0022 T00050005= KBCB 151655Z AUTO 11003KT 1SM -SN BKN003 OVC008 01/01 A3022 RMK AO2 P0035 T00060006= KBCB 151715Z AUTO 11003KT 1/2SM -SN OVC003 01/01 A3022 RMK AO2 P0014 T00050005= KBCB 151735Z AUTO 00000KT 1SM -SN OVC005 01/01 A3020 RMK AO2 P0032 T00050005= KBCB 151755Z AUTO 00000KT 3/4SM -SN OVC005 01/01 A3020 RMK AO2 P0046 60108 T00050005 10020 20000= KBCB 151815Z AUTO 00000KT 1/2SM -SN OVC005 01/01 A3020 RMK AO2 P0014 T00050005= KBCB 151835Z AUTO 00000KT 3/4SM -SN BKN005 OVC029 01/01 A3018 RMK AO2 P0030 T00050005= KBCB 151855Z AUTO 11003KT 1SM -SN BKN003 BKN030 OVC040 01/01 A3015 RMK AO2 VIS 1/2V1 3/4 P0046 T00060006= KBCB 151915Z AUTO 11003KT 1SM -SN BKN003 BKN031 OVC039 01/01 A3014 RMK AO2 P0012 T00060006= KBCB 151935Z AUTO 11005KT 1 1/4SM -SN SCT031 BKN039 OVC047 01/01 A3010 RMK AO2 P0029 T00060006= KBCB 151955Z AUTO 11005KT 1 3/4SM -SN SCT006 OVC045 01/01 A3008 RMK AO2 P0042 T00050005= KBCB 152015Z AUTO 00000KT 4SM -RA BKN003 BKN015 OVC065 01/01 A3006 RMK AO2 P0002 T00080008= KBCB 152035Z AUTO 10003KT 1 1/4SM -SN OVC003 01/01 A3008 RMK AO2 P0009 T00110011= KBCB 152055Z AUTO 00000KT 3SM RA BKN005 OVC014 01/01 A3008 RMK AO2 P0013 60102 T00130013= KBCB 152115Z AUTO 00000KT 1 3/4SM -RA SCT007 OVC012 01/01 A3008 RMK AO2 P0003 T00110011= KBCB 152135Z AUTO 00000KT 2 1/2SM RA BKN014 BKN020 OVC035 02/02 A3006 RMK AO2 P0005 T00210021= KBCB 152155Z AUTO 16004KT 4SM RA SCT022 BKN037 OVC080 02/02 A3006 RMK AO2 P0008 T00170017= KBCB 152215Z AUTO 14004KT 5SM -RA SCT022 BKN039 OVC047 01/01 A3004 RMK AO2 P0001 T00140014= KBCB 152235Z AUTO 00000KT 5SM RA BKN018 BKN041 OVC048 02/02 A3003 RMK AO2 P0002 T00150015=
Decoded Surface Observations
The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 05:15 PM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 43F ( 6C) Dewpoint: 16F ( -9C) Relative Humidity: 33% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.50 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 05:35 PM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 41F ( 5C) Dewpoint: 16F ( -9C) Relative Humidity: 36% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.49 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 05:55 PM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 41F ( 5C) Dewpoint: 14F (-10C) Relative Humidity: 33% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 7 mph. Altimeter:30.49 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 06:15 PM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 39F ( 4C) Dewpoint: 18F ( -8C) Relative Humidity: 41% Winds from the SE (120 degs) at 6 mph. Altimeter:30.50 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 06:35 PM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 39F ( 4C) Dewpoint: 16F ( -9C) Relative Humidity: 38% Winds from the SE (150 degs) at 6 mph. Altimeter:30.50 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 06:55 PM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 39F ( 4C) Dewpoint: 17F ( -8C) Relative Humidity: 41% Winds from the SE (130 degs) at 6 mph. Altimeter:30.50 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The maximum temperature in the past 6 hours was 43F. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 07:15 PM EST was: The skies were partly cloudy. Temperature: 39F ( 4C) Dewpoint: 16F ( -9C) Relative Humidity: 38% Winds from the SE (130 degs) at 7 mph. Altimeter:30.50 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 07:35 PM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 39F ( 4C) Dewpoint: 18F ( -8C) Relative Humidity: 41% Winds from the SE (140 degs) at 7 mph. Altimeter:30.49 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 07:55 PM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 39F ( 4C) Dewpoint: 18F ( -8C) Relative Humidity: 41% Winds from the SE (130 degs) at 3 mph. Altimeter:30.50 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 08:15 PM EST was: The skies were partly cloudy. Temperature: 37F ( 3C) Dewpoint: 18F ( -8C) Relative Humidity: 44% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 7 mph. Altimeter:30.49 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 08:35 PM EST was: The skies were partly cloudy. Temperature: 37F ( 3C) Dewpoint: 18F ( -8C) Relative Humidity: 44% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.52 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 08:55 PM EST was: The skies were clear. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 21F ( -6C) Relative Humidity: 55% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 6 mph. Altimeter:30.50 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 09:15 PM EST was: The skies were partly cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 19F ( -7C) Relative Humidity: 51% Winds from the E (100 degs) at 3 mph. Altimeter:30.51 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 09:35 PM EST was: The skies were mostly cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 19F ( -7C) Relative Humidity: 51% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.50 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 09:55 PM EST was: The skies were mostly cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 19F ( -7C) Relative Humidity: 51% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 6 mph. Altimeter:30.50 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 10:15 PM EST was: The skies were partly cloudy. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 21F ( -6C) Relative Humidity: 60% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 3 mph. Altimeter:30.49 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 10:35 PM EST was: The skies were partly cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 19F ( -7C) Relative Humidity: 51% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.50 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 10:55 PM EST was: The skies were partly cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 21F ( -6C) Relative Humidity: 55% Winds from the E (100 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.48 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 11:15 PM EST was: The skies were partly cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 19F ( -7C) Relative Humidity: 51% Winds from the SE (120 degs) at 6 mph. Altimeter:30.46 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 11:35 PM EST was: The skies were mostly cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 19F ( -7C) Relative Humidity: 51% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.46 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 11:55 PM EST was: The skies were mostly cloudy. Temperature: 35F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 20F ( -7C) Relative Humidity: 54% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 3 mph. Altimeter:30.45 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 12:15 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 19F ( -7C) Relative Humidity: 51% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.46 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 12:35 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 19F ( -7C) Relative Humidity: 51% Winds from the E (100 degs) at 3 mph. Altimeter:30.44 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 12:55 AM EST was: The skies were mostly cloudy. Temperature: 35F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 19F ( -7C) Relative Humidity: 52% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.43 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The maximum temperature in the past 6 hours was 39F. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 01:15 AM EST was: The skies were mostly cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 19F ( -7C) Relative Humidity: 51% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.43 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 01:35 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 19F ( -7C) Relative Humidity: 51% Winds from the SE (120 degs) at 7 mph. Altimeter:30.41 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 01:55 AM EST was: The skies were mostly cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 19F ( -7C) Relative Humidity: 51% Winds from the E (100 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.40 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 02:15 AM EST was: The skies were mostly cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 19F ( -7C) Relative Humidity: 51% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.39 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 02:35 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 21F ( -6C) Relative Humidity: 55% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.39 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 02:55 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 21F ( -6C) Relative Humidity: 55% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.38 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 03:15 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 21F ( -6C) Relative Humidity: 55% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.37 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 03:35 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 21F ( -6C) Relative Humidity: 60% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.37 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 03:55 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 21F ( -6C) Relative Humidity: 55% Winds from the E (100 degs) at 3 mph. Altimeter:30.35 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 04:15 AM EST was: The skies were partly cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 21F ( -6C) Relative Humidity: 55% Winds from the E (100 degs) at 3 mph. Altimeter:30.35 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 04:35 AM EST was: The skies were mostly cloudy. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 21F ( -6C) Relative Humidity: 60% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 3 mph. Altimeter:30.34 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 04:55 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 37F ( 3C) Dewpoint: 21F ( -6C) Relative Humidity: 52% Winds from the SE (150 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.34 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 05:15 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 21F ( -6C) Relative Humidity: 55% Winds from the SE (120 degs) at 3 mph. Altimeter:30.34 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 05:35 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 21F ( -6C) Relative Humidity: 55% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 3 mph. Altimeter:30.33 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 05:55 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 21F ( -6C) Relative Humidity: 55% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.33 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 06:15 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 21F ( -6C) Relative Humidity: 55% Winds from the E (100 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.32 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 06:35 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 23F ( -5C) Relative Humidity: 60% Winds from the E (100 degs) at 6 mph. Altimeter:30.31 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 06:55 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 35F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 23F ( -5C) Relative Humidity: 62% Winds from the E (090 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.32 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The maximum temperature in the past 6 hours was 36F. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 07:15 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 23F ( -5C) Relative Humidity: 60% Winds from the E (080 degs) at 6 mph. Altimeter:30.32 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 07:35 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 23F ( -5C) Relative Humidity: 60% Winds from the ENE(070 degs) at 7 mph. Altimeter:30.31 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 07:55 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 23F ( -5C) Relative Humidity: 60% Winds from the E (080 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.33 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 08:15 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 23F ( -5C) Relative Humidity: 60% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.33 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 08:35 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light rain. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 23F ( -5C) Relative Humidity: 60% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.35 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 08:55 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was moderate drizzle. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 25F ( -4C) Relative Humidity: 64% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.35 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 09:15 AM EST was: The skies were mostly cloudy. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 25F ( -4C) Relative Humidity: 64% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.31 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 09:35 AM EST was: The skies were mostly cloudy. The weather reported was light rain. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 25F ( -4C) Relative Humidity: 69% Winds from the SE (130 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.30 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 10 miles. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 09:55 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was moderate rain. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 28F ( -2C) Relative Humidity: 80% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.30 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 3 miles. There has been 0.01 inches of precipitation in the past hour. There has been 0.01 inches of precipitation in the past 6 hours. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 10:15 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 32F ( 0C) Dewpoint: 28F ( -2C) Relative Humidity: 86% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 6 mph. Altimeter:30.28 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 2 miles. There has been 0.07 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 10:35 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 32F ( 0C) Dewpoint: 32F ( 0C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.28 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 2 miles. There has been 0.14 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 10:55 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.25 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 1.5 miles. There has been 0.25 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 11:15 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.25 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 1.5 miles. There has been 0.09 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 11:35 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.24 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 1 miles. There has been 0.22 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 11:55 AM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 3 mph. Altimeter:30.22 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 1 miles. There has been 0.35 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 12:15 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 3 mph. Altimeter:30.22 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was .5 miles. There has been 0.14 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 12:35 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.20 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 1 miles. There has been 0.32 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 12:55 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 33F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 33F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.20 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was .75 miles. The maximum temperature in the past 6 hours was 36F. There has been 0.46 inches of precipitation in the past hour. There has been 1.08 inches of precipitation in the past 6 hours. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 01:15 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.20 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was .5 miles. There has been 0.14 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 01:35 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.18 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was .75 miles. There has been 0.30 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 01:55 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 3 mph. Altimeter:30.15 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 1 miles. There has been 0.46 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 02:15 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 3 mph. Altimeter:30.14 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 1 miles. There has been 0.12 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 02:35 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 6 mph. Altimeter:30.10 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 1.25 miles. There has been 0.29 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 02:55 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 6 mph. Altimeter:30.08 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 1.75 miles. There has been 0.42 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 03:15 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light rain. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.06 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 4 miles. There has been 0.02 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 03:35 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light snow. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the E (100 degs) at 3 mph. Altimeter:30.08 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 1.25 miles. There has been 0.09 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 03:55 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was moderate rain. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.08 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 3 miles. There has been 0.13 inches of precipitation in the past hour. There has been 1.02 inches of precipitation in the past 6 hours. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 04:15 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light rain. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.08 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 1.75 miles. There has been 0.03 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 04:35 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was moderate rain. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 36F ( 2C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.06 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 2.5 miles. There has been 0.05 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 04:55 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was moderate rain. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 36F ( 2C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the SSE(160 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.06 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 4 miles. There has been 0.08 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 05:15 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light rain. Temperature: 34F ( 1C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the SE (140 degs) at 5 mph. Altimeter:30.04 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 5 miles. There has been 0.01 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at BLACKSBURG/VA T., VA (KBCB) at 05:35 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was moderate rain. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 36F ( 2C) Relative Humidity: 100% Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph. Altimeter:30.03 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 5 miles. There has been 0.02 inches of precipitation in the past hour.
Short Range Forecast
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Zone Forecast
VAZ014-160600- Montgomery- Including the city of Blacksburg 532 PM EST Sat Feb 15 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH SUNDAY EVENING... ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM NOON SUNDAY TO 4 PM EST MONDAY... .TONIGHT...Cloudy with a 40 percent chance of rain. Areas of fog. Not as cool with lows in the lower 40s. Temperature rising into the lower 50s after midnight. South winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. .SUNDAY...Areas of fog in the morning. Rain showers in the morning, then partly sunny with a chance of rain showers in the afternoon. Breezy and not as cool with highs in the lower 50s. Temperature falling into the lower 40s in the afternoon. Southwest winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 35 mph, becoming west 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph in the afternoon. Chance of rain near 100 percent. .SUNDAY NIGHT...Mostly cloudy and blustery. Much colder with lows in the lower 20s. West winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. .WASHINGTONS BIRTHDAY...Sunny, blustery and much cooler with highs in the mid 30s. Northwest winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph, diminishing to 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 30 mph in the afternoon. .MONDAY NIGHT...Mostly clear in the evening, then becoming partly cloudy. Cold with lows in the lower 20s. West winds 5 to 10 mph. Gusts up to 25 mph in the evening. .TUESDAY...Partly sunny. Highs in the lower 40s. .TUESDAY NIGHT...Mostly cloudy. A chance of snow after midnight. Cold with lows in the lower 20s. Chance of snow 30 percent. .WEDNESDAY...Snow. Little or no snow accumulation. Colder with highs in the lower 30s. Chance of snow 90 percent. .WEDNESDAY NIGHT...Snow, cold with lows around 20. Chance of snow 90 percent. .THURSDAY...Mostly cloudy with a chance of snow in the morning, then partly sunny in the afternoon. Cold with highs in the mid 20s. Chance of snow 40 percent. .THURSDAY NIGHT...Mostly cloudy. Cold with lows around 10 above. Wind chill values as low as 5 below. .FRIDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHT...Partly cloudy. Cold. Highs around 30. Lows 10 to 15. Wind chill values as low as 5 below. .SATURDAY...Mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 30s.
State Forecast
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State Forecast Discussion
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GFS Short-Range Model Output Statistics (MOS) Forecast
KBCB GFS MOS GUIDANCE 2/15/2025 1800 UTC DT /FEB 16 /FEB 17 /FEB 18 HR 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21 00 03 06 12 18 N/X 39 50 24 36 22 TMP 36 39 42 45 48 49 47 44 38 33 29 27 25 27 33 35 31 28 25 23 37 DPT 35 37 41 44 48 49 45 36 28 20 17 15 14 12 12 11 12 14 15 16 18 CLD OV OV OV OV OV OV OV BK BK OV OV SC SC CL CL SC SC FW FW OV OV WDR 10 00 14 14 16 25 27 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 29 30 30 WSP 02 00 02 06 06 07 12 17 14 14 13 15 14 13 10 10 05 02 02 04 03 P06 78 76 100 22 14 10 0 0 3 3 11 P12 92 100 16 2 9 Q06 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q12 2 3 0 0 0 T06 1/ 8 2/ 8 2/26 1/21 1/19 1/11 0/11 0/ 0 1/13 0/ 5 T12 2/29 2/29 1/19 1/14 0/ 6 POZ 4 5 6 6 6 1 0 0 0 0 3 4 5 3 1 1 0 3 4 6 2 POS 26 16 0 10 1 3 11 35 83 99 97 96 95 97 97 90 93 96 96 94 70 TYP R R R R R R R R S S S S S S S S S S S S S SNW 0 0 CIG 3 2 2 1 3 6 4 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 VIS 5 4 4 7 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 OBV N BR BR N BR N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
GFS Long-Range Model Output Statistics (MOS) Forecast
KBCB GFSX MOS GUIDANCE 2/15/2025 1200 UTC FHR 24 36| 48 60| 72 84| 96 108|120 132|144 156|168 180|192 SUN 16| MON 17| TUE 18| WED 19| THU 20| FRI 21| SAT 22|SUN CLIMO N/X 39 52| 23 35| 22 43| 25 28| 21 29| 18 32| 23 38| 22 23 47 TMP 47 37| 24 30| 24 37| 27 27| 22 23| 19 26| 24 32| 24 DPT 47 25| 14 10| 16 21| 22 24| 17 11| 14 15| 19 17| 18 CLD OV OV| CL CL| PC OV| OV OV| OV OV| PC PC| OV PC| OV WND 6 17| 15 15| 5 4| 4 5| 9 15| 12 5| 9 11| 3 P12 92 100| 13 1| 4 13| 30 79| 59 17| 15 23| 22 13| 11999999 P24 100| 19| 13| 85| 71| 23| 30| 999 Q12 2 3| 0 0| 0 0| 0 3| 2 0| 0 0| | Q24 4| 0| 0| 4| 2| 0| | T12 2 2| 1 0| 1 0| 0 1| 1 1| 0 0| 1 1| 0 T24 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 PZP 0 1| 0 3| 1 7| 6 26| 28 6| 15 9| 16 6| 14 PSN 0 16| 84 95| 87 62| 48 41| 54 89| 75 69| 70 74| 64 PRS 4 20| 11 2| 7 15| 20 22| 19 2| 3 10| 5 7| 5 TYP R R| S S| S S| S Z| Z S| S S| Z S| Z SNW 0| 0| 0| 4| 2| 0| |
NGM Model Output Statistics (MOS) Forecast
Climatological Summary
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Watch and Warning Statment
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Park/Ski Recreation Report/Forecast
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