The weather observed at PHILADELPHIA, PA (KPHL) at 04:54 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light rain and fog. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 93% Winds from the ESE(110 degs) at 7 mph. Pressure: 1020.7 millibars. Altimeter:30.14 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 6 miles. There has been 0.06 inches of precipitation in the past hour. The weather observed at PHILADELPHIA, PA (KPHL) at 05:09 PM EST was: The skies were cloudy. The weather reported was light rain and fog. Temperature: 36F ( 2C) Dewpoint: 34F ( 1C) Relative Humidity: 93% Winds from the SE (120 degs) at 6 mph. Altimeter:30.13 inches of mercury. The prevailing visibility was 6 miles. There has been 0.00 inches of precipitation in the past hour.