Instructor: Prof. Brian Rose
Office: ES 315
Email: brose -at-
Phone: (518) 442-4477
Office hours: by appointment
Meeting time: Tuesday, Thursday 2:45 – 5:05 PM
Meeting place: ES 328
Syllabus in pdf format
Course description and objectives:
The focus of this course will be hands-on investigation of the climate system using numerical and mathematical models. We will collectively get our hands on a range of models, including both comprehensive GCMs and assorted simpler process models. We will use these models to build our understanding of topics such as
- The global energy budget
• The greenhouse effect and radiative-convective equilibrium
• Radiative forcing and climate feedback analysis
• Orbital geometry, insolation, and the ice ages
• Arctic sea ice and its coupling to the global climate system
• Mechanisms of heat transport in the atmosphere and ocean
• Links between tropical precipitation and global energy flows.
• Ocean heat uptake and storage
Prerequisites: permission of instructor
The course will assume some exposure to geophysical fluid dynamics and climate dynamics at first-year graduate level. Some coding experience in a high-level programming language (Python, Matlab, R, NCL, etc.) is necessary.