Medial Ordovician rocks exposed in westernmost New England and
eastern New York State include thick sequences of marine
sandstones which are part of a belt extending from Newfoundland to
Tennessee. A petrographic study was made of 237 samples
distributed across the entire outcrop belt (approx. 250 km.
north-south along strike and 190 km. east-west across strike).
Two distinct types of sandstone are recognized, the oldest, and
most widespread, is a deep water lithic wacke deposited by
turbidity currents and found interbedded with shale (flysch). The
younger sandstone is found only in the southeastern part of the
study area and is a lithic to quartz arenite which was deposited
in a shallower water environment (molasse).
The composition of these sandstones is mainly quartz (50-70%)
along with minor amounts of chert, feldspar and lithic fragments
all in a varying amount of matrix and cement. The lithic fragments
(7-12% of a given sample) are mainly sedimentary (shale,
siltstone, greywacke and sandstone) with minor amounts of
metamorphics (phyllite, slate and schist), carbonates, volcanics
(silicic to mafic) and volcaniclastics. No minerals indicative of
medium to high grade metamorphism were found.
Paleocurrent evidence suggests that the oldest flysch was
deposited from the east in a number of small overlapping fans
while the younger flysch and the molasse appear to be part of a
single large fan whose source is to the south. Along strike no
significant change in composition is seen but across strike as the
flysch grows younger an increase in K-feldspar and carbonate
material is noted with the greatest increase occurring in the
molassic sediments.
These clastic sandstones were deposited in an elongate basin which
formed as the result of an arc-continent collision during the
Taconic Orogeny. The flysch sands are thought to be derived from
recycled continental rise sediments (eg. Taconic Allochthon) with
a contribution of volcanics and volcaniclastics from the
colliding island arc. The lack of ophiolitic detritus indicates
ophiolitic obduction either did not take place or occurred to a
much lesser degree than in the northern extension of this belt in
Canada. The increase of K-feldspar and carbonate may indicate the
progressive exposure of Grenville basement and covering shelf
carbonates, by overthrusting.
Tanski, S.A., 1984. Provenance study of the Middle Ordovician
sandstones of New York and western Vermont. Unpublished MSc.
thesis, State University of New York at Albany. 112 pp., +ix; 1
folded plate (map)
University at Albany Science Library call number: SCIENCE
Oversize (*) QE 40 Z899 1985 T35
Tanski MS thesis (scanned
text pdf - 13 MB)
Plate 1 - Sample
location and outline geological map (Middle Ordovician
sandstones of eastern NY and western VT)
(uncoloured map, scale 1:
250,000) - 2.4MB pdf file
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