(Click images for loops and variable/domain options)

(Click images for loops and variable/domain options)

MSLP, 6-h precipitation, 850-hPa temp., 10-m wind

DT [2 PVU] theta & wind, 925-850-hPa cyclonic rel. vort.

500-hPa geo. height, temp., ascent, cyclonic rel. vort., wind

700-hPa geo. height, Integrated Water Vapor Transport (IVT)

850-hPa geo. heights, temp., CAPE, 1000-500-hPa shear

330 K isentropic surface | PV, pressure, wind

Coupling Index, 300-200-hPa PV, 850-200-hPa wind shear, Lows

300-200-hPa PV, 250-hPa wind, standardized meridional wind anom.

700-hPa geo. height, wind, standardized PW anom.

925-hPa geo. height, standardized wind speed anom., wind

MSLP, 1000-500-hPa thickness, 250-hPa jet

300-200-hPa PV/irro. wind, 250-hPa jet, 600-400-hPa ascent, PW

700-hPa geo. height, temp., wind, PW

850-hPa equivalent potential temp., geo. heights, wind

350 K isentropic surface | PV, pressure, wind

310 K isentropic surface | PV, pressure, wind

250-hPa geo. height, standardized wind speed anom., wind

500-hPa geo. height, standardized geo. height anom., wind

850-hPa geo. height, temp., standardized temp. anom., wind

MSLP (hPa), standardized MSLP anom. (sigma), 10-m wind (kts)

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