realtime Strato/Tropo
June 2022: Due to a server issue, the realtime plots are not updating. I apologize for the inconvenience
GFS 0.5° forecast
Zonal mean plots are run once a day at 0000 UTC
Polar plots are run twice a day at 0000 UTC and 1200 UTC.
Zonal mean zonal wind

500 hPa, DT, & 10 hPa

- Black: 500 hPa height every 100 meters
- Shaded: Potential temperature on the 2 PVU surface
- White: 10 hPa height every 500 meters

- Layered maps of: 10 hPa, 50 hPa, & 100 hPa
- Black: Height
- Shaded: Temperature in °C
Standardized Height Anomalies

- Anomalies are calculated from the GFS 0.5° forecast and the CFSR 0.5° climatology
- Layered maps of: 10 hPa, 50 hPa, & 100 hPa
- Black: Height
- Shaded: Standardized height anomalies