Python resources

Here are some links to useful Python-related resources.

A Hands-On Introduction to Using Python in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, by Johnny Wei-Bing Lin
- a very nice short course in Python written specifically for students and researchers in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences.
The entire book is available as free pdf downloads from the website (the author requests donations, and a print version is also for sale).

Principles of Planetary Climate, by Raymond T. Pierrehumbert
The website companion to a comprehensive textbook on climate physics. A lot of climate-related python code can be found here under “Courseware”.

Learn Python the Hard Way, by Zed A. Shaw
A great introduction to Python for beginners with little or no programming experience. Not specific to atmospheric science.
introductory note spells out the importance of trial and error, and avoiding the temptation to copy and paste code (which tends to teach you very little).