The vertical structure of the Kelvin wave.

Kelvin wave filtered at different speed at specific position

  1. Wavelet Kernel at different speeds
  2. wavelet regression at different speeds [Vertical structure]
  3. wavelet regression at different speeds [Horizontal structure]
  4. Uwind and OLR regressed against uwind index

Upward/downward propagating Kelvin waves

Filtering data into upward and donwward components

  1. updown decomposition of simple wave (boundary problem)
  2. updown decomposition of real data
  3. updown decomposition of QBO

Upward and downward Kelvin waves at different speeds

  1. Index correlation at different levels
  2. Index correlation & Determination [ uiwnd and OLR ]
  3. Updown Kelvin wave at horizontal wavenumber 4 for   U & V & W & T & UZ
  4. Updown Kelvin waves at horizontal wavenumbers 345 for   U
  5. Updown composite & composite animation
  6. Table speed and wavelength
  7. Reflection lon-lev & lon-lev-lag

Upward and downward Kelvin waves at different speeds and lags

  1. (wavenumber 4) Animation of lon-level maps   U
  2. (wavenumber 4)Updown lag-level maps for   U T
  3. (wavenumber 4)Updown lon-lags maps for   U T
  4. (wavenumber 345) Animation of lon-level maps   U
  5. (wavenumber 345) updown lag-level mpas   U

Standing/travelling Kelvin waves

Coherence between the upward and downward waves.

  1. Coherence between the up and down waves
  2. Standing travelling decompostion of the QBO
  3. Standing travelling lon lev maps


Complex vs. Real FFT

  1. Complex vs. Real FFT