MJO initiation and moisture mode

MJO index

  1. MJO hovmollers from 1979 to 2010
  2. Variance and EOF of OLR filtered for MJO band

MJO Classification

  1. Primary MJO events -- my
  2. Primary MJO Str

MJO Initiation ...

  1. MJO Initation day
  2. Composoite of the MJO variable before the convective initation
  3. Primary MJO 1999
  4. Primary MJO 2008

Moisutre budget ....

  1. q_budget

DYNAMO Q1 and 2 budget

  1. q1 budget
  2. q2 budget
  3. Q1 climatology

SCSMEX Q1 and 2 budget

  1. Comparing NESA OBS with my calculation

MJO phase speed and background moisture


  1. Climatological lon-lev ERAI25
  2. Checking the filtereing ERAI25
  3. Individual events phase speeds ERAI25

MJO structure over Indian Ocean (used as refrence for the later analysis)

  1. Lon-lag composites and regressed eastward 20-90 days filtered uwind, sh, and OLR against PC1 : ERAI25
  2. Lon-lev composite of eastward 20-90 days zonal wind against PC1: ERAI25
  3. Lon-lag composite of eastward 20-90 days u850 against PC1 at varying q: ERAI25
P.S. PC1 is based on the 20-90 days filtered OLR.

MJO structure at different background mositure states

  1. Lon-lag regressed eastward 20-90 days u850 againist PC1 at varying q: ERAI25 eof1_mc & ERAI25 rmm2
  2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ u200 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: ERAI25 eof1_mc& ERAI25 rmm2
  3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ q850 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: ERAI25_eof1_mc& ERAI25_rmm2
  4. Lon-lev regressed eastward 20-90 days zonal wind against PC1 at varying q850: ERAI25
  5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ specific humidity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: ERAI25
  6. Lon-lev regressed background zonal wind against PC1 at varying q850: ERAI25 + 180 (Pacific) & ERAI25
  7. Lon-lev simple regressed background zonal wind against background q850: ERAI25 + 180 (Pacific) & ERAI25

MJO structure at different background moisture gradient

  1. Lon-lev regressed eastward 20 - 90 days of u850 against PC1 at varying merdional gradient of background moisture: link
  2. Lon-lev regressed eastward 20 - 90 days of u200 against PC1 at varying merdional gradient of background moisture: link
  3. Lon-lev regressed eastward 20 - 90 days of q850 against PC1 at varying merdional gradient of background moisture: link
  4. Lon-lev regressed eastward 20 - 90 days of u850 against PC1 at varying zonal gradient of background moisture: link

MJO at varying 200hPa zonal wind

  1. Maps of the domains used to create the U200 hPa background index maps
  2. Lon-lag regressed eastward 20-90 days u850 againist PC1 at varying q: ERAI25
  3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ u200 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: ERAI25

Fluxes comparison between merra2 and ERA5 needed for calculating the moist static budget

  1. Merra2 fluxes part1 ; part2;part3
  2. ERAI fluxes maps;
  3. NASA Cloud and Earth Radiant Energy System (CERES) Energy Balanced And Filled (EBAF) EBFA CERES maps

Vertically Integerated MSE & DSE & q moisture Budgets

q, DSE, MSE climatology based on monthly and daily data

  1. Monthly budget
  2. Daily budget

q, DSE, MSE budget associated with MJO

  1. LonXtime Filtered budget terms based on EOF OLR index
  2. LonXtime Filtered budget terms based on RMM index
  3. latXlon Filtered budget terms

q, DSE, MSE fields and their tendencies at different background conditions at different regions

  1. q [field and tendency] at different background conditions
  2. DSE [field and tendency] at different background conditions
  3. MSE [field and tendency] at different background conditions

q, DSE, MSE fields (tendency, advection, forcing) at different background conditions at Eastern Africa

  1. q [field and tendency] at different background conditions
  2. DSE [field and tendency] at different background conditions
  3. MSE [field and tendency] at different background conditions
  4. sum of the DSE and q [field and tendency] at different background conditions