Some Geological field trip localities in the NY Capital Region

The New York Capital Region offers a wonderful variety of geological exposures, accessible in less than an hour's drive from Albany.

Catskill Rt 23 Devonian fluvial
        faciesAdirondack marbles and gneisses -
        Hudson River near Warrensburg

Guidebooks documenting field trips in the area, and elsewhere in the NE US, have been published by:
 the NEIGC (
(1989 and older NEIGC guidebooks for most years are available online here:
and the NYSGA (

Field trip guide for the DOGS reunion 12 August 2017
guide with road log   trip summary with times   google earth kmz file for stops
field trip picture at Starks Knob   contributed SUNYA DOGS pictures contributed field trip/dinner/picnic pictures
Karson Starks Knob drone pics

Bill Kidd's field trip guides for the NY and VT Taconic fold-thrust belt from NEIGC/NYSGA meetings:

Detailed stratigraphic and structural features of the Giddings Brook slice of the Taconic Allochthon in the Granville area. NYSGA/NEIGC 1979 meeting. pdf file
Thrusts, melanges, folded thrusts, and duplexes in the Taconic Foreland. NYSGA 1985 meeting. pdf file
Lithofacies and structure of the Taconic Flysch, Melange, and Allochthon in the New York Capital District. NYSGA 1995 meeting. pdf file  [coloured geological outcrop map of New York Capital district]
The Champlain Thrust System in the Whitehall-Shoreham area: influence of pre- and post-thrust normal faults on the present thrust geometry and lithofacies distribution. NYSGA/NEIGC 2002 meeting. pdf file   [coloured geological outcrop map Benson-Shoreham area, VT]
Evidence against the allochthonous nature of the Stanbridge Nappe at Highgate Gorge, northwestern Vermont. NEIGC 2009 meeting. pdf file
[coloured geological outcrop map Highgate VT-St. Armand Station PQ]

Jack Bird's seminal Taconic field trip guide
Stratigraphy, Structure, Sedimentation and Paleontology of the southern Taconic region, eastern New York; Guidebook for field trip 3, Geol. Soc. Amer., 1963, John M. Bird (editor). pdf file

but, it has to be admitted the access is not usually available year round.....
........visitors attending the NE GSA in March 2016 might note what could be observed at Cohoes Falls in March 2015:

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