Webpage and/or email listings for some former students in Geological Sciences at Albany
(Web page links all updated and functional on 2017/03/20)
[apologies if email addresses are defunct; NOTE - you have to edit out an antispam-miner insertion in these mailto: links]

Christon Achong

Rob Alexander email

Sue Baldwin http://asfaculty.syr.edu/pages/ear/Baldwin-Suzanne.html

Andy Bobyarchick http://geoearth.uncc.edu/people/andy-bobyarchick

Bill Bosworth email

Dwight Bradley email or email

Volker Bruchert ?email

Jack Casey http://www.uh.edu/nsm/earth-atmospheric/people/faculty/john-casey/index.php

Bruno Ciscato email

Peter Copeland http://www.uh.edu/nsm/earth-atmospheric/people/faculty/peter-copeland/index.php

Angela Coulton email

Steffie Dannenmann

Louise Delano 

Mike Edwards email

Vera Fernandes email

Dave Foster http://people.clas.ufl.edu/dafoster/

Glenn Gaetani http://www.whoi.edu/profile/ggaetani/

Dave Gallo http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/user/dgallo
formerly Director of Special  Projects, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
email or email

Bill Gregg - died 6th December 2008 - obit - MTU memorial page

Ethan Grossman http://geogeo.tamu.edu//people/faculty/grossmanethan

Ben Hanson  emailBen in the
          field - link to 44K .jpg
Michael Haschke

Nick Hayman http://ig.utexas.edu/staff/nicholas-w-hayman/

Mark Hempton 

Rolf Herrmann email

John van Hoesen email

Peter Hofmann email

Bill Hoyt http://www.unco.edu/nhs/esci/faculty/hoyt/

Bruce Idleman email

Mark Jessell http://www.cet.edu.au/about-us/a-z-staff-profiles/mark-jessell

Jeff Karson http://asfaculty.syr.edu/pages/ear/karson-jeff.html

Stefan Kosanke email

Tim Kusky email

Rick Livaccari http://www.coloradomesa.edu/directory/physical-environmental-sciences/rick-livaccari.html

Harmon Maher http://maps.unomaha.edu/maher/

Frieda Malcolm

Antonios Marsellos http://www.hofstra.edu/academics/colleges/hclas/geol/geol-faculty.html

Paul Mann http://www.uh.edu/nsm/earth-atmospheric/people/faculty/paul-mann/

Doug Nelson - died on 17th August 2002.  History of  Dept of Earth Sciences Syracuse University K. Douglas Nelson Memorial Fund
The Syracuse Dept of Earth Sciences K. Douglas Nelson Lecture Series

Suzanne O'Connell http://www.wesleyan.edu/academics/faculty/soconnell/profile.html

Pan Yun email

Youngdo Park email

Jim Pindell http://www.tectonicanalysis.com/site/about-us.html

Andreas Plesch http://structure.harvard.edu/people/andreas-plesch

Jin-Han Ree  email

Joe Renda email

Mauricio Roma email

Eric Rosencrantz 

David Rowley http://geosci.uchicago.edu/~rowley/Rowley/David_Rowley.html

Adam Schoonmaker http://www.utica.edu/academic/as/geoscience/new/faculty.cfm?featureaction=details&id=F5B63D9D-F69E-585F-9A71401FF3286D3F

a young turk!Celal Sengor http://jeoloji.itu.edu.tr/Icerik.aspx?sid=6952 and http://akademi.itu.edu.tr/sengor/
also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celal_Sengor

Heather Sloan

Tsugio Shibata
email or email

Terry Spell https://geoscience.unlv.edu/people/academic-contacts/terry-l-spell/

Kay Stone www.kaystone.de
(and Peter Hofmann)

Mark Swanson http://usm.maine.edu/geography-anthropology/mark-swanson-phd

Richard Thiessen - died on 18th July 2009 - obit

Fred Vollmer http://www.newpaltz.edu/~vollmerf/index.html

Paul Washington

Fasong Yuan http://www.csuohio.edu/sciences/bges/fasong-yuan

Zongguo Xia 

University at Albany Alumni home page

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