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Geological Sciences research in the Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University at Albany

Please apply to the Atmospheric Science graduate program for research with faculty in paleoclimate/geochemistry

In 2010 research topics for these faculty included:
Climate change inferred from the use of isotopes in deep-sea sediments and living corals (Dr. Brad Linsley);
Modern tropical climate dynamics and  interpretation of tropical paleoclimate proxy data (Dr. Mathias Vuille)
Geochemical investigations of moon rocks and terrestrial sedimentary rocks, and geochemical studies bearing on the origin of life (Dr. John Delano);

As of 7 December 2007 on signature by the Interim President of Senate Bill 0708-09  admission to the Geology graduate program was suspended; Geological /Earth Sciences graduate study and research are being included within a broadened and  enlarged Atmospheric Sciences graduate program.
     Memorandum from SUNY Office of the Provost 5 May 2008

Link to the last Geology Graduate Program page, for students previously admitted and completing their degrees in the Geology graduate program.

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Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences

Last revision:  2011/01/24