The Providence Island Formation of Early-early Middle Ordovician
age occurs in the Champlain Valley and adjacent areas in eastern
New York, western Vermont, and southern Quebec. The unit forms
part of a carbonate shelf sequence which occupied the eastern
margin of the North American continent from Newfoundland to
Alabama, and its lithology is representative of the dolostone
lithofacies that characterizes the uppermost Beekmantown Group in
this region.
This is the first study documenting depositional environments,
diagenesis, and stratigraphic correlations of the Providence
Island Formation. This formation consists, in decreasing
abundance, of dolostones, limestones, shales, and dedolostones.
The dominantly fine grain size of the rocks as well as the
presence of sedimentary and diagenetic features such as
homogeneous and mottled structures (biogenic), stromatolites,
mudcracks, herringbone cross-bedding, fenestral cavities,
evaporites or their pseudomorphs, diapiric structures, and
solution-collapse breccias indicate that these sediments record
tidal flat paleoenvironments. These are low tidal flat, high tidal
flat and, to a lesser extent, subtidal and supratidal settings
similar to those existing in modern arid, restricted marine tidal
flats of the Persian Gulf Trucial Coast. The lithofacies and their
inferred setting include:
(1) Homogeneous dolostone: subtidal to lower intertidal or,
occasionally, supratidal (sabkha).
(2) Homogeneous limestone: lower intertidal.
(3),(4) Mottled dolostone/limestone: lower intertidal.
(5),(6) Laminated dolostone/limestone: upper intertidal.
(7) Skeletal limestone: mostly upper intertidal.
(8) Dedolostone: mostly upper intertidal to supratidal.
(9) Shale: subtidal-lower intertidal to supratidal.
Most laminated dolostones and limestones represent
stromatolites. On the basis of composition and texture, the
alternating laminae are grouped into two types:
- Dolomitic facies: (I) FM-CPA: (F-fine, M-matrix – C-coarse,
P-pyritic, A-allochemical-terrigenous) and (II) F-CA.
- Calcareous facies: (I) Mc-SPA: (Mc-micrite - S-sparite,
P-pyrite, A-allochemical-terrigenous) and (II) Mc-SA.
Some laminae are transitional types between these end members.
Storms appear to have been the most important factor controlling
the type of alternating laminae.
The dolostone portion of the formation displays features that are
characteristic of selective, sabkha diagenesis. These include the
fine-grained size of the dolomite crystals, the preservation of
primary structures (burrows, mudcracks, etc.), and the presence of
gypsum and anhydrite crystals as well as their nodular
Textural evidence suggests a diagenetic sequence of (1)
synsedimentary cementation (or cohesiveness (?)), (2)
precipitation of evaporites, dolomitization, and pyritization, (3)
precipitation of calcite, (4) dissolution of evaporites and void
infill by chert or carbonates, (5) dedolomitization, and (6)
compaction and stylolitization. The most important mechanism for
the precipitation of evaporites and subsequent dolomitization
appears to have been "flooding - reflux" in a highly evaporative
environment. Here, downward percolating brines with a high Mg/Ca
ratio induced the dolomitization of the sediment in contact with
this fluid. The conditions favoring the alternation of dolostones
and limestones are unknown.
The upper part of the formation may be divided into four members:
the lowest one is about 2 - 3 m thick and is made up of limestones
and is followed by a dolostone - dominated sequence (15 m, or
more, thick). The overlying calcareous member is similar to, but
0.5- 1 m thicker than, the lower one. It is overlain by a second
dolomitic member which could be considered as two units: the lower
one (2.5 m) is characterized by laminated facies whereas the upper
one (4.5 m or more) consists mainly of homogeneous and mottled
The formation seems to be more than 100 m thick in the central
portion of the outcrop belt and reaches approximately 160 m in the
area of Shoreham, Vermont. Extensive erosion after the time of
deposition of the formation appears to be the cause of lateral
differences in thickness, particularly to the south where the
formation pinches out and disappears. The post-Beekmantown
unconformity probably reflects such an erosive event.
The tidal flats are thought to have developed on a tectonically
stable area. Also, it seems that the flats were adjacent to both a
very shallow lagoon which possibly was separated from the open
(Iapetus) ocean by a physical barrier to the east and the
shoreline to the west.
Roma Hernandez, M., 1987. The Providence Island Formation in the
northern Appalachian Region - a Lower-lower Middle Ordovician
analogue to recent arid-semiarid tidal-flat carbonates of the
Persian Gulf Trucial Coast.
Unpublished MSc. thesis, State University of New York at Albany.
209 pp., +xv
University at Albany Science Library call number: SCIENCE
Oversize (*) QE 40 Z899 1987 H47
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