The University at Albany and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Earth Sciences Joint Colloquium Series - accreted list - 1995-2008

This seminar series was run continuously from 1975 (from Spring 1995-Spring 2008, run jointly with Geological Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) for the enrichment of the graduate program in Geological Sciences, and the benefit of professional geoscientists in the New York Capital District. The series was started by Kevin Burke, one of many contributions he made to improve and sustain the Geological Sciences program at Albany while he was  Chairman from 1973-1983.  (list prior to 1995 here). It has been discontinued at Albany because of long-term underfunding of the State University and one of its results; the starvation and closure of the Geology graduate program at Albany.

Spring 2008

February 20 RPI Dr. Kathy Benison
 Central Michigan
Going to Western Australia?.....or Mars? Don't Drink the Water! Modern and Ancient Acid Saline Lakes
February 21
NYS Museum -
Museum Theater
Dr. Kirk Johnson
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
AAPG Distinguished Lecturer
Crocodiles in Greenland and Hippos in London: A Fossil-Fueled Tour of Past and Future Climates
February 22
RPI Dr.  Adam Wallace
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
New insights into silica biomineralization and demineralization processes from experimental and theoretical model systems
February 27
RPI Dr.  Jaime Barnes
University of New Mexico
Chlorine isotope distribution on Earth
February 28
Room SC 1W01
Dr.  Dan Breeker
University of New Mexico
Extreme conditions of pedogenic carbonate formation: implications for reconstructing paleoenvironments
March 5


Dr.  Tracy Quan
Rutgers University
Utilizing nitrogen isotopes as a paleoredox proxy
March 19

DCC 324
Dr.  Sean Gulick
Univ. of Texas Austin
JOI/USSSP Distinguished Lecturer
One Rock to Change the World: The Story of the Chicxulub Impact Crater
March 20
RPI Dr.  Christa Plazcek
Purdue University
Climate in the dry central Andes over geologic, millennial, and interannual timescales
March 26
RPI Dr. Patricia Medeiros
Oregon State University
Molecular Biomarkers as Tracers of Environmental Processes
April 2
Albany Dr.  Jon Kim
Vermont Geeological Survey
Application of Tectonics to Groundwater Problems in Vermont
April 3
RPI Dr.  Kevin Furlong
Penn State University
Bringing Plate Tectonics Into the 21st Century: Lessons from New Zealand
April 9
RPI Dr.  Linda Warren
University of Arizona
Deep earthquake mechanics, slab deformation, and subduction forces
April 23
at RPI
Dr.  Nicholas Christie-Blick
Columbia University/LDEO
Confronting the low-angle normal fault paradox

Fall 2007

October 10
Albany Dr. Jaclyn Cockburn
Union College
Climate variability or landscape stability?  Varves and the paleoenvironmental record over the last 5 centuries from two lakes in the Canadian High Arctic
October 17
Dr. Julia Bryce
University of New Hampshire
Tails of two plumes:  plume structures and progress towards coupled geodynamic and geochemical plume models
October 24
Albany Dr. Brad Linsley
University at Albany, SUNY
 South Pacific coral records of Pacific-wide interdecadal-decadal climate variability since 1650 A.D.
November 7
RPI Dr.  Ken Miller
Rutgers University
Phanerozoic Sea Level Change
November 14
Albany Dr.  Bruce Watson
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Growth-rate dependence of crystal/fluid partitioning and its possible bearing on climate proxies
November 28
RPI Dr.  Vadim Levin
Rutgers University
The end of subduction in Northern Apennines

Spring 2007

January 31
Albany Dr.  Noah Finnegan
Cornell University
Channel morphology and bedrock river incision: Theory, experiments, and application to the eastern Himalaya
February 7
RPI Dr.  Roger Buck
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
The role of diking in plate tectonics with an "up close" look at the recent events in Afar
February 28
RPI Dr. Mark Frank
Northern Illinois University
The Internal Characteristics of Ganymede and Callisto as Seen Through Diamond Windows
March 14 Albany Dr.  Rob McCaffrey
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
The Great Sumatra earthquakes and implications for global subduction zone hazards
March 21


Dr.  Miriam  Katz
Rutgers University
Biogeochemical consequences of phytoplankton evolution
March 28

Albany Dr.  Jeff  Karson
Syracuse University
Seafloor Spreading in Iceland: Implications for Plate Accretion with High Magma Budgets
April 11
Albany Dr.  Alison Macfarlane
George Mason University
Nuclear Waste at Yucca Mountain? Technical Issues in Radioactive Waste Disposal
April 18 Albany Dr.  Richard J. Reeder
SUNY Stony Brook
Processes at the calcite-water interface and their role in trace element uptake
April 25

Albany Dr.  Paul Fitzgerald
Syracuse University
How fast do mountains form? Timing and rates from thermochronology
May 2
RPI Dr.  Cindy Ebinger
University of Rochester
Snap, crackle, pop: earthquakes from a major seafloor spreading event in Afar

Fall 2006

September 20
Dr.  Pat Phillips
US Geological Survey, Troy
Personal care products, drugs and other emerging contaminants: current research on removals in wastewater, occurrence in streams and future research
October 4

Dr. Peter Groffman
Institute for Ecosystem Studies
(Millbrook, NY)
The bio-geo-socio-chemistry of urban watersheds
October 25
Albany Dr. Tim Dixon
University of Miami
AAPG Distinguished Lecturer
Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans: Subsidence measurements from space
October 25
Dr. Riccardo Sallet
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Fluorine and biotite as a probe for paleofluid geochemistry
November 1
Albany Dr. Kyle Nichols
Skidmore College
 Rates and dates of geomorphic processes using in situ-produced cosmogenic isotopes
November 7

Albany Dr.  Jacob Lowenstern
USGS Menlo Park
AAPG Distinguished Lecturer
Intrusion, deformation and degassing at the Yellowstone Caldera
November 8
RPI Dr.  Dan Harlov
GFZ Potsdam, Germany
Fluid-mineral interaction along grain boundaries: metasomatism and the evolution of mineral and fluid phases as a function of P-T-X
November 15
Albany Dr. Eric Eslinger
College of St. Rose
Flow Unit Delineation and Reservoir Characterization Using a Probabilistic Clustering and Mineralogy-Based Forward Modeling Procedure
November 29

Albany Dr. Jacqueline Smith
College of St. Rose
Glaciers in the Andes: records of multiple ice ages in tropical South America

Spring 2006

February 8
Albany Dr. John I. Garver
Union College
Evolution of Kamchatka and the Challenges of Doing Fieldwork in Russia
February 15 RPI Dr. David Saltzberg
SAIC Ocean Sciences Division
Hydroacoustic Observations of Tsunamogenic Earthquakes: Applications to the Indian Ocean
February 22
RPI Dr. Sang-Heon (Dan) Shim
The Post-Perovskite Phase Transition at the Lowermost Mantle
March 8


Dr. James Webber
Wadsworth Center, NY State Dept. of Health
Tracking Environmental Asbestos Contamination from Mining and Milling Activities
March 29

Albany Dr.  Scott Johnson
University of  Maine, Orono
Using 3D numerical modeling and temporal relationships between deformation and metamorphism to explore pluton growth rates
April 5
RPI Dr.  Robert Burruss
USGS Reston
Carbon, Energy, and Climate: The role of geological sequestration of carbon dioxide
April 19

RPI Dr.   Juerg M. Matter
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Geologic Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Reactive Rocks: A Permanent Storage Solution
April 26
Albany Dr. Erich Osterberg
University of  Maine, Orono
An ice core record of Holocene climate change, trans-Pacific dust flux, and anthropogenic pollution in the North Pacific:  Mt. Logan, Yukon, Canada
May 3
Albany Dr. Charles Harvey
The biogeochemistry and hydrogeology of the arsenic crisis in Bangladesh

Fall 2005

September 7
Albany Dr. Andrea Grottoli
Ohio State University
Paleoceanography Using Stable Carbon Isotopes (d13C) in Corals and Sclerosponges
September 14 RPI Dr.  Chang-Sheng Zha
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source
Integrated experimental techniques for high pressure research at CHESS
September 21
Dr. Sam Wainright
U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Nitrogen Isotopes as Indicators of Trophic Level and Sewage Input in Food Web Studies
September 28
Dr.   I-Ming Chou
U.S. Geological Survey, Reston
Personal glimpses of experimental geochemistry from the past few decades
October 5

Dr.  Juske Horita
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Detecting Ancient Life: Challenges to the Concept of Isotope Biosignatures
October 26

RPI Dr.   Noah Snyder
Boston College
Reconstructing watershed processes and history from reservoir stratigraphy: a case study from northern California
November 2
Albany Dr. Tim Herbert
Brown University
 Peru Margin Oceanography: Does the El Nino Model Apply to Century and Longer Variation?
November 9 RPI Dr.  James Holden
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Iron respiration and factors controlling metabolism near 100°C
November 16
Albany Dr. Tim Kusky
Saint Louis University
Origin and Emplacement of Archean Ophiolites of the Central Orogenic Belt, North
China Craton
November 30

Albany Dr.  Bob Fleischer
Union College
Radon in the Environment--Friend or Foe?

Spring 2005

January 24

CII 3051
Dr. Stephen A. Macko
University of Virginia
Authenticating Origins and Indigeneity of Ancient Organic Molecules
Origins of Life seminar
January 26

RPI Dr. David A. Wark
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Crystals Don't Sink!  ...or Magma chamber processes revealed by TITANiQ (Ti-in-Quartz) thermometry
February 9
RPI Dr. Robert Wiebe
Franklin and Marshall College
Depositional features and stratigraphy in granite plutons
February 16 Albany Dr. Rob McCaffrey
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Kinematics of the Pacific - North America plate boundary
March 30 Albany Dr.  Walter Pitman
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
The Arctic As A Trigger For Glacial Terminations
April 6
Albany Dr. Lloyd Keigwin
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Late glacial climate variability and Holocene climate stability
April 11

CII 3051
Dr.  Frank Richter
University of Chicago
Early History of the Solar System as Seen by Primitive Meteorites
Origins of Life seminar
April 13

RPI Dr.  James Brenan
University of Toronto
Experiments and observations bearing on the behavior of highly siderophile elements in magmatic systems
April 20 Albany Dr. Ethan Grossman
Texas A&M University
Tertiary Climate Change: Evidence from Oxygen Isotopic and Trace-metal Analyses of Mollusk Shells
April 27 RPI Dr. Tim Byrne
University of Connecticut
Arc-Continent Collisions Top to Bottom – New Observations from Taiwan

Fall 2004

September 22
RPI Dr. Ram S. Sharma
Indian National Science Academy
A Geological Traverse in the Southern Indian Granulite Terrain
September 29 Albany Dr. Steve Roecker
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Constraints on the Structure and Evolution of the Tien Shan from the Analysis of Seismograms of the GHENGIS Broadband Network
October 4

CII 3051
Dr. Paul Spudis
Johns Hopkins University
The Moon and the New Presidential Space Vision
Origins of Life seminar
October 13
Dr. Emily Walsh
Union College
Across the Western Gneiss Region, Norway: a petrologic and geochronologic study to determine the exhumation path of the ultrahigh-pressure rocks
October 20

Dr. Peter Koons
University of Maine at Orono
The role of rocks in cooperation among tectonic and surface processes: Some examples from the Southern Alps of New Zealand and the Himalayan corners
October 27 RPI Dr.  Przemek Dera
Carnegie Institution of Washington 
From Heaven to Hades – a mineral physics quest with a chemical bias
October 28

Albany Dr. Randall Parrish 
University of Leicester
and NERC Isotope Geoscience Laboratories
Depleted Uranium Munitions and environmental dispersion—potential health risks and
assessment of human inhalation exposure by high precision uranium isotopic measurement in urine.
November 3
RPI Dr. Xiahong Feng
Dartmouth University
 Carbon isotopes in carbon cycles: understanding carbon dynamics in plant soil systems
November 17 Albany Dr.  David West
Middlebury College
Tectonics of the Norumbega Fault System in Maine
December 1
RPI Dr. Ed Vicenzi
Smithsonian Institution
New techniques for imaging and analysis of planetary materials at the microscale: a study of Martian aqueous precipitates
December 9

RPI Dr.  Bill McDonough
University of Maryland
The composition of the Earth's core and core-mantle exchange

Spring 2004

January 30


Vadim Levin  (Rutgers)
Gary Pavlis (Indiana)
Steve Park (UC Riverside)
John Hole (Virginia Tech)
Biondo Biondi (Stanford)

Geophysics Imaging Workshop
February 4

Albany Dr.  T. A. Abrajano
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) sources and deposition chronology in the New York/New Jersey Harbor Complex
February 11 RPI Dr. Maureen Long
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Upper mantle anisotropy beneath Japan from shear wave splitting
February 18
Albany Dr. Mark Brandriss
Smith College
Textural coarsening caused by trapped liquids in layered gabbroic cumulates
February 25 RPI Dr. Richard Riman
Rutgers University
Hydrothermal Crystallization of Ceramics
March 3
Albany Dr. Douglas Burns
USGS, Watershed Research Section
Are surface waters in the Catskills and Adirondacks recovering as the acidity of precipitation has decreased over the past two decades?
March 17
Albany Dr.  Michael McHale
USGS, Watershed Research Section
Mercury (Hg) cycling in the Catskills
March 24 RPI Dr. Ethan Baxter 
Boston University
Noble gas transport and partitioning in the crust: implications for geochronology
April 7
RPI Dr. James Webber 
Wadsworth/SUNY Albany School of Public Health
A century of airborne concentrations: Tales from the muck
April 14

Albany Dr. Nick Hayman
Duke University
A record of shallow crustal faulting preserved within rocks from the Death Valley low-angle normal (detachment) faults
April 21 RPI Dr. J. Brian Evans 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Spherical Chickens of Geology: Constitutive Laws for Rocks with Evolving Structures
April 28 Albany Dr. David Rowley
University of Chicago
Paleoaltimetry and paleohypsometry of Tibet

Fall 2003

September 3 RPI Dr. Yosuke Aoki
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Interseismic vertical deformation of the Japanese islands
September 17 RPI Dr. Bill Minarik
University of Maryland
The mantle beneath Troy: older than the hills
September 24 Albany Dr. John Delano
University at Albany
Isotopic constraints on the question: When did life on Earth first become sustainable?
October 8
Dr. Stephen Burns
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Speleothem records of the Indian Ocean monsoon during the late Pleistocene and Holocene
October 15 RPI

Dr. Richard Behl
California State University Long Beach
AAPG Distinguished Lecturer
Methane Hydrates and Climate Change: The Clathrate Gun Hypothesis
October 22 Albany Dr. Braddock Linsley
University at Albany
Geochemical evidence from corals for changes in the amplitude and spatial pattern of South Pacific interdecadal climate variability over the last 300 years
October 29 RPI  Dr. Jay Thomas
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Melt Inclusion Geochemistry
November 12 RPI Dr. Chuanlun Zhang
University of Georgia
 Genome-enabled microbial biogeochemistry: Implications for the tree of life
November 19 Albany Dr. Leonard Dietz
formerly of Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory
Environmental issues related to depleted uranium (DU) use at the National Lead Industries site in Colonie, NY
December 3 RPI Dr. Stephane Rondenay
High-resolution, teleseismic imaging of past and present convergence zones

Spring 2003

January 29 Albany Dr. Chris Scholz
Syracuse University
Facies Architecture of the East African Rift Valley Lakes:  Clues to tropical climate change
February 10

Albany -  with Atmospheric Sciences
and ASRC
Dr. Lonnie Thompson
Ohio State University
Rapid Climate Change in the Earth System:  Past, Present and Future
February 19 RPI Dr. Larry Brown
Cornell University
Lithospheric Structure of the Himalayas-Tibet Plateau from INDEPTH Deep Profiling
February 26 RPI Dr. Goran Ekstrom
Harvard University
Slow Earthquakes and the Hum of the Earth
March 19
Dr. Ronadh Cox
Williams College
What was Madagascar doing in the Proterozoic? SHRIMP data from 
detrital zircons with metamorphic overgrowths provide insights
March 21

Albany Dr. John Delaney
University of Washington
AAPG Distinguished Lecturer
Volcanos, Oceans, and Life in our solar system
March 26 Albany Dr. Karen Harpp
Colgate University
A Geochemical Tour of the Galapagos Islands
April 2 RPI Dr. Wiki Royden
Razing Tibet: Uplift, erosion and deformation in the eastern plateau
April 23 Albany Dr. Ed Landing
New York State Museum
Evolutionary origin of animals and their fossils on the Avalon continent 
-- a 50 million year history from vendozoans to trilobites

Fall 2002

September 17

RPI Dr. Anurag Sharma
Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution 
Direct  monitoring of fluid systems at high pressure and temperature
September 25 RPI Dr. Andrew Nyblade
Pennsylvania State University 
Crust and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath East Africa and the Origin of the East African Rift System
October 2 RPI Dr. Louis Derry
Cornell University
Erosion, Heat and Carbon Fluxes in the Central Himalaya: Geochemistry Meets Tectonics
October 16 RPI Dr. Heather Stoll
Williams College 
Coccoliths, the Carbon Cycle, and Climate: New Records of Past Productivity Changes from Coccolith Chemistry
October 21

Albany Dr. Robert Miller
California State Univ at San Jose
Magma Ascent, Pluton Emplacement, and Vertical Motions in Arcs: 
Insights from the North Cascades and Sierra Nevada Mountains
November 7

Albany Dr. Suzanne Kay
Cornell University
Andean Magmatism and the Geometry of the Subducting Nazca Plate
November 13 Albany Dr. Neil Kamman
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
Evaluation of current and historical fluxes of atmospheric mercury to Vermont and New Hampshire Lakes
November 20 RPI Dr. Keith Klepeis
 University of Vermont 
Direct Observation of a Full Crustal Column Through An Ancient Mountain Belt in New Zealand

Spring 2002

January 30 RPI Dr. Charles Ver Straeten
New York State Museum
Orogenic Signatures and Mudrock Depositional Dynamics: The Devonian Appalachian Foreland Basin
February 6 Albany Dr. Julieann Van Nest
New York State Museum
The Holocene Record of Large Mississippi River Floods in the Sny Bottom Near Hannibal, 
Missouri: A Geoarchaeological Perspective
February 13 RPI Dr. Charles Mandeville
American Museum of Natural History
Stable Isotopic Evidence for Open-System Degassing During the Climactic Eruption of Mt. Mazama, Crater Lake, Oregon
February 20 Albany Dr. Joseph Pyle
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
What the yttrium saw: Metamorphic reaction histories as revealed by trace element distributions
March 6
Dr. Felix Waldhauser
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
A Hubble telescope for seismologists: Bringing seismicity into focus
March 20 Albany Dr. Tim Lowenstein
SUNY Binghamton
Variations in Seawater Chemistry over the past 600 MY: Causes and Influences on Marine Life
April 3 RPI Dr. Kurt Feigl
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (Paris)
Estimating slip distribution for the Izmit mainshock from coseismic GPS, ERS-1, RADARSAT and SPOT measurements
April 17 -  Albany Dr. Tekla Harms
Amherst College
Estimating shortening in a penetratively deformed domain of the Cordilleran thrust belt
April 18

RPI  - Darrin
Communication Center
Room 324
Simon Winchester
Author of "The Map that Changed the World"
Is Geology cool? How William Smith became a best-seller
April 24 RPI Dr. James Wright
Rutgers University
Tectonic Triggers for Late Cenozoic Climate Changes
May 3

Albany Dr. Rob Dunbar
Stanford University
Southern Ocean Impacts on Global Climate: Clues from the Antarctic Margin
(Joint Oceanographic Institutions Distinguished Lecturer)

Fall 2001

September 26 RPI Dr. Timothy M. Sivavec
GE Corporate Research and Development Center
Permeable Reactive Barriers to Treat Contaminated Groundwater
RPI-GE Seminar Series
October 3 RPI Dr. Neil Sturchio
University of Illinois, Chicago
Revelations at Mineral-Water Interfaces from Synchrotron X-ray Scattering and Standing Waves
October 12

Dr. Kurt Friehauf
Kutztown University
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - Contrasting styles of porphyry
mineralization in New Guinea's wild west
October 17 RPI Dr. Katrina Edwards
 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Microbial rock and mineral transformations: Implications for carbon cycling
October 24

Albany Dr.  Thomas Birkland
University at Albany
Scientific Participation in Public Policy: The Case of Hurricanes and Earthquakes
October 31 RPI Dr. Donna Bedard
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Molecular Approaches to Studying Microbes Involved in Two Biogeochemical Transformations: PCB Declorination and Anoxygenic Sulfide Oxidation
November 14 Albany Dr. Douglas Burns
US Geological Survey
Methods for Age-Dating Young Groundwater: Applications in Biogeochemical Studies in the Catskill Mountains and the Georgia Piedmont
November 28 RPI Dr. John Hanchar
George Washington University
Rare earth element composition of a "gem" quality zircon from the Mud Tank Carbonatite, Australia
December 5 RPI Dr. Jennifer Macalady
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Archaea, lipid monolayers, and life in acids

Spring 2001

January 24 RPI Dr. Roberta Rudnick
University of Maryland
Stability of Archean lithosphere: a Tanzanian perspective
February 7 RPI Dr. David Wark
Plumbing of the subcaldera magma system at Toba, site of Earth's largest known volcanic eruption 
February 14 Albany Dr. William Peck
Colgate University
Oxygen Isotopes of >4.0 Ga Zircons: Evidence for Low Temperature Water-Rock Interaction
February 21
Dr. Taury Smith
New York State Museum
Practical and scientific applications of sequence stratigraphy
February 26

Origins of Life Seminar
Dr. Mike Russell
 Scottish Universities Research and Reactor Centre
The Emergence of Life from FeS/Fe(OH)2 Bubbles at Alkaline Hot Seepages in an Acid Ocean
February 28 RPI Dr. Mike Russell
 Scottish Universities Research and Reactor Centre
The Search for Signs of Ancient Life on Mars: Expectations from Hydromagnesite Microbialites, Salda Lake, Turkey
March 16

Albany Dr. Isabel Montañez
University of California, Davis
AAPG Distinguished Lecturer
Evolution of Permian Atmospheric pCO2 and Western Equatorial Pangean Climate as Recorded by Paleosol Morphologic and Geochemical Proxies
March 22

RPI Dr. Bob Poreda
University of Rochester
Extra-terrestrial fullerenes in meteorites and terrestrial impact deposits: Evidence for the
exogenous delivery of origin molecules and the evolution of the Earth's atmosphere
March 28 Albany Dr. Andreas Plesch
Harvard University
3D modelling of active faulting in the Los Angeles Basin
April 11 RPI Dr. Ramon Aravena
University of Waterloo
Application of environmental isotopes to evaluate biodegradation of organic contaminants
in groundwater
April 18 RPI Dr. Anne Meltzer
Lehigh University
Seismic Characterization of an Active Metamorphic Massif, Nanga Parbat, Pakistan Himalaya
April 25 Albany Dr. Jack Bird
Cornell University
Rocks from the core-mantle boundary region?
May 2 Albany Dr. Jeff  Karson
Duke University
Building the upper oceanic crust at fast- to intermediate-spreading rate ridges: New insights from Hess Deep and the Blanco Transform

Fall 2000

September 13 Albany Dr. Ruth Yanai
 SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse
Calcium depletion from forest soils: Acid rain, or aging forests?
September 20 RPI Dr. Dave Walker
LDEO, Columbia University
Core involvement in Mantle Geochemistry
September 27 Albany Dr. Bruce Watson
Behavior of fluids and melts in the Earth: new insights from the experimental lab
October 4 RPI Dr. Franciso Gomez
 Cornell University
Earthquakes and active tectonics of the Dead Sea fault system in Syria and Lebanon
October 11
Dr. Matthias Ohr
URS Corp/Dames & Moore
The Federal Superfund Program - A Case Study from Farmingdale, New York
October 18 Albany Dr. David Gallo
 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Beyond the Edge of an Unfamiliar World:  A New Frontier in Ocean Exploration
November 1 RPI Dr. Cutis Olsen
Univ. of  Massachusetts,  Boston
Quantifying Rates of Environmental Processes using Naturally Occurring Beryllium-7 as a Biogeochemical Tracer
November 8 RPI Dr. Rob VanderHilst
The Skippy Project: Seismological studies of the upper mantle beneath the Australian continent 
November 29 Albany Dr. Suzanne Baldwin
Syracuse University
Continental Extension in the Western Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea
December 6 RPI Dr. Steve Chillrud
LDEO, Columbia University
Interpreting the history of atmospheric metals in the NY metropolitan area as collected by mud, trees, and plastic fibers

Spring 2000

January 19 RPI Dr. Charles Williams
Observations and Modeling of Current Surface Deformation at Mt. Etna Volcano, Sicily
January 26 Albany Dr. John Delano
University at Albany
How, and When, did the Earth's interior achieve its current oxidation state?:  Implications for the origin of life
February 2 RPI Dr. Alberto Saal 
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Re-Os systematics in Horoman peridotite: evidence for refertilization
February 9 Albany Dr. Greg Lawrence
US Geological Survey
Effects of Acid Rain:  Terrestrial - Aquatic Linkages
February 16 RPI Dr. Steve Shirey
DTM - Carnegie Institution
New perspectives on contintental formation from mantle eclogites and eclogitic sulfide inclusions in diamonds
February 23
Dr. Alexander Ginzburg
Ford Foundation, Moscow
Global Urbanization and UN Sustainable Cities Program
March 1 RPI Dr. Mary Roden-Tice
SUNY Plattsburg
Differential Unroofing in the Adirondack Mts New York State Determined by Apatite Fission-Track Thermochronology
March 22 Albany Dr. John Tarduno
University of Rochester
Motion of the Hawaiian hotspot during formation of the Emperor 
March  31

RPI Dr. Ellis L. Yochelson
National Museum of Natural History
An Empire State boy who made it big in Washington: Charles Doolittle Walcott on his 150th birthday
April 5 Albany Dr. Scott Samson
Syracuse University
Evolution and paleogeography of a Neoproterozoic arc-terrane: The Cadomia terrane of northern France and British Channel Islands
April 12 RPI Dr. Al Duba
American Museum of Natural History
Electrical Conductivity of the Crust and Upper Mantle
May 3 Albany Dr. Susan Humphris
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Geological and Geochemical Investigations of the TAG hydrothermal field on the mid-Atlantic Ridge: Constraints on the Dynamics of Oceanic Hydrothermal Systems

Fall 1999

September 8 RPI Dr. John Delano
University at Albany
Composition of the Earth's atmosphere through time: Implications for the origin of life
September 15 Albany Dr. Tim Kusky 
Boston University
Geodynamics of the southern Alaska convergent margin: accretion history, ridge subduction, coastwise strike-slip, and implications for continental growth
September 22 RPI Dr. Bill Holt
SUNY Stony Brook
Some Ideas About Seismic Hazards and Crustal Dynamics in the Western United States
September 29 Albany Dr. Eugene Rozanov 
University of Illinois 
3-D simulations of the atmospheric dynamics and photochemistry changes caused by products of the Pinatubo volcanic eruption
October 6 RPI Dr. Geoff Abers
Boston University
Seismic evidence for metamorphism deep within subducting slabs
October 13
Dr. Michael Rampino 
New York University
Did a comet kill the dinosaurs?
October 20 RPI Dr. Jon Price
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Fluorine and Felsic Magmas: The Story Within the Mineral Assemblage and Texture of the Mount Scott Granite, Oklahoma 
November 3 RPI Dr. Terry Plank
Boston University
Sediment Recycling at the Subduction Factory and Consequences for the Continents
November 10 Albany Dr. Richard Naslund 
SUNY Binghamton
Origin of magnetite lavas at El Laco, Chile
November 17 RPI Dr. Bryan Isacks
Cornell University
Radar Illuminates Enigmas of Western Andean Tectonics

Spring 1999
February 3 Albany Dr. George Davis
Univ. of Arizona
AAPG Distinguished Lecturer
Amazing displays of deformation band shear zones within structure-tectonic systems of the Colorado Plateau ... from Zion to Bryce and beyond
February 10 RPI Dr. Meghan Miller
Kinematics of plate margin deformation in the Eastern California shear zone and the Cascadia fore arc
February 19

Albany Dr. Delia Oppo
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Millennial Scale Climate Variability in the North Atlantic
February 24
Dr. Roger Buck
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Aspects of Continental Extension: Faulting, Viscous Flow and the Width of Rifting
March 17 Albany Dr. Bruce Selleck
Colgate University
Late Cenozoic Climate Change in the Interior of Alaska: The Record from the Tanana Basin
March 24 RPI Dr. Brad Linsley
University at Albany

The Developing Utilization of Pacific Corals to Reconstruct Interannual and Decadal Climatic Change
March 31 Albany Dr. Ed Mathez
American Museum of Natural History
Telling the story of the Earth in the coming Hall of Planet Earth
April 14 Albany Dr. Ben Hanson
Corning Glass
The systematics of Cr3+ and Cr2+ partitioning between olivine and liquid in the presence of spinel
April 21 Rensselaer Dr. Leslie Sonder
Dartmouth College
Driving forces for Western US Deformation

Fall 1998
September 11 Albany Dr Glenn Gaetani
Experimental constraints on subduction zone melt generation
September 25 Albany Dr. John Garver
Union College
Collision of the Olutorsky Arc, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russian Far East; Implications for the development of the NW Pacfic
October 2
Dr. Charles Rubin
Central Washington University
Evidence for Large Earthquakes in Metropolitan Los Angeles, California
October 9 Albany Dr. Amy Clement
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Orbital controls and millenial timescale variability in the tropical climate
October 16 Rensselaer Dr. Jim McLelland
Colgate University

High precision zircon ages and the Grenville orogenic cycle (ca. 1350-1000 Ma) in the Adirondack Mts. and adjacent Canada
October 23 Albany Dr. Peter deMenocal
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Holocene Variations in Subtropical Atlantic climate: Links to the North Atlantic
October 30 Rensselaer Dr. Dan Davis
SUNY Stony Brook
Modeling oblique convergence
November 6 Albany Dr. Doug Burbank
Pennsylvania State University
Nascent ranges during intraplate deformation: sequential structural and geomorphic evolution of the western Tien Shan
November 13 Rensselaer Dr. Jim Webster
American Museum of Natural History
Relationships involving magmatic volatiles and eruptive behavior of Mt. Vesuvius during interplinian volcanic activity: 472 to 1139 A.D. and 1631 to 1944 A.D.
November 20 Albany Dr. Tracy Rushmer
University of Vermont
Mineral reactions and melt segregation: What's the connection?
December 4 Albany Dr. Geoffrey Seltzer
Syracuse University
Late-Quaternary Paleoclimates of the Tropical Andes

Spring 1998
January 23 Albany Dr Tyler Volk
New York University
The power of life: Material cycles within the biosphere evaluated with global cycling ratios
January 29 Rensselaer Dr. Michihiko Nakamura
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Kinetics of Phenocryst-Melt Reequilibration during Magma Ascent and Mixing: Implications for Mechanism and Time-scale of Volcanic Eruptions
February 6 Albany Dr. David A. Spencer
University of Maine, Orono
The Himalayas: Evidence for the Timing and Evolution of a Continental Collision from High Pressure Metamorphism
February 12
Dr. Ed Landing
New York State Geological Survey
The Avalon Continent and Precise Dating of the Cambrian Evolutionary Radiation
February 20 Albany Dr. Haroon Kheshgi
Exxon Research and Engineering Company
Estimation of the Uncertainty of Carbon Cycle and Climate Responses to Future Emissions Scenarios
February 24

Albany Dr. Trevor Elliott
University of Liverpool
AAPG Distinguished Lecturer
Fluvial Systems in Mountain Belts and Foreland Basins: an Alpine-Himalayan perspective
February 26 Rensselaer Dr. Steve Chilleud
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Trace Metals in Central Park
March 6 Albany Dr. Ken Caldeira
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Simulating the ocean carbon cycle
March 19 Rensselaer Dr. Chen Zhu
HSI Geo Trans, Inc., Colorado
Responses of groundwater in the Black Mesa basin, northeastern Arizona, to paleoclimatic changes during the late Pleistocene and Holocene
March 26 Rensselaer Dr. Yu-Ping Chin
Ohio State University
From Wetlands to Watersheds: The Environmental Geochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter in Hydrologic Systems
April 3 Albany Dr. Garry Karner
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Tectonic controls and signatures in sedimentary sequences: Examples from the west African and northwest Australian margins
April 9 Rensselaer Dr. Gerald M. Friedman
Brooklyn College & Northeastern Science Foundation
The Early History of the Geological Sciences in New York State
April 17 Albany Dr. Renee Heilbronner
Geologisches Institut, Basel
The development of crystallographic orientations and misorientations in naturally deformed quartz
April 23 Rensselaer Dr. T. A. Abrajano
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Understanding the sources and fate of organic contaminants in surface and groundwater systems
April 30

Rensselaer Dr. Chunmiao Zheng
University of Alabama
Can we really predict contaminant transport in the subsurface? -- Lessons learned from the Columbus site
May 1

Albany Dr. Dean Falk
University at Albany, Dept. of Anthropology
New Findings Regarding Human Brain Evolution
May 11

Rensselaer Dr. David Genereux
Florida International University
Field Determination of Hydrogeological Parameters in the Everglades, Dade County, Florida

Fall 1997
September 12 Albany Dr. Bruce Watson
Chemical transport in deep-seated rocks: the role of fluids
September 18 Rensselaer Dr. Karl Karlstrom
Univ of New Mexico
1.8 billion years of lithospheric evolution: the record from the Grand Canyon
September 26 Albany Dr. Declan DePaor
Harvard University
Geosciences and the microcomputer revolution
October 9
Dr. Michael Gaffey


Recent geological studies of asteroids: Hubble, NEAR, Galileo, and Hawaii
October 17 Albany Dr. Andre Lapenis
SUNY Albany
Environmental Changes: East European Plain during the last hundred years (study of historic Russian soil collection)
October 23 Rensselaer Dr. Ian Baker
Dislocations in Ice
October 31 Albany Dr. Gerard Bond
LDEO, Columbia University
Evidence of a pervasive, millenial time-scale instability in the Earth's climate: the record from 900 years A.D. to 130,000 years B.P.
November 6 Rensselaer Dr. John Mustard

Brown University

Mafic mineralogy of the Martian crust from remote sensing: implications for the mantle
November 14 Albany Dr. Michael Williams

University of Massachusetts

The evolution of the deep crust: interaction of mantle, magma, metamorphism and deformation in the East Athabasca Mylonite Triangle, Saskatchewan
November 20 Rensselaer Dr. George Flynn
SUNY Plattsburgh
Clues to the Sources of Interplanetary Dust Particles and Implications for the Properties of Asteroids and Comets
December 5 Albany Dr. Paul Hess
Brown University
Thermal and petrological evolution of the Moon

Spring 1997
January 24 Albany
Dr. Glenn MacPherson
Smithsonian Institution
CRO-Magma Man: one petrologist's adventures in deciphering greenstones in the California Coast Ranges
January 31 Rensselaer
Dr. Phyllis Budka
GE Power Systems
Meteoritic Widmanstatten Structure - A new look at old ideas
February 7 Albany
Dr. Rob McCaffrey
Oblique convergence and the active deformation of Southern Tibet
February 20

Dr. Don Seigel
Syracuse University
Hydrogeology, Solute Transport and the Ecological Succession of the Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands: Implications for Global Warming
February 28 Albany
Dr. Haraldur Sigurdsson
URI-Grad. School of Oceanography
KT impact and environmental effects - a Petrologists Perspective
March 21 Albany
Dr. Martin I. Hoffert
Energy Implications of IPCC CO2 Stabiliztion Scenarios
March 28 Rensselaer
Dr. Mark Person
University of Minnesota
1997 Birdsall-Dreiss Lecture; Basin-Scale Hydrogeological Modeling: Problems, Solutions and Applications
April 4 Albany
Dr. John Arnason
University at Albany
Platinum, postcumulus processes, and pickled polar plutons
April 11 Rensselaer
Dr. Yan Liang
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Chemical diffusion in molten silicates: Experimental results and geochemical applications
April 18 Albany
Dr. William Patterson
Syracuse University
Position of the northern circumpolar vortex during the last millenium: evidence from high-resolution analyses of otoliths
April 25 Rensselaer
Dr. Walter Mitronovas
NYS Geological Survey
History of Early Seismograph and Its Role in the Study of the Earth and Earthquakes

Fall 1996

September 13 Rensselaer
Dr. CJ Northrop
Boston University
Interactions among contractional, extensional, and transpressional processes in the midcrust of a collisional orogen: the northern Scandinavian Caledonides
September 20 Rensselaer
Dr. Steve Roecker
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Dynamics of the Tien Shan
September 27 Albany
Dr. Frederick Nelson
University at Albany
Permafrost and the active layer: Extent, variability, and role in climate-change research
October 4 Rensselaer
Dr. Eric Rosencrantz
Opening the Cayman Trough
October 11 Albany
Dr. William Holt
SUNY at Stony Brook
Crustal kinematics and shear wave splitting in Asia: constraints on lithospheric dynamics
October 18 Albany
Dr. Carol Simpson
Boston University
Getting the most out of highly strained rocks
November 4
Dr. Hans Laubscher
AAPG Distinguished Lecturer
A New Adventure in Alpine Tectonics: Transorogenic Connections of Foreland Thrusts Across the Miocene Alps
November 8 Albany
Dr. David Anastasio
Lehigh University
Volume loss and metasomatism during cleavage formation in carbonate rocks; Lost River Range, Idaho
November 15 Rensselaer
Dr. Marc Speigelman
Columbia University
Dynamical Geochemistry vs. Chemical Geodynamics: What's the difference, and who cares?
November 22 Albany
Dr. Leigh Royden
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
What controls Tectonic Style? From single faults to regional systems
December 6 Rensselaer
Dr. H. James Simpson
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
El Nino and Surface Water Management in Australia

Spring 1996
February 9
Dr. Martin Stute
Columbia University

Noble gases in groundwater -- implications for flow dynamics and paleoclimate

February 16
Dr. David Rowley
University of Chicago
Exhumation of ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks: Observations from the Dabie Shan
February 23 Albany
Dr. Art Goldstein
Colgate University
Strain and geochemical constraints on volume loss in Taconic slates
March 1

Dr. Jeff Park
Yale University
Looking for love in all the wrong places
March 6 RPI
Dr. Arnaud Pecher
Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
The Himalayan/Karakorum boundary in northern Pakistan
March 22
Dr. Donna Rizzo
University of Vermont
Site characterization and parameter estimation using artificial neural networks
March 29 Albany
Dr. Roger Buck
Columbia University
Mechanical effects of magmatism on rifting
April 3 RPI
Dr. Tucker Barrie
Geological Survey of Canada
The role of komatiite and high silica rhyolite footwall rocks in the genesis of the giant Kidd Creek volcano-associated massive sulfide deposit, Timmins, Ontario:geochemistry, geothermometry, and heat and fluid flow modelling
April 12 Albany
Dr. Paul Bierman
University of Vermont
Cosmic rays and alluvial fans -- tectonic and landscape implications for California and Vermont
April 19 RPI
Dr. Roberta Rudnick
Harvard University
The composition of the continental crust: the view from downunder
April 26 Albany
Dr. Jane Gilotti
NYS Geological Survey
Eclogites and related rocks in the North-East Greenland Caledonides

Fall 1995

September 8
Dr.  Chris Wilson
Univ. of Melbourne
Tectonic evolution of the Longmen Mountains and western Sichuan Basin, China
September 15 RPI Dr. Tobias Winther
Partial melting of rocks and some problems dealing with very complex geological systems
September 22
Albany Dr. Dean Livelybrooks
Ecole Polytech., Montreal

Geophysical images of the Iapetus suture zone in Britain and their tectonic implications
September 29
Dr. Jim Knapp
Cornell University
Seismic refection profiling of the Ural orogen
October 6
Albany Dr. Brad Linsley
SUNY Albany
 Corals and climatic reconstruction in the eastern Pacific over the last 300 years
October 13

RPI Dr. Tracy Rushmer
Univ. of Vermont
Melt segregation in the lower crust: An experimental approach
October 27
RPI Dr. J. Matthew Davis
Univ. of New Hampshire
An outcrop study of geologic heterogeneity: Implications for flow and transport modeling
November 3
Albany Dr.  Sue Treagus
Univ. of Manchester
Shapes of geological objects as deformation and competence indicators: barrels, lemons, flags, ribbons, and fish
November 10

RPI Dr.  Peter Molnar
Aspects of interchange between tectonics and climate change
December 1 RPI Dr.  Christopher Fedo
Univ. of Western Ontario
Evolution of the -3.0 Ga Buhwa Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe: Implications for Archean paleoweathering conditions, provenance, and tectonics in the Limpopo Belt

Spring 1995

February 10
Albany Dr.  Steven Phipps
Univ. of Pennsylvania
Subduction zones unclothed: ophiolites, olistostromes, and melanges in California
February 17 RPI Dr.  Jim. Willemin
St. Lawrence Univ.
Geomorphology and geodynamics of eastern Taiwan (a tale of a broken bulldozer)
February 24
Albany Dr.  Richard Law
Virginia Polytechnic
From microscope to tectonics: examples from the Brooks ,Range, Alaska to the Papoose Flat pluton, California
March 3
RPI Dr. Richard Reeder
SUNY Stony Brook
The influence of mineral surface structure on trace element incorporation
March 10


Dr.  Rob Pockalny
Univ. of Rhode Island
The origin of transverse ridges near the Kane Fracture ,Zone, Atlantic Ocean
March 24

Albany Dr. Jeffrey Karson
Duke University
Tertiary faulting and magmatic construction of the east Greenland rifted margin --transition from continental to oceanic crust
March 31
RPI Dr. Lewis E. Gilbert
Lamont Doherty Geological Observatory
The geometry of loading along plate boundaries: inferences from geodetic observations
April 7
Albany Dr. Brian Tucholke
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Structures of segments in slow spreading ocean crust, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
April 14

RPI Dr. Bobb Carson
Lehigh University
Fluid expulsion from the Cascadia accretionary prism: Results from ocean drilling and submersible-based experiments
April 21
Albany Dr.  Jean Crespi
Univ. of Connecticut
Deformation partitioning in the active Taiwan arc-continent collision
April 28
RPI Dr. Leslie Sonder
Dartmouth Univ.
Doing the twist: Paleomagnetic constraints on kinematics and dynamics of vertical-axis rotations in zones of strike-slip deformation
May 4

Albany Dr. David Harwood
University of Nebraska
Cenozoic History of the. Antarctic Ice Sheet

Seminars by invited speakers prior to Spring 1995 in the Dept. of Geological Sciences of the University at Albany were sponsored wholly by the Department.
( RPI Geological Sciences had a separate colloquium series)

Geological Sciences index page