Domain Centered Over Albany, NY (KALB)
2 meter Temperature (oF), station output to nearest oF | Brightness Temperature at Top of Atmosphere (oC)

1 km Reflectivity (dBZ), station liquid precip. total (in) | 10 meter wind speed (kt) and direction (vectors)

Model derived BUFR sounding over KALB | Model derived BUFR sounding over KJFK

Domain Centered Over Current WxChallenge Location (KBDU)
2 meter Temperature (oF), station output to nearest oF | Brightness Temperature at Top of Atmosphere (oC)

1 km Reflectivity (dBZ), station liquid precip. total (in) | 10 meter wind speed (kt) and direction (vectors)

Model derived BUFR sounding over KMGM | Model derived BUFR sounding over KLAR

Floater Domain Centered over ASOS Station (KLAX)
2 meter Temperature (oF), station output to nearest oF | Brightness Temperature at Top of Atmosphere (oC)

1 km Reflectivity (dBZ), station liquid precip. total (in) | 10 meter wind speed (kt) and direction (vectors)

Model derived BUFR sounding over KAVL | Model derived BUFR sounding over KGSO

Special Diagnostic Products Centered over ASOS Station (KALB)
925-hPa Frontogenesis (K 100km-1 3h-1) | 850-hPa Frontogenesis (K 100km-1 3h-1)

700-hPa Frontogenesis (K 100km-1 3h-1) | 1 km Reflectivity (dBZ), station liquid precip. total (in)