ATM 211 - Weather Analysis and Forecasting


The goals of ATM 211 are to teach you the fundamental synoptic-scale processes of the atmosphere. After the mid-point in the semester, we will begin an in-class forecasting contest, first starting with Albany, then moving to other parts of the country.


UW-Madison AOS


Assignments and Important Info:

Final exam Friday, May 3, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM

...Topics for final: pdf

ATM 211 forecast contest website

...Forecast tips

MOS guide

Forecast bust summary due Tuesday, April 30

...Sample bust summary

Sample sounding for parcel theory

Your responsibilities will include one midterm and one final, taking several quizzes on lecture material and geography, mapping and Skew-T assignments, as well as forecasting during the final few weeks of the course.

Instructor: Ross Lazear, ETEC 417

Email: rlazear *at*

Office hours: Mon., and Wed., 2:30-3:30p

TA: Megan Schiede, ETEC 438

Email: mschiede *at*

Office hours: Tue., and Thur., 12:00-1:00p

Syllabus (pdf)