ATM 211 - Weather Analysis and Forecasting


The goals of ATM 211 are to teach you the fundamental synoptic-scale processes of the atmosphere. After the mid-point in the semester, we will begin an in-class forecasting contest, first starting with Albany, then moving to other parts of the country.


UW-Madison AOS


Assignments and Important Info:

Purchase a laminated Skew-T and wet erase markers:
Skew-T Log-P Diagram for $12.95
Wet erase markers

Quiz #3 Thursday, September 26

Skew-T HW 1 due Wednesday, September 18

Temperature and dew point contour assignment due Wednesday, September 11
(Contour temp. every 5 deg. F in black, and dew point every 10 deg. F in green)

Your responsibilities will include one midterm and one final, taking several quizzes on lecture material and geography, mapping and Skew-T assignments, as well as forecasting during the final few weeks of the course.

Instructor: Ross Lazear, ETEC 417

Email: rlazear *at*

Office hours: 1:30-2:30p Tue., and 10:15-11:15a Wed.

TA: Michael Barletta, ETEC 366

Email: mnbarletta *at*

Office hours: 10:15-11:15 Mon., and 12:00-1:00p Thur.
3rd floor atrium ETEC

Syllabus (pdf)