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Welcome to the Vuille (paleo-) climate lab

Our research focuses on past, present and future climate change in the tropics, with a special focus on South America and the Andes. We use observations (in-situ and remote sensing), regional (WRF) and global models of varying complexity (including isotope-enabled models), reanalysis and paleo data assimilation products to investigate the role of internal variability and external forcings in driving past climate change, with the aim of better constraining future projections. Our work is embedded in larger funded initiatives, such PIRE-CREATEACCION or AccelNet-ACCORD and involves close collaboration with our partners in South America.

Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University at Albany, SUNY
ETEC Bldg. - Harriman Campus, 1220 Washington Ave., 
Albany, NY 12226, USA

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