Tropical Cyclone Diurnal Cycle

As a third and fourth year graduate student, I investigated whether CM1 can reproduce the observed tropical cyclone diurnal cycle.

Research Details

Description: The axisymmetric version of CM1 was used in an attempt to recreate the tropical cyclone diurnal cycle (TCDC). A random Gaussian noise distribution was applied at the initial time to generate a suite of ten ensemble members. These members were averaged together to remove noise. Results focused on comparing the timing of the TCDC in the model to the observed timing of cirrus canopy expansion, overnight convection, precipitation, and intensity changes. The ensemble mean was used to study the underlying dynamics of the TCDC as portrayed by CM1. Sensitivity experiments related to domain size, microphysics scheme, latitude, cloud-radiative forcing, and radiation were performed.

Presenting results at the 8th Northeast Tropical Workshop and at the 18th Cyclone Workshop, respectively.


    8th Northeast Tropical Workshop
    Sensitivity of the Tropical Cyclone Diurnal Cycle to CM1 Microphysics
    [Link to Abstract]

  • 18th Cyclone Workshop
    The Tropical Cyclone Diurnal Cycle in CM1 using an Ensemble Approach
    [Link to Abstract]
  • 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology
    The Tropical Cyclone Diurnal Cycle in CM1 using an Ensemble Approach
    [Link to Abstract]