Quick Look at Weather Information

Use this form to select textual products

Enter Station ID:
If you do not know what station ID to use you can lookup city code by state or city code by name. This page now also supports full city names for most stations. Note: you can use either the new 4 letter ID, or, the old 3 letter ID for surface observations, but, you must still use the 3 letter ID for allthe other products
You can specify multiple stations by seperating the names with a comma. For example the information for Albany and Buffalo can be obtained by entering "albany,buffalo" (note: there must not be a space in the string). A useful way to get all available products for Albany, NY is to specify "alb,aly" since some products come from each location.

Which products would you like?
  1. Surface Observations for the last hours
  2. Decoded Surface Observations for the last hours
  3. Short range forecast (nowcast)
  4. Zone forecast
  5. State forecast
  6. State forecast discussion
  7. NAM MOS guidance
  8. NGM MOS guidance Key to reading NGM MOS
  9. GFS MOS short-range guidance
  10. GFS MOS long-range guidance
  11. NGM FOUS guidance Key to reading NGM FOUS
  12. NAM FOUS guidance Key to reading NAM FOUS
  13. Climatological summary
  14. Watch and Warnings statments
  15. Park/Ski Recreation reports/forecasts (in season)
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