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Faculty and Staff of the former Department of Geological Sciences (1968-1996)
and Program in Geological Sciences (1996-2010) in the Department of Environmental
and Atmospheric Sciences
NOTE: The University at Albany does not now offer course or degree programs in the Geological Sciences.
This web page and those linked below it on this website are offered for the historical record, and for the archival information they contain
Note that only two persons listed on this page (#) hold a current appointment (other than emeritus) at the University at Albany.

John G. Arnason - Resigned 2008. Research Scientist, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health,
and adjunct faculty member in Environmental Chemistry, School of Public Health, University at Albany

Peter C. Benedict, Emeritus Associate Professor - Retired 1983. Deceased 1987. Memorial service leaflet

John M. Bird  Professor Emeritus, Cornell University. Left Albany 1972.

Kevin Burke Professor Emeritus, University of Houston. Left Albany 1983.

John W. Delano Distingushed Teaching Professor Emeritus - Retired 2012.

Stephen E. DeLong Professor Emeritus - Retired 2012.

John F. Dewey, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of California, Davis. Left Albany 1982.

Paul J. Fox, Professor Emeritus, Texas A&M University. Left Albany 1980.

Gregory D. Harper Professor Emeritus - Retired 2004.

T. Mark Harrison, Professor, Dept of Earth and Space Sciences, University of California Los Angeles. Left Albany 1989.

William S. F. Kidd Professor Emeritus - Retired 2010.

Andre Lapenas #Professor - primary appointment in the Dept. of Geography and Planning

Braddock K. Linsley  Resigned 2011. - Lamont Research Professor, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, NY

W. D. Means Professor Emeritus - Retired 1998.

Akiho Miyashiro, Professor Emeritus - Retired 1991. Deceased 2008. [obituary]

George W. Putman Associate Professor Emeritus - Retired 1993.

Paul F. Williams, Professor Emeritus, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. Left Albany 1972.


Diana Paton - Dept Secretary 1978-2003 (Geological Sciences 1978-1996; Earth & Atmospheric Sciences 1996-2003)
Linda Schroll - Dept Secretary 1969-1978
Donna Kelly - Dept Office
Terri Vanderwerken - Dept Office
Al Hajeck - Geological Sciences Machine Shop
Art Steinstra - Geological Sciences Machine Shop
Brian Taylor - Geological Sciences Machine Shop
Mrs M.E. Bartlett - Geochemical Lab
Fumiko Shido - Geochemical Lab
Karleen Davis - Electron probe Lab
Matt Heitzler
- Argon dating Lab
Dale Mitchell - FTMS Lab
Bryan Hearn - FTMS Lab
Patti Seguin, Secretary
Stephen S. Howe
, #Research Geochemist

Adjunct Faculty*
[*Please note that these are not current appointments at the University at Albany, since the closure of the Geological Sciences Program]
John Garver
, Professor of Geology, Union College
Donald Rodbell
, Professor of Geology, Union College
Ed Landing
, Principal Scientist, Paleontology, New York State Museum; State Paleontologist Emeritus
Charles ver Straeten
, Senior Scientist, Stratigraphy, New York State Museum
Langhorn "Taury" Smith
, formerly Senior Scientist, Oil & Gas, New York State Museum

Former Visiting Faculty
Bruce Hobbs (1971-1972)
Volker Dietrich (1970-1972)
Daniel Fornari  (1979-1981)
John Bender  (1981- 1983)
Dwight Bradley (1983-1984)
Karen Kimball (1985-1986)
Herb Wang  (1989-1990)
Peter Renders (1991-1994)
Mary Roden (1992-1994)
Jennifer Thomson (1994-1996)

Post-doctoral visitors
Janos Urai
Calvin Miller
Wayne Sawka

The history and former distinction of the Geological Sciences at Albany

Honors and Awards to former members of Geological Sciences at Albany

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Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences,
University at Albany, State University of New York
Last revision:  2017/03/20