Xarray 7: Calculating ENSO with Xarray


  • Load SST data from CESM2

  • Mask data using .where() method

  • Compute climatologies and anomalies using .groupby()

  • Use .rolling() to compute moving average

  • Compute, normalize, and plot the Niño 3.4 Index





Introduction to Xarray


Computation and Masking


  • Time to learn: 20 minutes


import as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xarray as xr
from pythia_datasets import DATASETS

Niño 3.4 Index

In this notebook, we are going to combine all concepts/topics we’ve covered so far to compute Niño 3.4 Index for the CESM2 submission for the CMIP6 project.

Niño 3.4 (5N-5S, 170W-120W): The Niño 3.4 anomalies may be thought of as representing the average equatorial SSTs across the Pacific from about the dateline to the South American coast. The Niño 3.4 index typically uses a 5-month running mean, and El Niño or La Niña events are defined when the Niño 3.4 SSTs exceed +/- 0.4C for a period of six months or more.

Nino X Index computation: (a) Compute area averaged total SST from Niño X region; (b) Compute monthly climatology (e.g., 1950-1979) for area averaged total SST from Niño X region, and subtract climatology from area averaged total SST time series to obtain anomalies; © Smooth the anomalies with a 5-month running mean; (d) Normalize the smoothed values by its standard deviation over the climatological period.

At the end of this notebook, you should be able to produce a plot that looks similar to this Oceanic Niño Index plot:

Open the sea surface temperature and areacello datasets and use Xarray’s merge method to combine them into a single one.

filepath = DATASETS.fetch('')
data = xr.open_dataset(filepath)
filepath2 = DATASETS.fetch('')
areacello = xr.open_dataset(filepath2).areacello
ds = xr.merge([data, areacello])
Dimensions:    (time: 180, d2: 2, lat: 180, lon: 360)
  * time       (time) object 2000-01-15 12:00:00 ... 2014-12-15 12:00:00
  * lat        (lat) float64 -89.5 -88.5 -87.5 -86.5 ... 86.5 87.5 88.5 89.5
  * lon        (lon) float64 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 ... 356.5 357.5 358.5 359.5
Dimensions without coordinates: d2
Data variables:
    time_bnds  (time, d2) object ...
    lat_bnds   (lat, d2) float64 ...
    lon_bnds   (lon, d2) float64 ...
    tos        (time, lat, lon) float32 ...
    areacello  (lat, lon) float64 ...
Attributes: (12/45)
    Conventions:            CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2
    activity_id:            CMIP
    branch_method:          standard
    branch_time_in_child:   674885.0
    branch_time_in_parent:  219000.0
    case_id:                972
    ...                     ...
    sub_experiment_id:      none
    table_id:               Omon
    tracking_id:            hdl:21.14100/2975ffd3-1d7b-47e3-961a-33f212ea4eb2
    variable_id:            tos
    variant_info:           CMIP6 20th century experiments (1850-2014) with C...
    variant_label:          r11i1p1f1
<xarray.DataArray 'tos' ()>
    time     object 2000-01-15 12:00:00

Visualize the first time slice to make sure the data looks okay

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Robinson(central_longitude=180))
    ax=ax, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), vmin=-2, vmax=30, cbar_kwargs={'shrink': 0.5}, cmap='coolwarm'

Select the Niño 3.4 region

There are a couple ways we could selecting the Niño 3.4 region:

  1. Use sel() or isel()

  2. Use where() and select all vlaues within the bounds of interest

1: sel:

tos_nino34 = ds.sel(lat=slice(-5, 5), lon=slice(190, 240))
Dimensions:    (time: 180, d2: 2, lat: 10, lon: 50)
  * time       (time) object 2000-01-15 12:00:00 ... 2014-12-15 12:00:00
  * lat        (lat) float64 -4.5 -3.5 -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5
  * lon        (lon) float64 190.5 191.5 192.5 193.5 ... 236.5 237.5 238.5 239.5
Dimensions without coordinates: d2
Data variables:
    time_bnds  (time, d2) object ...
    lat_bnds   (lat, d2) float64 ...
    lon_bnds   (lon, d2) float64 ...
    tos        (time, lat, lon) float32 ...
    areacello  (lat, lon) float64 ...
Attributes: (12/45)
    Conventions:            CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2
    activity_id:            CMIP
    branch_method:          standard
    branch_time_in_child:   674885.0
    branch_time_in_parent:  219000.0
    case_id:                972
    ...                     ...
    sub_experiment_id:      none
    table_id:               Omon
    tracking_id:            hdl:21.14100/2975ffd3-1d7b-47e3-961a-33f212ea4eb2
    variable_id:            tos
    variant_info:           CMIP6 20th century experiments (1850-2014) with C...
    variant_label:          r11i1p1f1

2: where:

tos_nino34 = ds.where((<5) & (>-5) & (ds.lon>190) & (ds.lon<240), drop=True)
Dimensions:    (time: 180, d2: 2, lat: 10, lon: 50)
  * time       (time) object 2000-01-15 12:00:00 ... 2014-12-15 12:00:00
  * lat        (lat) float64 -4.5 -3.5 -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5
  * lon        (lon) float64 190.5 191.5 192.5 193.5 ... 236.5 237.5 238.5 239.5
Dimensions without coordinates: d2
Data variables:
    time_bnds  (time, d2, lat, lon) object 2000-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2015-01-01...
    lat_bnds   (lat, d2, lon) float64 -5.0 -5.0 -5.0 -5.0 ... 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
    lon_bnds   (lon, d2, lat) float64 190.0 190.0 190.0 ... 240.0 240.0 240.0
    tos        (time, lat, lon) float32 28.26 28.16 28.06 ... 28.54 28.57 28.63
    areacello  (lat, lon) float64 1.233e+10 1.233e+10 ... 1.233e+10 1.233e+10
Attributes: (12/45)
    Conventions:            CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2
    activity_id:            CMIP
    branch_method:          standard
    branch_time_in_child:   674885.0
    branch_time_in_parent:  219000.0
    case_id:                972
    ...                     ...
    sub_experiment_id:      none
    table_id:               Omon
    tracking_id:            hdl:21.14100/2975ffd3-1d7b-47e3-961a-33f212ea4eb2
    variable_id:            tos
    variant_info:           CMIP6 20th century experiments (1850-2014) with C...
    variant_label:          r11i1p1f1

Let’s plot the selected region to make sure we are doing the right thing.

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Robinson(central_longitude=180))
    ax=ax, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cbar_kwargs={'shrink': 0.5}, vmin=-2, vmax=30, cmap='coolwarm'
ax.set_extent((120, 300, 10, -10))

Compute monthly climatology

Compute the monthly climo for area averaged total SST from Niño 3.4 region, and subtract climatology from area averaged total SST time series to obtain anomalies

gb = tos_nino34.tos.groupby('time.month')
tos_nino34_anom = gb - gb.mean(dim='time')
index_nino34 = tos_nino34_anom.weighted(tos_nino34.areacello).mean(dim=['lat', 'lon'])

Smooth the anomalies with a 5-month running mean

index_nino34_rolling_mean = index_nino34.rolling(time=5,center=True).mean()
plt.legend(['anomaly', '5-month running mean anomaly']);

Normalize the smoothed values

We’ll normalize the values by dividing the rolling mean by the standard deviation.

std_dev = tos_nino34.tos.std()
<xarray.DataArray 'tos' ()>
normalized_index_nino34_rolling_mean = index_nino34_rolling_mean / std_dev

Visualize the computed Niño 3.4 index.

We’ll highlight values in excess of 0.5, roughly corresponding to El Niño (warm) / La Niña (cold) events.

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))

        normalized_index_nino34_rolling_mean >= 0.4
        normalized_index_nino34_rolling_mean <= -0.4

plt.axhline(0, color='black', lw=0.5)
plt.axhline(0.4, color='black', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='dotted')
plt.axhline(-0.4, color='black', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='dotted')
plt.title('Niño 3.4 Index');


  • We have applied a variety of Xarray’s selection, grouping, and statistical functions to compute and visualize an important climate index.

What’s next?

In the next notebook, we will use Xarray to analyze and visualize NWP model output in another common format, GRIB.

Resources and References