ATM 419/563 - Applications of Numerical Weather Prediction, Spring 2023

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Course information

Course syllabus (version of 1/30/23; check for updates)

Course materials for 2023


Idealized WRF: Supercell storm (in-class demo)

Real-data SNOW test case: Setup and run, Experiment #1, and Geogrid assignment

Final project proposal

Planetary boundary layer and surface layer parameterizations

The Real-data WRF Checklist

Boulder windstorm case and Experiment #2

Cloud microphysics

March 2022 thunderstorm and cumulus parameterization ensemble

Final project progress report

"Storm of the Century" case, Part 1: nudging, SKEBS, and Experiment #3

Interlude: Modeling fundamentals, error sources, and troubleshooting

Cumulus parameterization

Linear and nonlinear instability demonstration

"Storm of the Century" case, Part #2: model levels, diffusers/dampers, and Experiment #4

The MPAS model

Surface forecast verification using MET: Boulder windstorm case

Miscellaneous and final project information

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